/* * Copyright © 2022 Michael Smith * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include // used in generated code #include // " #include "con_.h" #include "engineapi.h" #include "gamedata.h" #include "gameinfo.h" #include "gametype.h" #include "intdefs.h" #include "mem.h" // " #include "os.h" #include "vcall.h" #include "x86.h" u64 _gametype_tag = 0; // declared in gametype.h but seems sensible enough here ifacefactory factory_client = 0, factory_server = 0, factory_engine = 0, factory_inputsystem = 0; struct VEngineClient *engclient; struct VEngineServer *engserver; // this seems to be very stable, thank goodness DECL_VFUNC(void *, GetGlobalVars, 1) void *globalvars; void *inputsystem; DECL_VFUNC_DYN(void *, GetAllServerClasses) DECL_VFUNC(int, GetEngineBuildNumber_newl4d2, 99) // duping gamedata entry, yuck #include bool engineapi_init(int pluginver) { if (!con_detect(pluginver)) return false; if (engclient = factory_engine("VEngineClient015", 0)) { _gametype_tag |= _gametype_tag_Client015; } else if (engclient = factory_engine("VEngineClient014", 0)) { _gametype_tag |= _gametype_tag_Client014; } else if (engclient = factory_engine("VEngineClient013", 0)) { _gametype_tag |= _gametype_tag_Client013; } else if (engclient = factory_engine("VEngineClient012", 0)) { _gametype_tag |= _gametype_tag_Client012; } if (engserver = factory_engine("VEngineServer021", 0)) { _gametype_tag |= _gametype_tag_Server021; } // else if (engserver = others as needed...) { // } void *pim = factory_server("PlayerInfoManager002", 0); if (pim) globalvars = GetGlobalVars(pim); inputsystem = factory_inputsystem("InputSystemVersion001", 0); void *srvdll; // TODO(compat): add this back when there's gamedata for 009 (no point atm) /*if (srvdll = factory_engine("ServerGameDLL009", 0)) { _gametype_tag |= _gametype_tag_SrvDLL009; }*/ if (srvdll = factory_server("ServerGameDLL005", 0)) { _gametype_tag |= _gametype_tag_SrvDLL005; } // detect p1 for the benefit of specific features if (!GAMETYPE_MATCHES(Portal2) && con_findcmd("upgrade_portalgun")) { _gametype_tag |= _gametype_tag_Portal1; } // Ugly HACK: we want to call GetEngineBuildNumber to find out if we're on a // Last Stand version (because they changed entity vtables for some reason), // but that function also got moved in which means we can't call it // till gamedata is set up, so we have to have a bit of redundant logic here // to bootstrap things. if (GAMETYPE_MATCHES(L4D2) && GAMETYPE_MATCHES(Client013) && GetEngineBuildNumber_newl4d2(engclient) >= 2200) { _gametype_tag |= _gametype_tag_TheLastStand; } // need to do this now; ServerClass network table iteration requires // SendProp offsets gamedata_init(); con_init(); if (!gameinfo_init()) { con_disconnect(); return false; } if (has_vtidx_GetAllServerClasses && has_sz_SendProp && has_off_SP_varname && has_off_SP_offset) { initentprops(GetAllServerClasses(srvdll)); } return true; } // vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80