/* * Copyright © 2024 Michael Smith * Copyright © 2023 Willian Henrique * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // ... windows. #include #include "clientcon.h" #include "con_.h" #include "engineapi.h" #include "errmsg.h" #include "ent.h" #include "feature.h" #include "gamedata.h" #include "gametype.h" #include "intdefs.h" #include "langext.h" #include "mem.h" #include "trace.h" #include "vcall.h" #include "x86.h" #include "x86util.h" FEATURE("Left 4 Dead warp testing") REQUIRE(clientcon) REQUIRE(ent) REQUIRE(trace) REQUIRE_GAMEDATA(off_entpos) REQUIRE_GAMEDATA(off_eyeang) REQUIRE_GAMEDATA(off_teamnum) REQUIRE_GAMEDATA(vtidx_Teleport) DECL_VFUNC_DYN(void, Teleport, const struct vec3f */*pos*/, const struct vec3f */*pos*/, const struct vec3f */*vel*/) DECL_VFUNC(const struct vec3f *, OBBMaxs, 2) // IMPORTANT: padsz parameter is missing in L4D1, but since it's cdecl, we can // still call it just the same (we always pass 0, so there's no difference). typedef bool (*EntityPlacementTest_func)(void *ent, const struct vec3f *origin, struct vec3f *out, bool drop, uint mask, void *filt, float padsz); static EntityPlacementTest_func EntityPlacementTest; // Technically the warp uses a CTraceFilterSkipTeam, not a CTraceFilterSimple. // That does, however, inherit from the simple filter and run some minor checks // on top of it. I couldn't find a case where these checks actually mattered // and, if needed, they could be easily reimplemented using the extra hit check // (instead of hunting for the CTraceFilterSkipTeam vtable). static struct CTraceFilterSimple { void **vtable; void *pass_ent; int collision_group; void * /* ShouldHitFunc_t */ extrahitcheck_func; //int teamnum; // player's team number. member of CTraceFilterSkipTeam } filter; typedef void (*VCALLCONV CTraceFilterSimple_ctor)( struct CTraceFilterSimple *this, void *pass_ent, int collisiongroup, void *extrahitcheck_func); // Trace mask for non-bot survivors. Constant in all L4D versions #define PLAYERMASK 0x0201420B // debug overlay stuff, only used by sst_l4d_previewwarp static void *dbgoverlay; DECL_VFUNC_DYN(void, AddLineOverlay, const struct vec3f *, const struct vec3f *, int, int, int, bool, float) DECL_VFUNC_DYN(void, AddBoxOverlay2, const struct vec3f *, const struct vec3f *, const struct vec3f *, const struct vec3f *, const struct rgba *, const struct rgba *, float) static struct vec3f warptarget(void *ent) { const struct vec3f *org = mem_offset(ent, off_entpos); const struct vec3f *ang = mem_offset(ent, off_eyeang); // L4D idle warps go up to 10 units behind yaw, lessening based on pitch. float pitch = ang->x * M_PI / 180, yaw = ang->y * M_PI / 180; float shift = -10 * cos(pitch); return (struct vec3f){ org->x + shift * cos(yaw), org->y + shift * sin(yaw), org->z }; } DEF_CCMD_HERE_UNREG(sst_l4d_testwarp, "Simulate a bot warping to you " "(specify \"staystuck\" to skip take-control simulation)", CON_SERVERSIDE | CON_CHEAT) { bool staystuck = false; // TODO(autocomplete): suggest this argument if (cmd->argc == 2 && !strcmp(cmd->argv[1], "staystuck")) { staystuck = true; } else if (cmd->argc != 1) { clientcon_reply("usage: sst_l4d_testwarp [staystuck]\n"); return; } struct edict *ed = ent_getedict(con_cmdclient + 1); if_cold (!ed || !ed->ent_unknown) { errmsg_errorx("couldn't access player entity"); return; } void *e = ed->ent_unknown; if_cold (mem_loadu32(mem_offset(e, off_teamnum)) != 2) { clientcon_msg(ed, "error: must be in the Survivor team"); return; } filter.pass_ent = e; struct vec3f stuckpos = warptarget(e); struct vec3f finalpos; if (staystuck || !EntityPlacementTest(e, &stuckpos, &finalpos, false, PLAYERMASK, &filter, 0.0)) { finalpos = stuckpos; } Teleport(e, &finalpos, 0, &(struct vec3f){0, 0, 0}); } static const struct rgba red_edge = {200, 0, 0, 100}, red_face = {220, 0, 0, 10}, yellow_edge = {240, 200, 20, 100},// yellow_face = {240, 240, 20, 10}, green_edge = {20, 210, 50, 100}, green_face = {49, 220, 30, 10}, clear_face = {0, 0, 0, 0}, orange_line = {255, 100, 0, 255}, cyan_line = {0, 255, 255, 255}; static const struct vec3f zerovec = {0}; static bool draw_testpos(struct vec3f start, struct vec3f testpos, struct vec3f mins, struct vec3f maxs, bool needline) { struct CGameTrace t = trace_hull(testpos, testpos, mins, maxs, PLAYERMASK, &filter); if (t.base.frac != 1.0f || t.base.allsolid || t.base.startsolid) { AddBoxOverlay2(dbgoverlay, &testpos, &mins, &maxs, &zerovec, &clear_face, &red_edge, 1000.0); return needline; } AddBoxOverlay2(dbgoverlay, &testpos, &mins, &maxs, &zerovec, &clear_face, &yellow_edge, 1000.0); if (needline) { t = trace_line(start, testpos, PLAYERMASK, &filter); AddLineOverlay(dbgoverlay, &start, &t.base.endpos, orange_line.r, orange_line.g, orange_line.b, true, 1000.0); // current knowledge indicates that this should never happen, but it's // good to issue a warning if the code ever happens to be wrong if_cold (t.base.frac == 1.0 && !t.base.allsolid && !t.base.startsolid) { // XXX: should this be sent to client console? more effort... errmsg_warnx("false positive test position %.3f %.3f %.3f", testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z); return true; } } return false; } DEF_CCMD_HERE_UNREG(sst_l4d_previewwarp, "Visualise bot warp unstuck logic " "(use clear_debug_overlays to remove)", CON_SERVERSIDE | CON_CHEAT) { struct edict *ed = ent_getedict(con_cmdclient + 1); if_cold (!ed || !ed->ent_unknown) { errmsg_errorx("couldn't access player entity"); return; } if (con_cmdclient != 0) { clientcon_msg(ed, "error: only the server host can see visualisations"); return; } void *e = ed->ent_unknown; if_cold (mem_loadu32(mem_offset(e, off_teamnum)) != 2) { clientcon_msg(ed, "error: must be in the Survivor team"); return; } filter.pass_ent = e; struct vec3f stuckpos = warptarget(e); struct vec3f finalpos; // we use the real EntityPlacementTest and then work backwards to figure out // what to draw. that way there's very little room for missed edge cases bool success = EntityPlacementTest(e, &stuckpos, &finalpos, false, PLAYERMASK, &filter, 0.0); struct vec3f mins = {-16.0f, -16.0f, 0.0f}; struct vec3f maxs = *OBBMaxs(mem_offset(ed->ent_unknown, off_collision)); struct vec3f step = {maxs.x - mins.x, maxs.y - mins.y, maxs.z - mins.z}; struct failranges { struct { int neg, pos; } x, y, z; } ranges; if (success) { AddBoxOverlay2(dbgoverlay, &finalpos, &mins, &maxs, &zerovec, &green_face, &green_edge, 1000.0); if (finalpos.x != stuckpos.x) { float iters = roundf((finalpos.x - stuckpos.x) / step.x); int isneg = iters < 0; iters = fabs(iters); ranges = (struct failranges){ {-iters + isneg, iters - 1}, {-iters + 1, iters - 1}, {-iters + 1, iters - 1} }; } else if (finalpos.y != stuckpos.y) { float iters = roundf((finalpos.y - stuckpos.y) / step.y); int isneg = iters < 0; iters = fabs(iters); ranges = (struct failranges){ {-iters, iters}, {-iters + isneg, iters - 1}, {-iters + 1, iters - 1} }; } else if (finalpos.z != stuckpos.z) { float iters = roundf((finalpos.z - stuckpos.z) / step.z); int isneg = iters > 0; iters = fabs(iters); ranges = (struct