/* This file is dedicated to the public domain. */ // We get most of the libc functions from ucrtbase.dll, which comes with // Windows, but for some reason a few of the intrinsic-y things are part of // vcruntime, which does *not* come with Windows!!! We can statically link just // that part but it adds ~12KiB of random useless bloat to our binary. So, let's // just implement the handful of required things here instead. This is only for // release/non-debug builds; we want the extra checks in Microsoft's CRT when // debugging. // // Is it actually reasonable to have to do any of this? Of course not. // TODO(opt): this feels like a sad implementation, can we do marginally better? int memcmp(const void *x_, const void *y_, unsigned int sz) { const char *x = x_, *y = y_; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { if (x[i] > y[i]) return 1; if (x[i] < y[i]) return -1; } return 0; } void *memcpy(void *restrict x, const void *restrict y, unsigned int sz) { #ifdef __clang__ __asm__ volatile ( "rep movsb\n" : "+D" (x), "+S" (y), "+c" (sz) : : "memory" ); #else // terrible fallback just in case someone wants to use this with MSVC char *restrict xb = x; const char *restrict yb = y; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) xb[i] = yb[i]; #endif return x; } int __stdcall _DllMainCRTStartup(void *inst, unsigned int reason, void *reserved) { return 1; } #ifdef __clang__ __attribute__((used)) #endif int _fltused = 1; // vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80