path: root/start/signify/autoload/sy/repo.vim
diff options
authorMichael Smith <>2022-05-22 22:47:23 +0100
committerMichael Smith <>2022-05-22 22:47:23 +0100
commit95aea6b533e71e478d61d18fac71cca116c56a4d (patch)
tree1a1f42f723772258cc54551495826768f374474a /start/signify/autoload/sy/repo.vim
Add all the plugins I currently use
Diffstat (limited to 'start/signify/autoload/sy/repo.vim')
1 files changed, 512 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/start/signify/autoload/sy/repo.vim b/start/signify/autoload/sy/repo.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64bf07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/start/signify/autoload/sy/repo.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+" vim: et sw=2 sts=2
+scriptencoding utf-8
+" Function: #detect {{{1
+function! sy#repo#detect() abort
+ for vcs in s:vcs_list
+ let b:sy.detecting += 1
+ call sy#repo#get_diff_start(vcs)
+ endfor
+" Function: s:callback_nvim_stdout{{{1
+function! s:callback_nvim_stdout(_job_id, data, _event) dict abort
+ if empty(self.stdoutbuf) || empty(self.stdoutbuf[-1])
+ let self.stdoutbuf += a:data
+ else
+ let self.stdoutbuf = self.stdoutbuf[:-2]
+ \ + [self.stdoutbuf[-1] . get(a:data, 0, '')]
+ \ + a:data[1:]
+ endif
+" Function: s:callback_nvim_exit {{{1
+function! s:callback_nvim_exit(_job_id, exitval, _event) dict abort
+ call s:job_exit(self.bufnr, self.vcs, a:exitval, self.stdoutbuf)
+" Function: s:callback_vim_stdout {{{1
+function! s:callback_vim_stdout(_job_id, data) dict abort
+ let self.stdoutbuf += [a:data]
+" Function: s:callback_vim_close {{{1
+function! s:callback_vim_close(channel) dict abort
+ let job = ch_getjob(a:channel)
+ while 1
+ if job_status(job) == 'dead'
+ let exitval = job_info(job).exitval
+ break
+ endif
+ sleep 10m
+ endwhile
+ call s:job_exit(self.bufnr, self.vcs, exitval, self.stdoutbuf)
+" Function: s:job_exit {{{1
+function! s:job_exit(bufnr, vcs, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('job_exit()', a:vcs)
+ let sy = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'sy')
+ if empty(sy)
+ call sy#verbose(printf('No b:sy found for %s', bufname(a:bufnr)), a:vcs)
+ return
+ elseif !empty(sy.updated_by) && sy.updated_by != a:vcs
+ call sy#verbose(printf('Signs already got updated by %s.', sy.updated_by), a:vcs)
+ return
+ elseif empty(sy.vcs) &&
+ let sy.detecting -= 1
+ endif
+ call sy#repo#get_diff_{a:vcs}(sy, a:exitval, a:diff)
+ call setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'sy_job_id_'.a:vcs, 0)
+" Function: sy#get_diff_start {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_start(vcs) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_start()', a:vcs)
+ let job_id = get(b:, 'sy_job_id_'.a:vcs)
+ " Neovim
+ if has('nvim')
+ if job_id
+ silent! call jobstop(job_id)
+ endif
+ let [cmd, options] = s:initialize_job(a:vcs)
+ let [cwd, chdir] = sy#util#chdir()
+ call sy#verbose(['CMD: '. string(cmd), 'CMD DIR: '., 'ORIG DIR: '. cwd], a:vcs)
+ try
+ execute chdir fnameescape(
+ catch
+ echohl ErrorMsg
+ echomsg 'signify: Changing directory failed: '.
