// = client and server libraries = // CGameMovement vtidx_CheckJumpButton { 2013 "28 + NVDTOR" L4D "32 + NVDTOR" L4DS "33 + NVDTOR" Portal2 "35 + NVDTOR" } off_mv 8 // IServerGameDLL vtidx_GetAllServerClasses { default 10 2013 11 // TODO(compat): BMS 11 } // I(Server|Client)Unknown vtidx_GetBaseEntity "4 + NVDTOR" // CBaseEntity or CBasePlayer or something off_netprop_statechanged { L4D 88 } off_simtime { L4D 128 } vtidx_Spawn { L4D2 { default "22 + NVDTOR" TheLastStand "23 + NVDTOR" } } vtidx_Teleport { L4D "104 + NVDTOR" L4D2 { default "116 + NVDTOR" // TODO(linux): might actually be 119!?!? TheLastStand "117 + NVDTOR" // I dunno why JAiZ changed this } } // CGlobalVars off_curtime 12 off_edicts { L4D 88 } // IServerGameDLL vtidx_GameFrame 4 vtidx_GameShutdown 7 // CDirector vtidx_OnGameplayStart { L4D2 11 // note: just happens the same on linux! L4D1 11 // TODO(linux): unknown whether or not this is the same } // vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80 ft=text