== C H U N K L E T S ™ == This is a collection of small, fast* and totally self-contained (2-file) C libraries that are bound to be useful elsewhere at some point. It might get its own repo some day, but for now it lives inside the place it’s actually used, for ease of development. Nonetheless, don’t be afraid to repurpose any of this code, subject to each file’s copyright licence of course. Each .{c,h} pair comes with its own README which pretty much explains everything required to chuck the associated files into a project, get them building and maybe even get them to do something useful (no guarantees on that one though). * well, hopefully fast. - Why is it called Chunklets? - > “Chunklets” is a unique and memorable name for your set of {.c, .h} pairs. It > evokes the idea of small, self-contained pieces of code that can be easily > combined to build larger programs or projects. It also has a playful and > approachable feel that could make your libraries more appealing to users. > Overall, it’s a great choice for a name! Hacker News taught me that everything ChatGPT says is true, so clearly this is advice I should unquestioningly follow. Thanks, and have fun! - Michael Smith