+ echohl NONE
+ return
+ endtry
+ let b:sy_job_id_{a:vcs} = jobstart(cmd, extend(options, {
+ \ 'on_stdout': function('s:callback_nvim_stdout'),
+ \ 'on_exit': function('s:callback_nvim_exit'),
+ \ }))
+ execute chdir fnameescape(cwd)
+ " Newer Vim
+ elseif has('patch-7.4.1967')
+ if type(job_id) != type(0)
+ silent! call job_stop(job_id)
+ endif
+ let [cmd, options] = s:initialize_job(a:vcs)
+ let [cwd, chdir] = sy#util#chdir()
+ call sy#verbose(['CMD: '. string(cmd), 'CMD DIR: '., 'ORIG DIR: '. cwd], a:vcs)
+ try
+ execute chdir fnameescape(
+ catch
+ echohl ErrorMsg
+ echomsg 'signify: Changing directory failed: '.
+ echohl NONE
+ return
+ endtry
+ let opts = {
+ \ 'in_io': 'null',
+ \ 'out_cb': function('s:callback_vim_stdout', options),
+ \ 'close_cb': function('s:callback_vim_close', options),
+ \ }
+ let b:sy_job_id_{a:vcs} = job_start(cmd, opts)
+ execute chdir fnameescape(cwd)
+ " Older Vim
+ else
+ let diff = split(s:run(a:vcs), '\n')
+ call sy#repo#get_diff_{a:vcs}(b:sy, v:shell_error, diff)
+ endif
+" Function: s:get_diff_end {{{1
+function! s:get_diff_end(sy, found_diff, vcs, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_end()', a:vcs)
+ if a:found_diff
+ if index(a:sy.vcs, a:vcs) == -1
+ let a:sy.vcs += [a:vcs]
+ endif
+ call sy#set_signs(a:sy, a:vcs, a:diff)
+ else
+ call sy#verbose('No valid diff found. Disabling this VCS.', a:vcs)
+ endif
+" Function: #get_diff_git {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_git(sy, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_git()', 'git')
+ let [found_diff, diff] = a:exitval ? [0, []] : [1, a:diff]
+ call s:get_diff_end(a:sy, found_diff, 'git', diff)
+" Function: #get_diff_hg {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_hg(sy, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_hg()', 'hg')
+ let [found_diff, diff] = a:exitval ? [0, []] : [1, a:diff]
+ call s:get_diff_end(a:sy, found_diff, 'hg', diff)
+" Function: #get_diff_svn {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_svn(sy, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_svn()', 'svn')
+ let [found_diff, diff] = a:exitval ? [0, []] : [1, a:diff]
+ call s:get_diff_end(a:sy, found_diff, 'svn', diff)
+" Function: #get_diff_bzr {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_bzr(sy, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_bzr()', 'bzr')
+ let [found_diff, diff] = (a:exitval =~ '[012]') ? [1, a:diff] : [0, []]
+ call s:get_diff_end(a:sy, found_diff, 'bzr', diff)
+" Function: #get_diff_darcs {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_darcs(sy, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_darcs()', 'darcs')
+ let [found_diff, diff] = a:exitval ? [0, []] : [1, a:diff]
+ call s:get_diff_end(a:sy, found_diff, 'darcs', diff)
+" Function: #get_diff_fossil {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_fossil(sy, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_fossil()', 'fossil')
+ let [found_diff, diff] = a:exitval ? [0, []] : [1, a:diff]
+ call s:get_diff_end(a:sy, found_diff, 'fossil', diff)
+" Function: #get_diff_cvs {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_cvs(sy, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_cvs()', 'cvs')
+ let [found_diff, diff] = [0, []]
+ if a:exitval == 1
+ for diffline in a:diff
+ if diffline =~ '^+++'
+ let [found_diff, diff] = [1, a:diff]
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ elseif a:exitval == 0 && len(a:diff) == 0
+ let found_diff = 1
+ endif
+ call s:get_diff_end(a:sy, found_diff, 'cvs', diff)
+" Function: #get_diff_rcs {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_rcs(sy, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_rcs()', 'rcs')
+ let [found_diff, diff] = a:exitval == 2 ? [0, []] : [1, a:diff]
+ call s:get_diff_end(a:sy, found_diff, 'rcs', diff)
+" Function: #get_diff_accurev {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_accurev(sy, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_accurev()', 'accurev')
+ let [found_diff, diff] = (a:exitval >= 2) ? [0, []] : [1, a:diff]
+ call s:get_diff_end(a:sy, found_diff, 'accurev', diff)
+" Function: #get_diff_perforce {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_perforce(sy, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_perforce()', 'perforce')
+ let [found_diff, diff] = a:exitval ? [0, []] : [1, a:diff]
+ call s:get_diff_end(a:sy, found_diff, 'perforce', diff)
+" Function: #get_diff_tfs {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_diff_tfs(sy, exitval, diff) abort
+ call sy#verbose('get_diff_tfs()', 'tfs')
+ let [found_diff, diff] = a:exitval ? [0, []] : [1, s:strip_context(a:diff)]
+ call s:get_diff_end(a:sy, found_diff, 'tfs', diff)
+" Function: #get_stats {{{1
+function! sy#repo#get_stats() abort
+ return exists('b:sy') ? b:sy.stats : [-1, -1, -1]
+" Function: #debug_detection {{{1
+function! sy#repo#debug_detection()
+ if !exists('b:sy')
+ echomsg 'signify: I cannot detect any changes!'
