/* * Copyright © 2023 Michael Smith * Copyright © 2022 Willian Henrique * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "bind.h" #include "con_.h" #include "hook.h" #include "engineapi.h" #include "errmsg.h" #include "event.h" #include "feature.h" #include "intdefs.h" #include "mem.h" #include "os.h" #include "ppmagic.h" #include "sst.h" #include "vcall.h" #include "x86.h" #include "x86util.h" FEATURE() REQUIRE(bind) REQUIRE(democustom) REQUIRE_GAMEDATA(vtidx_GetDesktopResolution) REQUIRE_GAMEDATA(vtidx_DispatchAllStoredGameMessages) static bool lockdown = false; #ifdef _WIN32 static void *gamewin, *inhookwin, *inhookthr; static ulong inhooktid; // UINT_PTR is a **stupid** typedef, but whatever. static ssize __stdcall kproc(int code, UINT_PTR wp, ssize lp) { KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *data = (KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *)lp; if (lockdown && data->flags & LLKHF_INJECTED && GetForegroundWindow() == gamewin) { return 1; } return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wp, lp); } static ssize __stdcall mproc(int code, UINT_PTR wp, ssize lp) { MSLLHOOKSTRUCT *data = (MSLLHOOKSTRUCT *)lp; if (lockdown && data->flags & LLMHF_INJECTED && GetForegroundWindow() == gamewin) { return 1; } return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wp, lp); } // this is its own thread to meet the strict timing deadline, otherwise the // hook gets silently removed. plus, we don't wanna incur latency anyway. static ulong __stdcall inhookthrmain(void *param) { volatile u32 *sig = param; if (!SetWindowsHookExW(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, &kproc, 0, 0) || !SetWindowsHookExW(WH_MOUSE_LL, &mproc, 0, 0)) { *sig = 2; return -1; } *sig = 1; MSG m; int ret; while ((ret = GetMessageW(&m, inhookwin, 0, 0)) > 0) DispatchMessage(&m); return ret; } static WNDPROC orig_wndproc; static ssize __stdcall hook_wndproc(void *wnd, uint msg, UINT_PTR wp, ssize lp) { if (msg == WM_COPYDATA && lockdown) return DefWindowProcW(wnd, msg, wp, lp); return orig_wndproc(wnd, msg, wp, lp); } static bool win32_init(void) { gamewin = FindWindowW(L"Valve001", 0); // note: error messages here are a bit cryptic on purpose, but easy to find // in the code. in other words, we're hiding in plain sight :-) if (!gamewin) { errmsg_errorsys("failed to find window"); return false; } orig_wndproc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtrW(gamewin, GWLP_WNDPROC, (ssize)hook_wndproc); if (!orig_wndproc) { errmsg_errorsys("failed to attach message handler"); } return true; } static void win32_end(void) { // no error handling here because we'd crash either way. good luck! SetWindowLongW(gamewin, GWLP_WNDPROC, (ssize)orig_wndproc); } static void inhook_start(volatile u32 *sig) { inhookwin = CreateWindowW(L"sst-eventloop", L"sst-eventloop", WS_DISABLED, 0, 0, 0, 0, HWND_MESSAGE, 0, 0, 0); inhookthr = CreateThread(0, 0, &inhookthrmain, (u32 *)sig, 0, &inhooktid); } static void inhook_check(void) { if (WaitForSingleObject(inhookthr, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { ulong status; GetExitCodeThread(inhookthr, &status); if (status) { // XXX: if this ever happens, it's a disaster! users might not // notice their run just dying all of a sudden. with any luck it // won't matter in practice but... this kind of sucks. con_warn("** sst: ERROR in message loop, abandoning RTA mode! **"); // TODO(rta): stop demos, and stuff. lockdown = false; } } } static void inhook_stop(void) { PostThreadMessageW(inhooktid, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); if (WaitForSingleObject(inhookthr, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) { errmsg_warnsys("couldn't wait for thread, status unknown"); // XXX: now what!? } // assume WAIT_OBJECT_0 ulong status; GetExitCodeThread(inhookthr, &status); if (status) { // not much else we can do now! con_warn("warning: RTA mode message loop had an error during shutdown"); } CloseHandle(inhookthr); } #else // TODO(linux): do some stuff, I guess... #endif bool ac_enable(void) { if (lockdown) return true; #ifdef _WIN32 // and now for some frivolously microoptimised spinlocking nonsense volatile u32 sig = 0; // paranoid volatile to ensure no loop misopt... inhook_start(&sig); register u32 x; // avoid double-reading the volatile // pausing in the middle here seems to produce shorter asm with gcc -O2 and // clang -O3 in godbolt (avoids unrolling of head which is unlikely to help) while (x = sig, _mm_pause(), !x); if (x == 2) { // else 1 for success con_warn("** sst: ERROR starting message loop, can't continue! **"); CloseHandle(inhookthr); return false; } #endif lockdown = true; return true; } HANDLE_EVENT(Tick, bool simulating) { #ifdef _WIN32 static uint fewticks = 0; // just check this every so often (roughly 0.1-0.3s depending on game) if (lockdown && !