/* * Copyright © 2022 Michael Smith * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "ac.h" #include "bind.h" #include "alias.h" #include "autojump.h" #include "con_.h" #include "demorec.h" #include "engineapi.h" #include "errmsg.h" #include "ent.h" #include "fov.h" #include "fixes.h" #include "gameinfo.h" #include "gametype.h" #include "hook.h" #include "l4dwarp.h" #include "nosleep.h" #include "portalcolours.h" #include "os.h" #include "rinput.h" #include "vcall.h" #include "version.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define fS "S" #else #define fS "s" #endif static int ifacever; // we need to keep this reference to dlclose() it later - see below static void *clientlib = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 extern long __ImageBase; // this is actually the PE header struct but don't care #define ownhandle() ((void *)&__ImageBase) #else // sigh, _GNU_SOURCE crap. define here instead >:( typedef struct { const char *dli_fname; void *dli_fbase; const char *dli_sname; void *dli_saddr; } Dl_info; int dladdr1(const void *addr, Dl_info *info, void **extra_info, int flags); static inline void *ownhandle(void) { Dl_info dontcare; void *dl; dladdr1((void *)&ownhandle, &dontcare, &dl, /*RTLD_DL_LINKMAP*/ 2); return dl; } #endif #define VDFBASENAME "SourceSpeedrunTools" DEF_CCMD_HERE(sst_autoload_enable, "Register SST to load on game startup", 0) { // note: gamedir doesn't account for if the dll is in a base mod's // directory, although it will yield a valid/working relative path anyway. const os_char *searchdir = ifacever == 3 ? gameinfo_gamedir : gameinfo_bindir; os_char path[PATH_MAX]; if (!os_dlfile(ownhandle(), path, sizeof(path) / sizeof(*path))) { // hopefully by this point this won't happen, but, like, never know errmsg_errordl("failed to get path to plugin"); return; } os_char relpath[PATH_MAX]; #ifdef _WIN32 if (!PathRelativePathToW(relpath, searchdir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, path, 0)) { errmsg_errorsys("couldn't compute a relative path for some reason"); return; } // arbitrary aesthetic judgement for (os_char *p = relpath; *p; ++p) if (*p == L'\\') *p = L'/'; #else #error TODO(linux): implement this, it's late right now and I can't be bothered #endif int len = os_strlen(gameinfo_gamedir); if (len + sizeof("/addons/" VDFBASENAME ".vdf") > sizeof(path) / sizeof(*path)) { errmsg_errorx("path to VDF is too long"); return; } memcpy(path, gameinfo_gamedir, len * sizeof(*gameinfo_gamedir)); memcpy(path + len, OS_LIT("/addons"), 8 * sizeof(os_char)); if (os_mkdir(path) == -1 && errno != EEXIST) { errmsg_errorstd("couldn't create %" fS, path); return; } memcpy(path + len + sizeof("/addons") - 1, OS_LIT("/") OS_LIT(VDFBASENAME) OS_LIT(".vdf"), sizeof("/" VDFBASENAME ".vdf") * sizeof(os_char)); FILE *f = os_fopen(path, OS_LIT("wb")); if (!f) { errmsg_errorstd("couldn't open %" fS, path); return; } // XXX: oh, crap, we're clobbering unicode again. welp, let's hope the // theory that the engine is just as bad if not worse is true so that it // doesn't matter. if (fprintf(f, "Plugin { file \"%" fS "\" }\n", relpath) < 0 || fflush(f) == -1) { errmsg_errorstd("couldn't write to %" fS, path); } fclose(f); } DEF_CCMD_HERE(sst_autoload_disable, "Stop loading SST on game startup", 0) { os_char path[PATH_MAX]; int len = os_strlen(gameinfo_gamedir); if (len + sizeof("/addons/" VDFBASENAME ".vdf") > sizeof(path) / sizeof(*path)) { errmsg_errorx("path to VDF is too long"); return; } memcpy(path, gameinfo_gamedir, len * sizeof(*gameinfo_gamedir)); memcpy(path + len, OS_LIT("/addons/") OS_LIT(VDFBASENAME) OS_LIT(".vdf"), sizeof("/addons/" VDFBASENAME ".vdf") * sizeof(os_char)); if (os_unlink(path) == -1 && errno != ENOENT) { errmsg_warnstd("couldn't delete %" fS, path); } } DEF_CCMD_HERE(sst_printversion, "Display plugin version information", 0) { con_msg("v" VERSION "\n"); } // HACK: later versions of L4D2 show an annoying dialog on every plugin_load. // We can suppress this by catching the message string that's passed from // engine.dll to gameui.dll through KeyValuesSystem in vstdlib.dll and just // replacing it with some other arbitrary garbage string. This makes gameui fail // to match the message and thus do nothing. :) static void **kvsvt; typedef const char *(*VCALLCONV GetStringForSymbol_func)(void *this, int s); static GetStringForSymbol_func orig_GetStringForSymbol = 0; static const char *VCALLCONV GetStringForSymbol_hook(void *this, int s) { const char *ret = orig_GetStringForSymbol(this, s); if (!strcmp(ret, "OnClientPluginWarning")) ret = "sstBlockedThisEvent"; return ret; } // vstdlib symbol, only currently used in l4d2 but exists everywhere so oh well IMPORT void *KeyValuesSystem(void); // most plugin callbacks are unused - define dummy functions for each signature static void VCALLCONV nop_v_v(void *this) {} static void VCALLCONV nop_b_v(void *this, bool b) {} static void VCALLCONV nop_p_v(void *this, void *p) {} static void VCALLCONV nop_pp_v(void *this, void *p1, void *p2) {} static void VCALLCONV nop_pii_v(void *this, void *p, int i1, int i2) {} static int VCALLCONV nop_p_i(void *this, void *p) { return 0; } static int VCALLCONV nop_pp_i(void *this, void *p1, void *p2) { return 0; } static int VCALLCONV nop_5pi_i(void *this, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3, void *p4, void *p5, int i) { return 0; } static void VCALLCONV nop_ipipp_v(void *this, int i1, void *p1, int i2, void *p2, void *p3) {} // more source spaghetti wow! static void VCALLCONV SetCommandClient(void *this, int i) { con_cmdclient = i; } // this is where we start dynamically adding virtual functions, see vtable[] // array below static const void **vtable_firstdiff; static const void *const *const plugin_obj; // TODO(featgen): I wanted some nice fancy automatic feature system that // figures out the dependencies at build time and generates all the init glue // but we want to actually release the plugin this decade so for now I'm just // plonking some bools here and worrying about it later. :^) static bool has_ac = false, has_autojump = false, has_demorec = false, has_fov = false, has_nosleep = false, has_portalcolours = false; #ifdef _WIN32 static bool has_rinput = false; #endif static bool already_loaded = false, skip_unload = false; #define RGBA(r, g, b, a) (&(struct con_colour){(r), (g), (b), (a)}) // auto-update message. see below in do_featureinit() static const char *updatenotes = "\ * various internal cleanup\n\ "; static void do_featureinit(void) { bool has_bind = bind_init(); has_ac = ac_init(); bool has_alias = alias_init(); has_autojump = autojump_init(); has_demorec = demorec_init(); // not enabling demorec_custom yet - kind of incomplete and currently unused //if (has_demorec) demorec_custom_init(); bool has_ent = ent_init(); has_fov = fov_init(has_ent); if (has_ent) l4dwarp_init(); has_nosleep = nosleep_init(); if (clientlib) has_portalcolours = portalcolours_init(clientlib); #ifdef _WIN32 has_rinput = rinput_init(); #endif fixes_apply(); con_colourmsg(RGBA(64, 255, 64, 255), LONGNAME " v" VERSION " successfully