+ return
+ endif
+ for vcs in s:vcs_list
+ let cmd = s:expand_cmd(vcs, g:signify_vcs_cmds)
+ echohl Statement
+ echo cmd
+ echo repeat('=', len(cmd))
+ echohl NONE
+ let diff = s:run(vcs)
+ if v:shell_error
+ echohl ErrorMsg
+ echo diff
+ echohl NONE
+ else
+ echo empty(diff) ? "<none>" : diff
+ endif
+ echo "\n"
+ endfor
+" Function: #diffmode {{{1
+function! sy#repo#diffmode(do_tab) abort
+ execute sy#util#return_if_no_changes()
+ let vcs = b:sy.updated_by
+ if !has_key(g:signify_vcs_cmds_diffmode, vcs)
+ echomsg 'SignifyDiff has no support for: '. vcs
+ echomsg 'Open an issue for it at:'
+ return
+ endif
+ let cmd = s:expand_cmd(vcs, g:signify_vcs_cmds_diffmode)
+ call sy#verbose('SignifyDiff: '. cmd, vcs)
+ let ft = &filetype
+ let fenc = &fenc
+ if a:do_tab
+ tabedit %
+ endif
+ diffthis
+ let [cwd, chdir] = sy#util#chdir()
+ try
+ execute chdir fnameescape(
+ leftabove vnew
+ if has('iconv')
+ silent put =iconv(system(cmd), fenc, &enc)
+ else
+ silent put =system(cmd)
+ endif
+ finally
+ execute chdir fnameescape(cwd)
+ endtry
+ silent 1delete
+ set buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nomodified
+ let &filetype = ft
+ diffthis
+ wincmd p
+ normal! ]czt
+" Function: s:initialize_job {{{1
+function! s:initialize_job(vcs) abort
+ let vcs_cmd = s:expand_cmd(a:vcs, g:signify_vcs_cmds)
+ if has('win32')
+ if has('nvim')
+ let cmd = &shell =~ '\v%(cmd|powershell)' ? vcs_cmd : ['sh', '-c', vcs_cmd]
+ else
+ if &shell =~ 'cmd'
+ let cmd = vcs_cmd
+ elseif empty(&shellxquote)
+ let cmd = join([&shell, &shellcmdflag, &shellquote, vcs_cmd, &shellquote])
+ else
+ let cmd = join([&shell, &shellcmdflag, &shellxquote, vcs_cmd, &shellxquote])
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ let cmd = ['sh', '-c', vcs_cmd]
+ endif
+ let options = {
+ \ 'stdoutbuf': [],
+ \ 'vcs': a:vcs,
+ \ 'bufnr': bufnr('%'),
+ \ }
+ return [cmd, options]
+" Function: s:get_vcs_path {{{1
+function! s:get_vcs_path(vcs) abort
+ return (a:vcs =~# '\v(git|cvs|accurev|tfs)') ? :
+" Function: s:expand_cmd {{{1
+function! s:expand_cmd(vcs, vcs_cmds) abort
+ let cmd = a:vcs_cmds[a:vcs]
+ let cmd = s:replace(cmd, '%f', s:get_vcs_path(a:vcs))
+ let cmd = s:replace(cmd, '%d', s:difftool)
+ let cmd = s:replace(cmd, '%n', s:devnull)
+ return cmd
+" Function: s:run {{{1
+function! s:run(vcs)
+ let [cwd, chdir] = sy#util#chdir()
+ try
+ execute chdir fnameescape(
+ let ret = system(s:expand_cmd(a:vcs, g:signify_vcs_cmds))
+ catch
+ " This exception message can be seen via :SignifyDebugUnknown.
