/* * Copyright © 2024 Michael Smith * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include "../intdefs.h" #include "../kv.h" #include "../noreturn.h" #include "../os.h" #include "skiplist.h" #include "vec.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define fS "S" #else #define fS "s" #endif static noreturn die(const char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "mkentprops: %s\n", s); exit(100); } struct prop { const char *varname; /* the C global name */ const char *propname; /* the entity property name */ struct prop *next; }; struct vec_prop VEC(struct prop *); DECL_SKIPLIST(static, class, struct class, const char *, 4) struct class { const char *name; /* the entity class name */ struct vec_prop props; struct skiplist_hdr_class hdr; }; static inline int cmp_class(struct class *c, const char *s) { return strcmp(c->name, s); } static inline struct skiplist_hdr_class *hdr_class(struct class *c) { return &c->hdr; } DEF_SKIPLIST(static, class, cmp_class, hdr_class) static struct skiplist_hdr_class classes = {0}; static int nclasses = 0; struct parsestate { const os_char *filename; struct kv_parser *parser; char *lastvar; }; static noreturn badparse(struct parsestate *state, const char *e) { fprintf(stderr, "mkentprops: %" fS ":%d:%d: parse error: %s", state->filename, state->parser->line, state->parser->col, e); exit(1); } static void kv_cb(enum kv_token type, const char *p, uint len, void *ctxt) { struct parsestate *state = ctxt; switch (type) { case KV_IDENT: case KV_IDENT_QUOTED: state->lastvar = malloc(len + 1); if (!state->lastvar) die("couldn't allocate memory"); memcpy(state->lastvar, p, len); state->lastvar[len] = '\0'; break; case KV_NEST_START: badparse(state, "unexpected nested block"); case KV_NEST_END: badparse(state, "unexpected closing brace"); case KV_VAL: case KV_VAL_QUOTED:; struct prop *prop = malloc(sizeof(*prop)); if (!prop) die("couldn't allocate memory"); prop->varname = state->lastvar; char *classname = malloc(len + 1); if (!classname) die("couldn't allocate memory"); memcpy(classname, p, len); classname[len] = '\0'; char *propname = strchr(classname, '/'); if (!propname) { badparse(state, "network name not in class/prop format"); } *propname = '\0'; ++propname; // split! prop->propname = propname; struct class *class = skiplist_get_class(&classes, classname); if (!class) { class = malloc(sizeof(*class)); if (!class) die("couldn't allocate memory"); *class = (struct class){.name = classname}; skiplist_insert_class(&classes, classname, class); ++nclasses; } // (if class is already there just leak classname, no point freeing) if (!vec_push(&class->props, prop)) die("couldn't append to array"); break; case KV_COND_PREFIX: case KV_COND_SUFFIX: badparse(state, "unexpected conditional"); } } static inline noreturn diewrite(void) { die("couldn't write to file"); } #define _(x) \ if (fprintf(out, "%s\n", x) < 0) diewrite(); #define F(f, ...) \ if (fprintf(out, f "\n", __VA_ARGS__) < 0) diewrite(); #define H() \ _( "/* This file is autogenerated by src/build/mkentprops.c. DO NOT EDIT! */") \ _( "") static void decls(FILE *out) { for (struct class *c = classes.x[0]; c; c = c->hdr.x[0]) { for (struct prop **pp = c->props.data; pp - c->props.data < c->props.sz; ++pp) { F( "extern bool has_%s;", (*pp)->varname) F( "extern int %s;", (*pp)->varname) } } } static void defs(FILE *out) { for (struct class *c = classes.x[0]; c; c = c->hdr.x[0]) { for (struct prop **pp = c->props.data; pp - c->props.data < c->props.sz; ++pp) { F( "bool has_%s = false;", (*pp)->varname) F( "int %s;", (*pp)->varname) } } _( "") _( "static void initentprops(struct ServerClass *class) {") F( " for (int needclasses = %d; class; class = class->next) {", nclasses) char *else1 = ""; for (struct class *c = classes.x[0]; c; c = c->hdr.x[0]) { // TODO(opt): some sort of PHF or trie instead of chained strcmp, if we // ever have more than a few classes/properties? F( " %sif (!strcmp(class->name, \"%s\")) {", else1, c->name) _( " struct SendTable *st = class->table;") F( " int needprops = %d;", c->props.sz) _( " for (struct SendProp *p = st->props;") _( " mem_diff(p, st->props) < st->nprops * sz_SendProp;") _( " p = mem_offset(p, sz_SendProp)) {") _( " const char *varname = mem_loadptr(mem_offset(p, off_SP_varname));") char *else2 = ""; for (struct prop **pp = c->props.data; pp - c->props.data < c->props.sz; ++pp) { F( " %sif (!strcmp(varname, \"%s\")) {", else2, (*pp)->propname) F( " has_%s = true;", (*pp)->varname) F( " %s = mem_loads32(mem_offset(p, off_SP_offset));", (*pp)->varname) _( " if (!--needprops) break;") _( " }") else2 = "else "; } _( " }") _( " if (!--needclasses) break;") _( " }") else1 = "else "; } _( " }") _( "}") } int OS_MAIN(int argc, os_char *argv[]) { for (++argv; *argv; ++argv) { int f = os_open_read(*argv); if (f == -1) die("couldn't open file"); struct kv_parser kv = {0}; struct parsestate state = {*argv, &kv}; char buf[1024]; int nread; while (nread = os_read(f, buf, sizeof(buf))) { if (nread == -1) die("couldn't read file"); if (!kv_parser_feed(&kv, buf, nread, &kv_cb, &state)) goto ep; } if (!kv_parser_done(&kv)) { ep: fprintf(stderr, "mkentprops: %" fS ":%d:%d: bad syntax: %s\n", *argv, kv.line, kv.col, kv.errmsg); exit(1); } os_close(f); } FILE *out = fopen(".build/include/entprops.gen.h", "wb"); if (!out) die("couldn't open entprops.gen.h"); H(); decls(out); out = fopen(".build/include/entpropsinit.gen.h", "wb"); if (!out) die("couldn't open entpropsinit.gen.h"); H(); defs(out); return 0; } // vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80