/* * Copyright © 2024 Michael Smith * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ // NOTE: compiled on Windows only. All Linux Source releases are new enough to // have raw input already. // TODO(linux): actually, we DO want the scaling on Linux, so we need offsets // for GetRawMouseAccumulators, etc. #include #include "con_.h" #include "engineapi.h" #include "errmsg.h" #include "feature.h" #include "gamedata.h" #include "hook.h" #include "intdefs.h" #include "langext.h" #include "mem.h" #include "sst.h" #include "vcall.h" FEATURE("scalable raw mouse input") // We reimplement m_rawinput by hooking cursor functions in the same way as // RInput (it's way easier than replacing all the mouse-handling internals of // the actual engine). We also take the same window class it does in order to // either block it from being loaded redundantly, or be blocked if it's already // loaded. If m_rawinput already exists, we do nothing; people should use the // game's native raw input instead in that case. // // As an *additional* feature, we also implement hardware input scaling, meaning // that some number of counts are required from the mouse in order to move the // cursor a single unit in game. This is useful for doing "minisnaps" (imprecise // but accurate mouse movements at high sensitivity) on mice which don't allow // their CPI to be lowered very far. It's implemented either in our own raw // input functionality, or by hooking the game's, as required. #define USAGEPAGE_MOUSE 1 #define USAGE_MOUSE 2 static int cx, cy, rx = 0, ry = 0; // cursor xy, remainder xy static union { // space saving void *inwin; void **vtable_insys; } U; #define inwin U.inwin #define vtable_insys U.vtable_insys DEF_CVAR_UNREG(m_rawinput, "Use Raw Input for mouse input (SST reimplementation)", 0, CON_ARCHIVE | CON_HIDDEN) DEF_CVAR_MINMAX(sst_mouse_factor, "Number of hardware mouse counts per step", 1, 1, 20, /*CON_ARCHIVE |*/ CON_HIDDEN) static ssize __stdcall inproc(void *wnd, uint msg, usize wp, ssize lp) { switch (msg) { case WM_INPUT:; char buf[ssizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER) + ssizeof(RAWMOUSE) /* = 40 */]; uint sz = sizeof(buf); if_hot (GetRawInputData((void *)lp, RID_INPUT, buf, &sz, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)) != -1) { RAWINPUT *ri = (RAWINPUT *)buf; if_hot (ri->header.dwType == RIM_TYPEMOUSE) { int d = con_getvari(sst_mouse_factor); int dx = rx + ri->data.mouse.lLastX; int dy = ry + ri->data.mouse.lLastY; cx += dx / d; cy += dy / d; rx = dx % d; ry = dy % d; } } return 0; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); return 0; } return DefWindowProc(wnd, msg, wp, lp); } typedef int (*__stdcall GetCursorPos_func)(POINT *p); typedef uint (*VCALLCONV GetRawMouseAccumulators_func)(void *, int *, int *); static union { // more cheeky space saving GetCursorPos_func orig_GetCursorPos; GetRawMouseAccumulators_func orig_GetRawMouseAccumulators; } u2; #define orig_GetCursorPos u2.orig_GetCursorPos #define orig_GetRawMouseAccumulators u2.orig_GetRawMouseAccumulators static int __stdcall hook_GetCursorPos(POINT *p) { if (!con_getvari(m_rawinput)) return orig_GetCursorPos(p); p->x = cx; p->y = cy; return 1; } typedef int (*__stdcall SetCursorPos_func)(int x, int y); static SetCursorPos_func orig_SetCursorPos = 0; static int __stdcall hook_SetCursorPos(int x, int y) { cx = x; cy = y; return orig_SetCursorPos(x, y); } static uint VCALLCONV hook_GetRawMouseAccumulators(void *this, int *x, int *y) { int dx, dy; uint ret = orig_GetRawMouseAccumulators(this, &dx, &dy); int d = con_getvari(sst_mouse_factor); dx += rx; dy += ry; *x = dx / d; *y = dy / d; rx = dx % d; ry = dy % d; // NOTE! This is usually void, but apparently returns a bool in the 2013 // SDK, for reasons I didn't bother researching. In