loaded"); con_colourmsg(RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255), " for game "); con_colourmsg(RGBA(0, 255, 255, 255), "%s\n", gameinfo_title); // if we're autoloaded and the external autoupdate script downloaded a new // version, let the user know about the cool new stuff! if (getenv("SST_UPDATED")) { // avoid displaying again if we're unloaded and reloaded in one session #ifdef _WIN32 SetEnvironmentVariableA("SST_UPDATED", 0); #else unsetenv("SST_UPDATED"); #endif struct con_colour gold = {255, 210, 0, 255}; struct con_colour white = {255, 255, 255, 255}; con_colourmsg(&white, "\n" NAME " was just "); con_colourmsg(&gold, "UPDATED"); con_colourmsg(&white, " to version "); con_colourmsg(&gold, "%s", VERSION); con_colourmsg(&white, "!\n\nNew in this version:\n%s\n", updatenotes); } } static void *vgui; typedef void (*VCALLCONV VGuiConnect_func)(void); static VGuiConnect_func orig_VGuiConnect; static void VCALLCONV hook_VGuiConnect(void) { orig_VGuiConnect(); do_featureinit(); unhook_vtable(*(void ***)vgui, vtidx_VGuiConnect, (void *)orig_VGuiConnect); } // --- Magical deferred load order hack nonsense! --- // The engine loads VDF plugins basically right after server.dll, but long // before most other stuff, which makes hooking certain other stuff a pain. We // still want to be able to load via VDF as it's the only reasonable way to get // in before config.cfg, which is needed for any kind of configuration to work // correctly. // // So here, we hook CEngineVGui::Connect() which is pretty much the last thing // that gets called on init, and defer feature init till afterwards. That allows // us to touch pretty much any engine stuff without worrying about load order // nonsense. // // In do_load() below, we check to see whether we're loading early by checking // whether gameui.dll is loaded yet; this is one of several possible arbitrary // checks. If it's loaded already, we assume we're getting loaded late via the // console and just init everything immediately. // // Route credit to Bill for helping figure a lot of this out - mike static void deferinit(void) { vgui = factory_engine("VEngineVGui001", 0); if (!vgui) { errmsg_warnx("couldn't get VEngineVGui for deferred feature setup"); goto e; } if (!os_mprot(*(void ***)vgui + vtidx_VGuiConnect, sizeof(void *), PAGE_READWRITE)) { errmsg_warnsys("couldn't make CEngineVGui vtable writable for deferred " "feature setup"); goto e; } orig_VGuiConnect = (VGuiConnect_func)hook_vtable(*(void ***)vgui, vtidx_VGuiConnect, (void *)&hook_VGuiConnect); return; e: con_warn("!!! SOME FEATURES MAY BE BROKEN !!!\n"); // I think this is the lesser of two evils! Unlikely to happen anyway. do_featureinit(); } static bool do_load(ifacefactory enginef, ifacefactory serverf) { if (!hook_init()) { errmsg_warnsys("couldn't set up memory for function hooking"); return false; } factory_engine = enginef; factory_server = serverf; if (!engineapi_init(ifacever)) return false; const void **p = vtable_firstdiff; if (GAMETYPE_MATCHES(Portal2)) *p++ = (void *)&nop_p_v; // ClientFullyConnect *p++ = (void *)&nop_p_v; // ClientDisconnect *p++ = (void *)&nop_pp_v; // ClientPutInServer *p++ = (void *)&SetCommandClient; // SetCommandClient *p++ = (void *)&nop_p_v; // ClientSettingsChanged *p++ = (void *)&nop_5pi_i; // ClientConnect *p++ = ifacever > 1 ? (void *)&nop_pp_i : (void *)&nop_p_i; // ClientCommand // remaining stuff here is backwards compatible, so added unconditionally *p++ = (void *)&nop_pp_i; // NetworkIDValidated *p++ = (void *)&nop_ipipp_v; // OnQueryCvarValueFinished (002+) *p++ = (void *)&nop_p_v; // OnEdictAllocated *p = (void *)&nop_p_v; // OnEdictFreed #ifdef _WIN32 clientlib = GetModuleHandleW(gameinfo_clientlib); #else // Apparently on Linux, the client library isn't actually loaded yet here, // so RTLD_NOLOAD won't actually find it. We have to just dlopen it // normally - and then remember to decrement the refcount again later in // do_unload() so nothing gets leaked! clientlib = dlopen(gameinfo_clientlib, RTLD_NOW); #endif if (!clientlib) { errmsg_warndl("couldn't get the game's client library"); } else if (!(factory_client = (ifacefactory)os_dlsym(clientlib, "CreateInterface"))) { errmsg_warndl("couldn't get client's CreateInterface"); } #ifdef _WIN32 void *inputsystemlib = GetModuleHandleW(L"inputsystem.dll"); #else // TODO(linux): assuming the above doesn't apply to this; check if it does! // ... actually, there's a good chance this assumption is now wrong! void *inputsystemlib = dlopen("bin/libinputsystem.so", RTLD_NOW | RLTD_NOLOAD); if (inputsystemlib) dlclose(inputsystemlib); // blegh #endif if (!inputsystemlib) { errmsg_warndl("couldn't get the input system library"); } else if (!(factory_inputsystem = (ifacefactory)os_dlsym(inputsystemlib, "CreateInterface"))) { errmsg_warndl("couldn't get input system's CreateInterface"); } // NOTE: this is technically redundant for early versions but I CBA writing // a version check; it's easier to just do this unilaterally. if (GAMETYPE_MATCHES(L4D2x)) { void *kvs = KeyValuesSystem(); kvsvt = *(void ***)kvs; if (!os_mprot(kvsvt + 4, sizeof(void *), PAGE_READWRITE)) { errmsg_warnx("couldn't make KeyValuesSystem vtable writable"); errmsg_note("won't be able to prevent any nag messages"); } else { orig_GetStringForSymbol = (GetStringForSymbol_func)hook_vtable( kvsvt, 4, (void *)GetStringForSymbol_hook); } } #ifdef _WIN32 bool isvdf = !GetModuleHandleW(L"gameui.dll"); #else void *gameuilib = dlopen("bin/libgameui.so", RTLD_NOW | RLTD_NOLOAD); bool isvdf = !gameuilib; if (gameuilib) dlclose(gameuilib); #endif if (isvdf) deferinit(); else do_featureinit(); return true; } struct CServerPlugin /* : IServerPluginHelpers */ { void **vtable; struct CUtlVector plugins; /*IPluginHelpersCheck*/ void *pluginhlpchk; }; struct CPlugin { char description[128]; bool paused; void *theplugin; // our own "this" pointer (or whichever other plugin it is) int ifacever; // should be the plugin library, but in old Source branches it's just null, // because CServerPlugin::Load() erroneously shadows this field with a local void *module; }; static void do_unload(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 // this is only relevant in builds that predate linux support struct CServerPlugin *pluginhandler = factory_engine("ISERVERPLUGINHELPERS001", 0); if (pluginhandler) { // if not, oh well too bad we tried :^) struct CPlugin **plugins = pluginhandler->plugins.m.mem; int n = pluginhandler->plugins.sz; for (struct CPlugin **pp = plugins; pp - plugins < n; ++pp) { if ((*pp)->theplugin == (void *)&plugin_obj) { // see comment in CPlugin above. setting this to the real handle // right before the engine tries to unload us allows it to // actually do so. in newer branches this is redundant but // doesn't do any harm so it's just unconditional. // NOTE: old engines ALSO just leak the handle and never call // Unload() if Load() fails; can't really do anything about that (*pp)->module = ownhandle(); break; } } } #endif if (has_ac) ac_end(); if (has_autojump) autojump_end(); if (has_demorec) demorec_end(); if (has_fov) fov_end(); // dep on ent if (has_nosleep) nosleep_end(); if (has_portalcolours) portalcolours_end(); #ifdef _WIN32 if (has_rinput) rinput_end(); #endif #ifdef __linux__ if (clientlib) dlclose(clientlib); #endif con_disconnect(); if (orig_GetStringForSymbol) { unhook_vtable(kvsvt, 4, (void *)orig_GetStringForSymbol); } } static bool VCALLCONV Load(void *this, ifacefactory enginef, ifacefactory serverf) { if (already_loaded) { con_warn("Already loaded! Doing nothing!