+ " E.g. unquoted VCS programs in vcd_cmds can lead to E484.
+ let ret = v:exception .' at '. v:throwpoint
+ finally
+ execute chdir fnameescape(cwd)
+ return ret
+ endtry
+" Function: s:replace {{{1
+function! s:replace(cmd, pat, sub)
+ let parts = split(a:cmd, a:pat, 1)
+ return join(parts, a:sub)
+" Function: s:strip_context {{{1
+function! s:strip_context(context)
+ let diff = []
+ let hunk = []
+ let state = 0
+ let lines = a:context
+ let linenr = 0
+ while linenr < len(lines)
+ let line = lines[linenr]
+ if state == 0
+ if line =~ "^@@ "
+ let tokens = matchlist(line, '^@@ -\v(\d+),?(\d*) \+(\d+),?(\d*)')
+ let old_line = str2nr(tokens[1])
+ let new_line = str2nr(tokens[3])
+ let old_count = empty(tokens[2]) ? 1 : str2nr(tokens[2])
+ let new_count = empty(tokens[4]) ? 1 : str2nr(tokens[4])
+ let hunk = []
+ let state = 1
+ else
+ call add(diff,line)
+ endif
+ let linenr += 1
+ elseif index([1,2,3],state) >= 0 && index(['\','/'],line[0]) >= 0
+ let linenr += 1
+ call add(hunk,line)
+ elseif state == 1
+ if line[0] == ' '
+ let old_line += 1
+ let new_line += 1
+ let old_count -= 1
+ let new_count -= 1
+ let linenr += 1
+ else
+ let old_count_part = 0
+ let new_count_part = 0
+ let state = 2
+ endif
+ elseif state == 2
+ if line[0] == '-'
+ call add(hunk,line)
+ let old_count_part += 1
+ let linenr += 1
+ else
+ let state = 3
+ endif
+ elseif state == 3
+ if line[0] == '+'
+ call add(hunk,line)
+ let new_count_part += 1
+ let linenr += 1
+ else
+ call add(diff, printf("@@ -%d%s +%d%s @@",(old_count_part == 0 && old_line > 0) ? old_line -1 : old_line, old_count_part == 1 ? "" : printf(",%d", old_count_part), (new_count_part == 0 && new_line > 0) ? new_line - 1 : new_line, new_count_part == 1 ? "" : printf(",%d", new_count_part)))
+ let diff += hunk
+ let hunk = []
+ let old_count -= old_count_part
+ let new_count -= new_count_part
+ let old_line += old_count_part
+ let new_line += new_count_part
+ let state = 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ if state > 0 && new_count <= 0 && old_count <= 0
+ if len(hunk) > 0
+ call add(diff, printf("@@ -%d%s +%d%s @@",(old_count_part == 0 && old_line > 0) ? old_line -1 : old_line, old_count_part == 1 ? "" : printf(",%d", old_count_part), (new_count_part == 0 && new_line > 0) ? new_line - 1 : new_line, new_count_part == 1 ? "" : printf(",%d", new_count_part)))
+ let diff = diff + hunk
+ let hunk = []
+ endif
+ let state = 0
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ if len(hunk) > 0
+ call add(diff, printf("@@ -%d%s +%d%s @@",(old_count_part == 0 && old_line > 0) ? old_line -1 : old_line, old_count_part == 1 ? "" : printf(",%d", old_count_part), (new_count_part == 0 && new_line > 0) ? new_line - 1 : new_line, new_count_part == 1 ? "" : printf(",%d", new_count_part)))
+ let diff = diff + hunk
+ let hunk = []
+ endif
+ return diff
+" Variables {{{1
+let s:difftool = get(g:, 'signify_difftool', 'diff')
+if executable(s:difftool)
+ let s:vcs_dict = {
+ \ 'git': 'git',
+ \ 'hg': 'hg',
+ \ 'svn': 'svn',
+ \ 'darcs': 'darcs',
+ \ 'bzr': 'bzr',
+ \ 'fossil': 'fossil',
+ \ 'cvs': 'cvs',
+ \ 'rcs': 'rcsdiff',
+ \ 'accurev': 'accurev',
+ \ 'perforce': 'p4',
+ \ 'tfs': 'tf'
+ \ }
+ call sy#verbose('No "diff" executable found. Disable support for svn, darcs, bzr.')