any case, we can just // unconditionally preserve EAX and it won't do any harm. return ret; } INIT { bool has_rawinput = !!con_findvar("m_rawinput"); if (has_rawinput) { if (!has_vtidx_GetRawMouseAccumulators) return false; if (!inputsystem) return false; vtable_insys = mem_loadptr(inputsystem); // XXX: this is kind of duping nosleep, but that won't always init... if_cold (!os_mprot(vtable_insys + vtidx_GetRawMouseAccumulators, ssizeof(void *), PAGE_READWRITE)) { errmsg_errorx("couldn't make virtual table writable"); return false; } orig_GetRawMouseAccumulators = (GetRawMouseAccumulators_func)hook_vtable( vtable_insys, vtidx_GetRawMouseAccumulators, (void *)&hook_GetRawMouseAccumulators); } else { // create cvar hidden so config is still preserved if we fail to init con_reg(m_rawinput); } WNDCLASSEXW wc = { .cbSize = sizeof(wc), // cast because inproc is binary-compatible but doesn't use stupid // microsoft typedefs .lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)&inproc, .lpszClassName = L"RInput" }; if_cold (!RegisterClassExW(&wc)) { struct rgba gold = {255, 210, 0, 255}; struct rgba blue = {45, 190, 190, 255}; struct rgba white = {200, 200, 200, 255}; con_colourmsg(&gold, "SST PROTIP! "); con_colourmsg(&blue, "It appears you're using RInput.exe.\n" "Consider launching without that and using "); con_colourmsg(&gold, "m_rawinput 1"); con_colourmsg(&blue, " instead!\n"); if_cold (has_rawinput) { // slow path because this'd be kinda weird! con_colourmsg(&white, "This is built into this version of game, and" " will also get provided by SST in older versions. "); } else { con_colourmsg(&white, "This option carries over to newer game " "versions that have it built-in. "); } con_colourmsg(&white, "No need for external programs :)\n"); con_colourmsg(&gold, "Additionally"); con_colourmsg(&blue, ", you can scale down the sensor input with "); con_colourmsg(&gold, "sst_mouse_factor"); con_colourmsg(&blue, "!\n"); return false; } if (has_rawinput) { // no real reason to keep this around receiving useless window messages UnregisterClassW(L"RInput", 0); goto ok; } orig_GetCursorPos = (GetCursorPos_func)hook_inline((void *)&GetCursorPos, (void *)&hook_GetCursorPos); if_cold (!orig_GetCursorPos) { errmsg_errorsys("couldn't hook %s", "GetCursorPos"); goto e0; } orig_SetCursorPos = (SetCursorPos_func)hook_inline((void *)&SetCursorPos, (void *)&hook_SetCursorPos); if_cold (!orig_SetCursorPos) { errmsg_errorsys("couldn't hook %s", "SetCursorPos"); goto e1; } inwin = CreateWindowExW(0, L"RInput", L"RInput", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if_cold (!inwin) { errmsg_errorsys("couldn't create input window"); goto e2; } RAWINPUTDEVICE rd = { .hwndTarget = inwin, .usUsagePage = USAGEPAGE_MOUSE, .usUsage = USAGE_MOUSE }; if_cold (!RegisterRawInputDevices(&rd, 1, sizeof(rd))) { errmsg_errorsys("couldn't create raw mouse device"); goto e3; } ok: m_rawinput->base.flags &= ~CON_HIDDEN; sst_mouse_factor->base.flags &= ~CON_HIDDEN; return true; e3: DestroyWindow(inwin); e2: unhook_inline((void *)orig_SetCursorPos); e1: unhook_inline((void *)orig_GetCursorPos); e0: UnregisterClassW(L"RInput", 0); return false; } END { if_hot (!sst_userunloaded) return; if_hot (orig_SetCursorPos) { // we inited our own implementation RAWINPUTDEVICE rd = { .dwFlags = RIDEV_REMOVE, .hwndTarget = 0, .usUsagePage = USAGEPAGE_MOUSE, .usUsage = USAGE_MOUSE }; RegisterRawInputDevices(&rd, 1, sizeof(rd)); DestroyWindow(inwin); UnregisterClassW(L"RInput", 0); unhook_inline((void *)orig_GetCursorPos); unhook_inline((void *)orig_SetCursorPos); } else { // we must have hooked the *existing* implementation unhook_vtable(vtable_insys, vtidx_GetRawMouseAccumulators, (void *)orig_GetRawMouseAccumulators); } } // vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80