:: This file is dedicated to the public domain. @echo off :: make a windows binary release - will eventually need a linux one too, but :: worry about that later. :: NOTE: requires 7-zip, either in the default installation dir or %SEVENZIP% call compile.bat || exit /B if not exist release\ md release if "%SEVENZIP%"=="" set SEVENZIP=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /F "tokens=* usebackq" %%x IN (`^(echo VERSION_MAJOR ^& echo VERSION_MINOR^) ^| ^ clang -x c -E -include src\version.h - ^| findstr /v #`) do ( :: dumb but works: if "!major!"=="" set major=%%x set minor=%%x ) setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion set name=sst-v%major%.%minor%-BETA-win32 md TEMP-%name% || exit /B copy sst.dll TEMP-%name%\sst.dll || exit /B copy dist\LICENCE.windows TEMP-%name%\LICENCE || exit /B :: using midnight on release day to make zip deterministic! change on next release! powershell (Get-Item TEMP-%name%\sst.dll).LastWriteTime = new-object DateTime 2024, 8, 26, 0, 0, 0 powershell (Get-Item TEMP-%name%\LICENCE).LastWriteTime = new-object DateTime 2024, 8, 26, 0, 0, 0 pushd TEMP-%name% "%SEVENZIP%" a -mtc=off %name%.zip sst.dll LICENCE || exit /B move %name%.zip ..\release\%name%.zip popd rd /s /q TEMP-%name%\ || exit /B