+ let s:vcs_dict = {
+ \ 'git': 'git',
+ \ 'hg': 'hg',
+ \ 'fossil': 'fossil',
+ \ 'cvs': 'cvs',
+ \ 'rcs': 'rcsdiff',
+ \ 'accurev': 'accurev',
+ \ 'perforce': 'p4',
+ \ 'tfs': 'tf'
+ \ }
+let s:vcs_list = get(g:, 'signify_vcs_list', [])
+if empty(s:vcs_list)
+ let s:vcs_list = keys(filter(s:vcs_dict, 'executable(v:val)'))
+let s:default_vcs_cmds = {
+ \ 'git': 'git diff --no-color --no-ext-diff -U0 -- %f',
+ \ 'hg': 'hg diff --color=never --config aliases.diff= --nodates -U0 -- %f',
+ \ 'svn': 'svn diff --diff-cmd %d -x -U0 -- %f',
+ \ 'bzr': 'bzr diff --using %d --diff-options=-U0 -- %f',
+ \ 'darcs': 'darcs diff --no-pause-for-gui --no-unified --diff-opts=-U0 -- %f',
+ \ 'fossil': 'fossil diff --unified -c 0 -- %f',
+ \ 'cvs': 'cvs diff -U0 -- %f',
+ \ 'rcs': 'rcsdiff -U0 %f 2>%n',
+ \ 'accurev': 'accurev diff %f -- -U0',
+ \ 'perforce': 'p4 info '. sy#util#shell_redirect('%n') . (has('win32') ? ' &&' : ' && env P4DIFF= P4COLORS=') .' p4 diff -du0 %f',
+ \ 'tfs': 'tf diff -version:W -noprompt -format:Unified %f'
+ \ }
+let s:default_vcs_cmds_diffmode = {
+ \ 'git': 'git show HEAD:./%f',
+ \ 'hg': 'hg cat %f',
+ \ 'svn': 'svn cat %f',
+ \ 'bzr': 'bzr cat %f',
+ \ 'darcs': 'darcs show contents -- %f',
+ \ 'fossil': 'fossil cat %f',
+ \ 'cvs': 'cvs up -p -- %f 2>%n',
+ \ 'perforce': 'p4 print %f',
+ \ }
+if exists('g:signify_vcs_cmds')
+ call extend(g:signify_vcs_cmds, s:default_vcs_cmds, 'keep')
+ let g:signify_vcs_cmds = s:default_vcs_cmds
+if exists('g:signify_vcs_cmds_diffmode')
+ call extend(g:signify_vcs_cmds_diffmode, s:default_vcs_cmds_diffmode, 'keep')
+ let g:signify_vcs_cmds_diffmode = s:default_vcs_cmds_diffmode
+let s:difftool = sy#util#escape(s:difftool)
+let s:devnull = has('win32') || has ('win64') ? 'NUL' : '/dev/null'