\n"); skip_unload = true; return false; } already_loaded = do_load(enginef, serverf); skip_unload = !already_loaded; return already_loaded; } static void VCALLCONV Unload(void *this) { // the game tries to unload on a failed load, for some reason if (skip_unload) { skip_unload = false; return; } do_unload(); } static void VCALLCONV Pause(void *this) { con_warn(NAME " doesn't support plugin_pause - ignoring\n"); } static void VCALLCONV UnPause(void *this) { con_warn(NAME " doesn't support plugin_unpause - ignoring\n"); } static const char *VCALLCONV GetPluginDescription(void *this) { return LONGNAME " v" VERSION; } DECL_VFUNC_DYN(void, ServerCommand, const char *) // XXX: quick hack requested by Portal people for some timeboxed IL grind // challenge they want to do. I think this is a terribly sad way to do this but // at the same time it's easy and low-impact so put it in as hidden for now // until we come up with something better later. DEF_CVAR(_sst_onload_echo, "EXPERIMENTAL! Don't rely on this existing!", "", CON_HIDDEN) static void VCALLCONV ClientActive(void *this, struct edict *player) { // XXX: it's kind of dumb that we get handed the edict here then go look it // up again in fov.c but I can't be bothered refactoring any further now // that this finally works, do something later lol if (has_fov) fov_onload(); // continuing dumb portal hack. didn't even seem worth adding a feature for if (has_vtidx_ServerCommand && con_getvarstr(_sst_onload_echo)[0]) { char *s = malloc(8 + _sst_onload_echo->strlen); // dumb lol if (s) { // if not, game probably exploded already memcpy(s, "echo \"", 6); // note: assume there's no quotes in the variable, because there // should be no way to do this at least via console memcpy(s + 6, con_getvarstr(_sst_onload_echo), _sst_onload_echo->strlen); memcpy(s + 6 + _sst_onload_echo->strlen - 1, "\"\n", 3); VCALL(engserver, ServerCommand, s); free(s); } } } #define MAX_VTABLE_FUNCS 21 static const void *vtable[MAX_VTABLE_FUNCS] = { // start off with the members which (thankfully...) are totally stable // between interface versions - the *remaining* members get filled in just // in time by do_load() once we've figured out what engine branch we're on (void *)&Load, (void *)&Unload, (void *)&Pause, (void *)&UnPause, (void *)&GetPluginDescription, (void *)&nop_p_v, // LevelInit (void *)&nop_pii_v, // ServerActivate (void *)&nop_b_v, // GameFrame (void *)&nop_v_v, // LevelShutdown (void *)&ClientActive // At this point, Alien Swarm and Portal 2 add ClientFullyConnect, so we // can't hardcode any more of the layout! }; // end MUST point AFTER the last of the above entries static const void **vtable_firstdiff = vtable + 10; // this is equivalent to a class with no members! static const void *const *const plugin_obj = vtable; EXPORT const void *CreateInterface(const char *name, int *ret) { if (!strncmp(name, "ISERVERPLUGINCALLBACKS00", 24)) { if (name[24] >= '1' && name[24] <= '3' && name[25] == '\0') { if (ret) *ret = 0; ifacever = name[24] - '0'; return &plugin_obj; } } if (ret) *ret = 1; return 0; } // vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80