# ICvar # XXX: const and non-const entries might be flipped here on Windows, not 100% # sure. kind of just choosing not to care thusfar, as it still works the same! vtidx_AllocateDLLIdentifier 5 Portal2 8 vtidx_RegisterConCommand 6 Portal2 9 vtidx_UnregisterConCommands 8 Portal2 11 # unused: #vtidx_FindCommandBase 10 # Portal2 13 vtidx_FindVar 12 Portal2 15 vtidx_FindCommand 14 Portal2 17 vtidx_CallGlobalChangeCallbacks 20 L4Dx 18 Portal2 21 vtidx_ConsoleColorPrintf OrangeBoxbased 23 L4Dx 21 Portal2 24 # CDemoRecorder vtidx_StartRecording 2 vtidx_SetSignonState 3 vtidx_StopRecording 7 vtidx_RecordPacket 11 # VEngineClient vtidx_IsInGame Client015 26 Client014 L4D2 28 2013 26 Client013 26 L4D1 27 # TODO(compat): unconfirmed, and OE support isn't really a thing yet anyway #Client012 28 vtidx_GetGameDirectory Client015 35 # current Portal 2 Client014 L4D2 73 # YES IT'S SEVENTY THREE SOMEHOW ALL OF A SUDDEN. 2013 35 Client013 35 L4Dx 36 # AND THEY ACTUALLY CHANGED IT BACK LATER! (on Client012 37 # dmomm, ep1, ... vtidx_GetEngineBuildNumber Client013 L4D2 99 Portal2 100 Client014 L4D2 31 2013 98 Portal1_3420 91 # TODO(compat): we'll need these... but need to detect first #Portal1_5135 102 #L4D1_1005 99 #L4D1_Steam 97 # IGameUIFuncs vtidx_GetDesktopResolution 5 # IGame/CGame vtidx_DispatchAllStoredGameMessages 16 # VEngineServer vtidx_PEntityOfEntIndex OrangeBoxbased 19 # probably OE too but ?? #vtidx_ServerCommand # unused currently # OrangeBoxbased 36 vtidx_ClientPrintf L4D1 45 # same in other engines, probably, but we don't need those for now L4D2 46 sz_edict 20 L4Dbased 16 # vgui::Panel vtidx_SetPaintEnabled 67 Client013 L4D1 68 L4D2 71 L4D2_2147plus 72 Client014 L4D2 70 vtidx_Paint 123 Client014 L4D2 126 # 2000 Client013 L4D2 127 # 2045 L4D2_2147plus 128 # SendProp sz_SendProp # wrapping all these in 005 for right now. # will need at least 009 as well at some point! SrvDLL005 OrangeBox 76 L4D1 80 L4D2 84 Portal2 84 #2013 80 # TODO(compat): not sure about 2013/009 yet off_SP_type 8 off_SP_varname SrvDLL005 OrangeBox 44 #L4Dbased 48 # TODO(compat): haven't tested Survivors # for now do this instead: L4D 48 Portal2 48 #2013 48 # TODO(compat): not sure about 2013/009 yet pt2 off_SP_subtable SrvDLL005 OrangeBox 64 L4D1 68 L4D2 72 Portal2 72 #2013 68 # TODO(compat): not sure about 2013/009 yet pt3 off_SP_offset SrvDLL005 OrangeBox 68 L4D1 72 L4D2 76 Portal2 76 #2013 72 # TODO(compat): not sure about 2013/009 yet pt4 DPT_DataTable 5 # constant value from SendPropType enum (XXX: name okay???) L4Dbased 6 # CBaseServer/CGameServer vtidx_GetSpawnCount #OrangeBox 13 + NVDTOR # not used right now anyway L4D1 13 + NVDTOR L4D2 14 + NVDTOR # GetTimescale() added, pushed it down # rest untested, add later if/when actually needed for something # IEngineVGuiInternal/CEngineVGui vtidx_GetPanel NVDTOR # note: actual name of this function is Connect() but that's too generic vtidx_VGuiConnect 3 + NVDTOR L4Dbased 4 + NVDTOR # ActivateGameUI added L4DS 5 + NVDTOR # some other crap added, god knows vtidx_VGuiIsInitialized 6 + NVDTOR # this is also just called IsInitialized() L4Dbased 7 + NVDTOR L4DS 8 + NVDTOR # CDedicatedServerAPI vtidx_RunFrame 7 # IEngine vtidx_Frame 4 + NVDTOR # CEngineTool vtidx_GetRealTime 34 # HL2, P1, L4D1, BMS # OE, DMoMM 24 L4D2 35 Portal2 36 vtidx_HostFrameTime 35 # OE, DMoMM 25 L4D2 38 Portal2 39 # IVDebugOverlay vtidx_AddLineOverlay 3 vtidx_AddBoxOverlay2 L4D1 19 L4D2 20 # vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80