(++fewticks & 7)) inhook_check(); #endif } void ac_disable(void) { if (!lockdown) return; #ifdef _WIN32 inhook_stop(); #endif lockdown = false; } enum /* from InputEventType_t - terser names used here */ { BTNDOWN = 0, // data contains button code BTNUP, // " BTNDOUBLECLICK, // " ANALOGUEVALCHG, // data contains analogue code, data2 contains value SYSQUIT = 100, SYSCTRLHOTPLUG, // data contains controller ID SYSCTRLCOLDPLUG, // " // ranges for other things FIRSTVGUIEV = 1000, FIRSTAPPEV = 2000 }; struct inputevent { int type; // above enum int tick; int data, data2, data3; }; DECL_VFUNC_DYN(void, GetDesktopResolution, int *, int *) DECL_VFUNC_DYN(void, DispatchAllStoredGameMessages) typedef void (*VCALLCONV DispatchInputEvent_func)(void *, struct inputevent *); static DispatchInputEvent_func orig_DispatchInputEvent; static void VCALLCONV hook_DispatchInputEvent(void *this, struct inputevent *ev) { // TODO(rta): do something here! (here's a quick reference/example) //switch (ev->type) { // CASES(BTNDOWN, BTNUP, BTNDOUBLECLICK): // const char *desc[] = {"DOWN", "UP", "DOUBLE"}; // const char *binding = bind_get(ev->data); // if (!binding) binding = "[unbound]"; // con_msg("key %d %s => %s\n", ev->data, desc[ev->type - BTNDOWN], // binding); //} orig_DispatchInputEvent(this, ev); } static bool find_DispatchInputEvent(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 // Crazy pointer-chasing path to get to DispatchInputEvent (to log keypresses // and their associated binds): // IGameUIFuncs interface // -> CGameUIFuncs::GetDesktopResolution vfunc // -> IGame/CGame (first mov into ECX) // -> CGame::DispatchAllStoredGameMessages vfunc // -> DispatchInputEvent (first call instruction) void *gameuifuncs = factory_engine("VENGINE_GAMEUIFUNCS_VERSION005", 0); if (!gameuifuncs) { errmsg_errorx("couldn't get engine game UI interface"); return false; } void *cgame; GetDesktopResolution_func GetDesktopResolution = VFUNC(gameuifuncs, GetDesktopResolution); for (uchar *p = (uchar *)GetDesktopResolution; p - (uchar *)GetDesktopResolution < 16;) { if (p[0] == X86_MOVRMW && p[1] == X86_MODRM(0, 1, 5)) { void **indirect = mem_loadptr(p + 2); cgame = *indirect; goto ok; } NEXT_INSN(p, "CGame instance pointer"); } errmsg_errorx("couldn't find pointer to CGame instance"); return false; ok: DispatchAllStoredGameMessages_func DispatchAllStoredGameMessages = VFUNC(cgame, DispatchAllStoredGameMessages); for (uchar *p = (uchar *)DispatchAllStoredGameMessages; p - (uchar *)DispatchAllStoredGameMessages < 128;) { if (p[0] == X86_CALL) { orig_DispatchInputEvent = (DispatchInputEvent_func)(p + 5 + mem_loadoffset(p + 1)); // Note: we could go further and dig HandleEngineKey from Key_Event, // but it seems like Key_Event isn't directly called from // DispatchInputEvent in L4D2 (or has a much different structure, // requiring another function call to lead to HandleEngineKey). return true; } NEXT_INSN(p, "DispatchInputEvent function"); } errmsg_errorx("couldn't find DispatchInputEvent function"); #else #warning TODO(linux): more find-y stuff #endif return false; } INIT { #if defined(_WIN32) if (!win32_init()) return false; #elif defined(__linux__) // TODO(linux): call init things #endif if (!find_DispatchInputEvent()) return false; orig_DispatchInputEvent = (DispatchInputEvent_func)hook_inline( (void *)orig_DispatchInputEvent, (void *)&hook_DispatchInputEvent); if (!orig_DispatchInputEvent) { errmsg_errorsys("couldn't hook DispatchInputEvent function"); return false; } return true; } END { #if defined(_WIN32) win32_end(); #elif defined(__linux__) // TODO(linux): call cleanup things #endif ac_disable(); unhook_inline((void *)orig_DispatchInputEvent); } // vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80