/* * Copyright © 2024 Michael Smith * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "../intdefs.h" #include "../os.h" #include "cmeta.h" #include "vec.h" /* * This file does C metadata parsing/scraping for the build system. This * facilitates tasks ranging from determining header dependencies to searching * for certain magic macros (for example cvar/command declarations) to generate * other code. * * It's a bit of a mess since it's kind of just hacked together for use at build * time. Don't worry about it too much. */ // lazy inlined 3rd party stuff {{{ // too lazy to write a C tokenizer at the moment, or indeed probably ever, so // let's just yoink some code from a hacked-up copy of chibicc, a nice minimal C // compiler with code that's pretty easy to work with. it does leak memory by // design, but build stuff is all one-shot so that's fine. #include "../3p/chibicc/chibicc.h" #include "../3p/chibicc/unicode.c" // type sentinels from type.c (don't bring in the rest of type.c because it // circularly depends on other stuff and we really only want tokenize here) Type *ty_void = &(Type){TY_VOID, 1, 1}; Type *ty_bool = &(Type){TY_BOOL, 1, 1}; Type *ty_char = &(Type){TY_CHAR, 1, 1}; Type *ty_short = &(Type){TY_SHORT, 2, 2}; Type *ty_int = &(Type){TY_INT, 4, 4}; Type *ty_long = &(Type){TY_LONG, 8, 8}; Type *ty_uchar = &(Type){TY_CHAR, 1, 1, true}; Type *ty_ushort = &(Type){TY_SHORT, 2, 2, true}; Type *ty_uint = &(Type){TY_INT, 4, 4, true}; Type *ty_ulong = &(Type){TY_LONG, 8, 8, true}; Type *ty_float = &(Type){TY_FLOAT, 4, 4}; Type *ty_double = &(Type){TY_DOUBLE, 8, 8}; Type *ty_ldouble = &(Type){TY_LDOUBLE, 16, 16}; // inline just a couple more things, super lazy, but whatever static Type *new_type(TypeKind kind, int size, int align) { Type *ty = calloc(1, sizeof(Type)); ty->kind = kind; ty->size = size; ty->align = align; return ty; } Type *array_of(Type *base, int len) { Type *ty = new_type(TY_ARRAY, base->size * len, base->align); ty->base = base; ty->array_len = len; return ty; } #include "../3p/chibicc/hashmap.c" #include "../3p/chibicc/strings.c" #include "../3p/chibicc/tokenize.c" // one more copypaste from preprocess.c for #include and then I'm // done I promise static char *join_tokens(const Token *tok, const Token *end) { int len = 1; for (const Token *t = tok; t != end && t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) { if (t != tok && t->has_space) len++; len += t->len; } char *buf = calloc(1, len); int pos = 0; for (const Token *t = tok; t != end && t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) { if (t != tok && t->has_space) buf[pos++] = ' '; strncpy(buf + pos, t->loc, t->len); pos += t->len; } buf[pos] = '\0'; return buf; } // }}} #ifdef _WIN32 #include "../3p/openbsd/asprintf.c" // missing from libc; plonked here for now #endif static void die(const char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "cmeta: fatal: %s\n", s); exit(100); } static char *readsource(const os_char *path) { int f = os_open_read(path); if (f == -1) return 0; uint bufsz = 8192; char *buf = malloc(bufsz); if (!buf) die("couldn't allocate memory"); int nread; int off = 0; while ((nread = os_read(f, buf + off, bufsz - off)) > 0) { off += nread; if (off == bufsz) { bufsz *= 2; // somewhat arbitrary cutoff if (bufsz == 1 << 30) die("input file is too large"); buf = realloc(buf, bufsz); if (!buf) die("couldn't reallocate memory"); } } if (nread == -1) die("couldn't read file"); buf[off] = 0; os_close(f); return buf; } // as per cmeta.h this is totally opaque; it's actually just a Token in disguise struct cmeta; const struct cmeta *cmeta_loadfile(const os_char *path) { char *buf = readsource(path); if (!buf) return 0; #ifdef _WIN32 char *realname = malloc(wcslen(path) + 1); if (!realname) die("couldn't allocate memory"); // XXX: being lazy about Unicode right now; a general purpose tool should // implement WTF8 or something. SST itself doesn't have any unicode paths // though, so don't really care as much. *realname = *path; for (const ushort *p = path + 1; p[-1]; ++p) realname[p - path] = *p; #else const char *realname = f; #endif return (const struct cmeta *)tokenize_buf(realname, buf); } // NOTE: we don't care about conditional includes, nor do we expand macros. We // just parse the minimum info to get what we need for SST. Also, there's not // too much in the way of syntax checking; if an error gets ignored the compiler // picks it up anyway, and gives far better diagnostics. void cmeta_includes(const struct cmeta *cm, void (*cb)(const char *f, bool issys, void *ctxt), void *ctxt) { const Token *tp = (const Token *)cm; if (!tp || !tp->next || !tp->next->next) return; // #, include, "string" while (tp) { if (!tp->at_bol || !equal(tp, "#")) { tp = tp->next; continue; } if (!equal(tp->next, "include")) { tp = tp->next->next; continue; } tp = tp->next->next; if (!tp) break; if (tp->at_bol) tp = tp->next; if (!tp) break; if (tp->kind == TK_STR) { // include strings are a special case; they don't have \escapes. char *copy = malloc(tp->len - 1); if (!copy) die("couldn't allocate memory"); memcpy(copy, tp->loc + 1, tp->len - 2); copy[tp->len - 2] = '\0'; cb(copy, false, ctxt); //free(copy); // ?????? } else if (equal(tp, "<")) { tp = tp->next; if (!tp) break; const Token *end = tp; while (!equal(end, ">")) { end = end->next; if (!end) return; // shouldn't happen in valid source obviously if (end->at_bol) break; // ?????? } char *joined = join_tokens(tp, end); // just use func from chibicc cb(joined, true, ctxt); //free(joined); // ?????? } // get to the next line (standard allows extra tokens because) while (!tp->at_bol) { tp = tp->next; if (!tp) return; } } } // AGAIN, NOTE: this doesn't *perfectly* match top level decls only in the event // that someone writes something weird, but we just don't really care because // we're not writing something weird. Don't write something weird! void cmeta_conmacros(const struct cmeta *cm, void (*cb)(const char *, bool, bool)) { const Token *tp = (const Token *)cm; if (!tp || !tp->next || !tp->next->next) return; // DEF_xyz, (, name while (tp) { bool isplusminus = false, isvar = false; bool unreg = false; // this is like the worst thing ever, but oh well it's just build time // XXX: tidy this up some day, though, probably if (equal(tp, "DEF_CCMD_PLUSMINUS")) { isplusminus = true; } else if (equal(tp, "DEF_CCMD_PLUSMINUS_UNREG")) { isplusminus = true; unreg = true; } else if (equal(tp, "DEF_CVAR") || equal(tp, "DEF_CVAR_MIN") || equal(tp, "DEF_CVAR_MAX") || equal(tp, "DEF_CVAR_MINMAX")) { isvar = true; } else if (equal(tp, "DEF_CVAR_UNREG") || equal(tp, "DEF_CVAR_MIN_UNREG") || equal(tp, "DEF_CVAR_MAX_UNREG") || equal(tp, "DEF_CVAR_MINMAX_UNREG")) { isvar = true; unreg = true; } else if (equal(tp, "DEF_CCMD_UNREG") || equal(tp, "DEF_CCMD_HERE_UNREG")) { unreg = true; } else if (!equal(tp, "DEF_CCMD") && !equal(tp, "DEF_CCMD_HERE")) { tp = tp->next; continue; } if (!equal(tp->next, "(")) { tp = tp->next->next; continue; } tp = tp->next->next; if (isplusminus) { // XXX: this is stupid but whatever char *plusname = malloc(sizeof("PLUS_") + tp->len); if (!plusname) die("couldn't allocate memory"); memcpy(plusname, "PLUS_", 5); memcpy(plusname + sizeof("PLUS_") - 1, tp->loc, tp->len); plusname[sizeof("PLUS_") - 1 + tp->len] = '\0'; cb(plusname, false, unreg); char *minusname = malloc(sizeof("MINUS_") + tp->len); if (!minusname) die("couldn't allocate memory"); memcpy(minusname, "MINUS_", 5); memcpy(minusname + sizeof("MINUS_") - 1, tp->loc, tp->len); minusname[sizeof("MINUS_") - 1 + tp->len] = '\0'; cb(minusname, false, unreg); } else { char *name = malloc(tp->len + 1); if (!name) die("couldn't allocate memory"); memcpy(name, tp->loc, tp->len); name[tp->len] = '\0'; cb(name, isvar, unreg); } tp = tp->next; } } const char *cmeta_findfeatmacro(const struct cmeta *cm) { const Token *tp = (const Token *)cm; if (!tp || !tp->next) return 0; // FEATURE, ( while (tp) { if (equal(tp, "FEATURE") && equal(tp->next, "(")) { if (equal(tp->next->next, ")")) return ""; // no arg = no desc if (!tp->next->next || tp->next->next->kind != TK_STR) { return 0; // it's invalid, whatever, just return... } return tp->next->next->str; } tp = tp->next; } return 0; } void cmeta_featinfomacros(const struct cmeta *cm, void (*cb)( enum cmeta_featmacro type, const char *param, void *ctxt), void *ctxt) { const Token *tp = (const Token *)cm; if (!tp || !tp->next) return; while (tp) { int type = -1; if (equal(tp, "PREINIT")) { type = CMETA_FEAT_PREINIT; } else if (equal(tp, "INIT")) { type = CMETA_FEAT_INIT; } else if (equal(tp, "END")) { type = CMETA_FEAT_END; } if (type != - 1) { if (equal(tp->next, "{")) { cb(type, 0, ctxt); tp = tp->next; } tp = tp->next; continue; } if (equal(tp, "REQUIRE")) { type = CMETA_FEAT_REQUIRE; } else if (equal(tp, "REQUIRE_GAMEDATA")) { type = CMETA_FEAT_REQUIREGD; } else if (equal(tp, "REQUIRE_GLOBAL")) { type = CMETA_FEAT_REQUIREGLOBAL; } else if (equal(tp, "REQUEST")) { type = CMETA_FEAT_REQUEST; } if (type != -1) { if (equal(tp->next, "(") && tp->next->next) { tp = tp->next->next; char *param = malloc(tp->len + 1); if (!param) die("couldn't allocate memory"); memcpy(param, tp->loc, tp->len); param[tp->len] = '\0'; cb(type, param, ctxt); tp = tp->next; } } tp = tp->next; } } struct vec_str VEC(const char *); static void pushmacroarg(const Token *last, const char *start, struct vec_str *list) { int len = last->loc - start + last->len; char *dup = malloc(len + 1); if (!dup) die("couldn't allocate memory"); memcpy(dup, start, len); dup[len] = '\0'; if (!vec_push(list, dup)) die("couldn't append to array"); } // XXX: maybe this should be used for the other functions too. it'd be less ugly // and handle closing parentheses better, but alloc for tokens we don't care // about. probably a worthy tradeoff? static const Token *macroargs(const Token *t, struct vec_str *list) { int paren = 1; const Token *last; // avoids copying extra ws/comments in for (const char *start = t->loc; t; last = t, t = t->next) { if (equal(t, "(")) { ++paren; } else if (equal(t, ")")) { if (!--paren) { pushmacroarg(last, start, list); return t->next; } } else if (paren == 1 && equal(t, ",")) { pushmacroarg(last, start, list); t = t->next; if (t) start = t->loc; // slightly annoying... } } // I guess we handle this here. fprintf(stderr, "cmeta: fatal: unexpected EOF in %s\n", t->filename); exit(2); } void cmeta_evdefmacros(const struct cmeta *cm, void (*cb)(const char *name, const char *const *params, int nparams, bool predicate)) { const Token *tp = (const Token *)cm; if (!tp || !tp->next || !tp->next->next) return; // DEF_EVENT, (, name while (tp) { bool predicate = true; if (equal(tp, "DEF_EVENT") && equal(tp->next, "(")) { predicate = false; } else if (!equal(tp, "DEF_PREDICATE") || !equal(tp->next, "(")) { tp = tp->next; continue; } tp = tp->next->next; struct vec_str args = {0}; tp = macroargs(tp, &args); if (args.sz == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cmeta: fatal: missing event parameters in %s\n", tp->filename); exit(2); } cb(args.data[0], args.data + 1, args.sz - 1, predicate); } } void cmeta_evhandlermacros(const struct cmeta *cm, const char *modname, void (*cb_handler)(const char *evname, const char *modname)) { const Token *tp = (const Token *)cm; while (tp) { if (equal(tp, "HANDLE_EVENT") && equal(tp->next, "(")) { tp = tp->next->next; char *name = malloc(tp->len + 1); if (!name) die("couldn't allocate memory"); memcpy(name, tp->loc, tp->len); name[tp->len] = '\0'; cb_handler(name, modname); } tp = tp->next; } } // vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80 fdm=marker