failranges){ {-iters, iters}, {-iters, iters}, {-iters + isneg, iters - 1} }; } else { // we were never actually stuck - no need to draw all the boxes return; } AddLineOverlay(dbgoverlay, &stuckpos, &finalpos, cyan_line.r, cyan_line.g, cyan_line.b, true, 1000.0); } else { finalpos = stuckpos; // searched the entire 15 iteration range, found nowhere to go ranges = (struct failranges){{-15, 15}, {-15, 15}, {-15, 15}}; } AddBoxOverlay2(dbgoverlay, &stuckpos, &mins, &maxs, &zerovec, &red_face, &red_edge, 1000.0); bool needline = true; for (int i = ranges.x.neg; i <= ranges.x.pos; ++i) { if (i == 0) { needline = true; continue; } struct vec3f pos = {stuckpos.x + step.x * i, stuckpos.y, stuckpos.z}; needline = draw_testpos(stuckpos, pos, mins, maxs, needline); } needline = true; for (int i = ranges.y.neg; i <= ranges.y.pos; ++i) { if (i == 0) { needline = true; continue; } struct vec3f pos = {stuckpos.x, stuckpos.y + step.y * i, stuckpos.z}; needline = draw_testpos(stuckpos, pos, mins, maxs, needline); } needline = true; for (int i = ranges.z.neg; i <= ranges.z.pos; ++i) { if (i == 0) { needline = true; continue; } struct vec3f pos = {stuckpos.x, stuckpos.y, stuckpos.z + step.z * i}; needline = draw_testpos(stuckpos, pos, mins, maxs, needline); } } static bool find_EntityPlacementTest(con_cmdcb z_add_cb) { #ifdef _WIN32 const uchar *insns = (const uchar *)z_add_cb; for (const uchar *p = insns; p - insns < 0x300;) { // Find 0, 0x200400B and 1 being pushed to the stack if (p[0] == X86_PUSHI8 && p[1] == 0 && p[2] == X86_PUSHIW && mem_loadu32(p + 3) == 0x200400B && p[7] == X86_PUSHI8 && p[8] == 1) { p += 9; // Next call is the one we are looking for while (p - insns < 0x300) { if (p[0] == X86_CALL) { EntityPlacementTest = (EntityPlacementTest_func)( p + 5 + mem_loads32(p + 1)); return true; } NEXT_INSN(p, "EntityPlacementTest function"); } return false; } NEXT_INSN(p, "EntityPlacementTest function"); } #else #warning TODO(linux): usual asm search stuff #endif return false; } static bool init_filter(void) { const uchar *insns = (const uchar *)EntityPlacementTest; for (const uchar *p = insns; p - insns < 0x60;) { if (p[0] == X86_CALL) { CTraceFilterSimple_ctor ctor = (CTraceFilterSimple_ctor)( p + 5 + mem_loads32(p + 1)); // calling the constructor to fill the vtable and other members // with values used by the engine. pass_ent is filled in runtime ctor(&filter, 0, 8, 0); return true; } NEXT_INSN(p, "CTraceFilterSimple constructor"); } return false; } PREINIT { return GAMETYPE_MATCHES(L4D); } INIT { struct con_cmd *z_add = con_findcmd("z_add"); if (!z_add || !find_EntityPlacementTest(z_add->cb)) { errmsg_errorx("couldn't find EntityPlacementTest function"); return false; } if (!init_filter()) { errmsg_errorx("couldn't init trace filter for EntityPlacementTest"); return false; } con_reg(sst_l4d_testwarp); // NOTE: assuming has_vtidx_AddLineOverlay && has_vtidx_AddBoxOverlay2 // since those are specified for L4D. // TODO(opt): add some zero-cost/compile-time way to make sure gamedata // exists in a game-specific scenario? (probably requires declarative // game-specific features in codegen, which hasn't been high-priority) if_cold (!has_off_collision) { errmsg_warnx("missing m_Collision gamedata - warp preview unavailable"); } else if_cold (!(dbgoverlay = factory_engine("VDebugOverlay003", 0))) { errmsg_warnx("couldn't find debug overlay interface - " "warp preview unavailable"); } else { con_reg(sst_l4d_previewwarp); } return true; } // vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80