diff options
authorMichael Smith <>2022-05-31 20:38:31 +0100
committerMichael Smith <>2022-05-31 21:00:06 +0100
commit1eff445a270a422ba94ede3205be739e998e530f (patch)
parentab53d435d353b3d34f5453ee657e96e9d55f1ff8 (diff)
Bump version number and zip dates
Preparing for release, I spose!
2 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/version.h b/src/version.h
index 7005932..d21c1b7 100644
--- a/src/version.h
+++ b/src/version.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#define NAME "SST"
#define LONGNAME "Source Speedrun Tools Beta"
-#define VERSION_MINOR 3
-#define VERSION "0.3"
+#define VERSION_MINOR 4
+#define VERSION "0.4"
diff --git a/tools/mkbindist.bat b/tools/mkbindist.bat
index 5fbce17..20cca90 100644
--- a/tools/mkbindist.bat
+++ b/tools/mkbindist.bat
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ set name=sst-v%major%.%minor%-BETA-win32
md TEMP-%name% || exit /B
copy sst.dll TEMP-%name%\sst.dll || exit /B
copy dist\ TEMP-%name%\LICENCE || exit /B
-:: arbitrary dates to make zip deterministic! change on next actual release date!
-powershell (Get-Item TEMP-%name%\sst.dll).LastWriteTime = new-object DateTime 2022, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0
-powershell (Get-Item TEMP-%name%\LICENCE).LastWriteTime = new-object DateTime 2022, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0
+:: using midnight on release day to make zip deterministic! change on next release!
+powershell (Get-Item TEMP-%name%\sst.dll).LastWriteTime = new-object DateTime 2022, 5, 31, 0, 0, 0
+powershell (Get-Item TEMP-%name%\LICENCE).LastWriteTime = new-object DateTime 2022, 5, 31, 0, 0, 0
pushd TEMP-%name%
"%SEVENZIP%" a -mtc=off sst.dll LICENCE || exit /B
move ..\release\