/* * Copyright © 2024 Michael Smith * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef __cplusplus #error This file should not be compiled as C++. It relies on C-specific union \ behaviour which is undefined in C++. #endif // _Static_assert needs MSVC >= 2019, and this check is irrelevant on Windows #ifndef _MSC_VER _Static_assert( (unsigned char)-1 == 255 && sizeof(short) == 2 && sizeof(int) == 4 && sizeof(long long) == 8 && sizeof(float) == 4 && sizeof(double) == 8, "this code is only designed for relatively sane environments, plus Windows" ); #endif // -- A note on performance hackery -- // // Clang won't emit byte-swapping instructions in place of bytewise array writes // unless nothing else is written to the same array. MSVC won't do it at all. // For these compilers on little-endian platforms that can also do unaligned // writes efficiently, we do so explicitly and handle the byte-swapping // manually, which then tends to get optimised pretty well. // // GCC, somewhat surprisingly, seems to be much better at optimising the naïve // version of the code, so we don't try to do anything clever there. Also, for // unknown, untested compilers and/or platforms, we stick to the safe approach. #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__clang__) && (defined(__x86_64__) || \ defined(__i386__) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__arm__)) #define USE_BSWAP_NONSENSE #endif #ifdef USE_BSWAP_NONSENSE #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) // MSVC prior to 2022 won't even optimise shift/mask swaps into a bswap // instruction. Screw it, just use the intrinsics. unsigned long _byteswap_ulong(unsigned long); unsigned long long _byteswap_uint64(unsigned long long); #define swap32 _byteswap_ulong #define swap64 _byteswap_uint64 #else static inline unsigned int swap32(unsigned int x) { return x >> 24 | x << 24 | x >> 8 & 0xFF00 | x << 8 & 0xFF0000; } static inline unsigned long long swap64(unsigned long long x) { return x >> 56 | x << 56 | x >> 40 & 0xFF00 | x << 40 & 0xFF000000000000 | x >> 24 & 0xFF0000 | x << 24 & 0xFF0000000000 | x >> 8 & 0xFF000000 | x << 8 & 0xFF00000000; } #endif #endif static inline void doput16(unsigned char *out, unsigned short val) { #ifdef USE_BSWAP_NONSENSE // Use swap32() here because x86 and ARM don't have instructions for 16-bit // swaps, and Clang doesn't realise it could just use the 32-bit one anyway. *(unsigned short *)(out + 1) = swap32(val) >> 16; #else out[1] = val >> 8; out[2] = val; #endif } static inline void doput32(unsigned char *out, unsigned int val) { #ifdef USE_BSWAP_NONSENSE *(unsigned int *)(out + 1) = swap32(val); #else out[1] = val >> 24; out[2] = val >> 16; out[3] = val >> 8; out[4] = val; #endif } static inline void doput64(unsigned char *out, unsigned int val) { #ifdef USE_BSWAP_NONSENSE // Clang is smart enough to make this into two bswaps and a word swap in // 32-bit builds. MSVC seems to be fine too when using the above intrinsics. *(unsigned long long *)(out + 1) = swap64(val); #else out[1] = val >> 56; out[2] = val >> 48; out[3] = val >> 40; out[4] = val >> 32; out[5] = val >> 24; out[6] = val >> 16; out[7] = val >> 8; out[8] = val; #endif } void msg_putnil(unsigned char *out) { *out = 0xC0; } void msg_putbool(unsigned char *out, _Bool val) { *out = 0xC2 | val; } void msg_puti7(unsigned char *out, signed char val) { *out = val; // oh, so a fixnum is just the literal byte! genius! } int msg_puts8(unsigned char *out, signed char val) { int off = val < -32; // out of -ve fixnum range? out[0] = 0xD0; out[off] = val; return off + 1; } int msg_putu8(unsigned char *out, unsigned char val) { int off = val > 127; // out of +ve fixnum range? out[0] = 0xCC; out[off] = val; return off + 1; } int msg_puts16(unsigned char *out, short val) { if (val >= -128 && val <= 127) return msg_puts8(out, val); out[0] = 0xD1; doput16(out, val); return 3; } int msg_putu16(unsigned char *out, unsigned short val) { if (val <= 255) return msg_putu8(out, val); out[0] = 0xCD; doput16(out, val); return 3; } int msg_puts32(unsigned char *out, int val) { if (val >= -32768 && val <= 32767) return msg_puts16(out, val); out[0] = 0xD2; doput32(out, val); return 5; } int msg_putu32(unsigned char *out, unsigned int val) { if (val <= 65535) return msg_putu16(out, val); out[0] = 0xCE; doput32(out, val); return 5; } int msg_puts(unsigned char *out, long long val) { if (val >= -2147483648 && val <= 2147483647) return msg_puts32(out, val); out[0] = 0xD3; doput64(out, val); return 9; } int msg_putu(unsigned char *out, unsigned long long val) { if (val <= 4294967295) return msg_putu32(out, val); out[0] = 0xCF; doput64(out, val); return 9; } static inline unsigned int floatbits(float f) { return (union { float f; unsigned int i; }){f}.i; } static inline unsigned long long doublebits(double d) { return (union { double d; unsigned long long i; }){d}.i; } void msg_putf(unsigned char *out, float val) { out[0] = 0xCA; doput32(out, floatbits(val)); } int msg_putd(unsigned char *out, double val) { // XXX: is this really the most efficient way to check this? float f = val; if ((double)f == val) { msg_putf(out, f); return 5; } out[0] = 0xCA; doput64(out, doublebits(val)); return 9; } void msg_putssz5(unsigned char *out, int sz) { *out = 0xA0 | sz; } int msg_putssz8(unsigned char *out, int sz) { if (sz < 32) { msg_putssz5(out, sz); return 1; } out[0] = 0xD9; out[1] = sz; return 2; } int msg_putssz16(unsigned char *out, int sz) { if (sz < 256) return msg_putssz8(out, sz); out[0] = 0xDA; doput16(out, sz); return 3; } int msg_putssz(unsigned char *out, unsigned int sz) { if (sz < 65536) return msg_putssz16(out, sz); out[0] = 0xDB; doput32(out, sz); return 5; } void msg_putbsz8(unsigned char *out, int sz) { out[0] = 0xC4; out[1] = sz; } int msg_putbsz16(unsigned char *out, int sz) { if (sz < 256) { msg_putbsz8(out, sz); return 2; } out[0] = 0xC5; doput16(out, sz); return 2 + sz; } int msg_putbsz(unsigned char *out, unsigned int sz) { if (sz < 65536) return msg_putbsz16(out, sz); out[0] = 0xC6; doput32(out, sz); return 5; } void msg_putasz4(unsigned char *out, int sz) { *out = 0x90 | sz; } int msg_putasz16(unsigned char *out, int sz) { if (sz < 16) { msg_putasz4(out, sz); return 1; } out[0] = 0xDC; doput16(out, sz); return 3; } int msg_putasz(unsigned char *out, unsigned int sz) { if (sz < 65536) return msg_putasz16(out, sz); out[0] = 0xDD; doput32(out, sz); return 5; } void msg_putmsz4(unsigned char *out, int sz) { *out = 0x80 | sz; } int msg_putmsz16(unsigned char *out, int sz) { if (sz < 16) { msg_putmsz4(out, sz); return 1; } out[0] = 0xDE; doput16(out, sz); return 3; } int msg_putmsz(unsigned char *out, unsigned int sz) { if (sz < 65536) return msg_putmsz16(out, sz); out[0] = 0xDF; doput32(out, sz); return 5; } // vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80