path: root/src/build/mkentprops.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/mkentprops.c')
1 files changed, 309 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/mkentprops.c b/src/build/mkentprops.c
index fdbb8af..4806996 100644
--- a/src/build/mkentprops.c
+++ b/src/build/mkentprops.c
@@ -17,13 +17,11 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "../intdefs.h"
-#include "../kv.h"
#include "../langext.h"
#include "../os.h"
-#include "skiplist.h"
-#include "vec.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#define fS "S"
@@ -31,176 +29,349 @@
#define fS "s"
-static noreturn die(const char *s) {
+static noreturn die(int status, const char *s) {
fprintf(stderr, "mkentprops: %s\n", s);
- exit(100);
+ exit(status);
-struct prop {
- const char *varname; /* the C global name */
- const char *propname; /* the entity property name */
- struct prop *next;
-struct vec_prop VEC(struct prop *);
-DECL_SKIPLIST(static, class, struct class, const char *, 4)
-struct class {
- const char *name; /* the entity class name */
- struct vec_prop props;
- struct skiplist_hdr_class hdr;
-static inline int cmp_class(struct class *c, const char *s) {
- return strcmp(c->name, s);
+static noreturn dieparse(const os_char *file, int line, const char *s) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "mkentprops: %" fS ":%d: %s\n", file, line, s);
+ exit(2);
-static inline struct skiplist_hdr_class *hdr_class(struct class *c) {
- return &c->hdr;
+static char *sbase; // input file contents - string values are indices off this
+// custom data structure of the day: zero-alloc half-SoA adaptive radix trees(!)
+#define ART_MAXNODES 16384
+static uchar art_firstbytes[ART_MAXNODES];
+static struct art_core {
+ int soff; // string offset to entire key chunk (including firstbyte)
+ u16 slen; // number of bytes in key chunk (including firstbyte, >=1)
+ u16 next; // sibling node (same prefix, different firstbyte)
+} art_cores[ART_MAXNODES];
+// if node doesn't end in \0: child node (i.e. key appends more bytes)
+// if node DOES end in \0: offset into art_leaves (below)
+static u16 art_children[ART_MAXNODES];
+static int art_nnodes = 0;
+#define ART_NULL ((u16)-1)
+static inline int art_newnode(void) {
+ if (art_nnodes == ART_MAXNODES) die(2, "out of tree nodes");
+ return art_nnodes++;
-DEF_SKIPLIST(static, class, cmp_class, hdr_class)
-static struct skiplist_hdr_class classes = {0};
-static int nclasses = 0;
-struct parsestate {
- const os_char *filename;
- struct kv_parser *parser;
- char *lastvar;
-static noreturn badparse(struct parsestate *state, const char *e) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mkentprops: %" fS ":%d:%d: parse error: %s",
- state->filename, state->parser->line, state->parser->col, e);
- exit(1);
+#define ART_MAXLEAVES 8192
+static struct art_leaf {
+ int varstr; // offset of string (generated variable), if any, or -1 if none
+ u16 subtree; // art index of subtree (nested SendTable), or -1 if none
+ u16 nsubs; // number of subtrees (used to short-circuit the runtime search)
+} art_leaves[ART_MAXLEAVES];
+static int art_nleaves = 0;
+static u16 art_root = ART_NULL; // ServerClasses (which point at SendTables)
+static u16 nclasses = 0; // similar short circuit for ServerClasses
+#define VAR_NONE -1
+// for quick iteration over var names to generate decls header without ART faff
+#define MAXDECLS 4096
+static int decls[MAXDECLS];
+static int ndecls = 0;
+static inline int art_newleaf(void) {
+ if (art_nleaves == ART_MAXLEAVES) die(2, "out of leaf nodes");
+ return art_nleaves++;
-static void kv_cb(enum kv_token type, const char *p, uint len, void *ctxt) {
- struct parsestate *state = ctxt;
- switch_exhaust_enum (kv_token, type) {
- state->lastvar = malloc(len + 1);
- if (!state->lastvar) die("couldn't allocate memory");
- memcpy(state->lastvar, p, len); state->lastvar[len] = '\0';
- break;
- case KV_NEST_START: badparse(state, "unexpected nested block");
- case KV_NEST_END: badparse(state, "unexpected closing brace");
- case KV_VAL: case KV_VAL_QUOTED:;
- struct prop *prop = malloc(sizeof(*prop));
- if (!prop) die("couldn't allocate memory");
- prop->varname = state->lastvar;
- char *classname = malloc(len + 1);
- if (!classname) die("couldn't allocate memory");
- memcpy(classname, p, len); classname[len] = '\0';
- char *propname = strchr(classname, '/');
- if (!propname) {
- badparse(state, "network name not in class/prop format");
+static struct art_lookup_ret {
+ bool isnew; // true if node created, false if found
+ u16 leafidx; // index of value (leaf) node
+} art_lookup(u16 *art, int soff, int len) {
+ assume(len > 0); // everything must be null-terminated!
+ for (;;) {
+ const uchar *p = (const uchar *)sbase + soff;
+ u16 cur = *art;
+ if (cur == ART_NULL) { // append
+ int new = art_newnode();
+ *art = new;
+ art_firstbytes[new] = *p;
+ art_cores[new].soff = soff;
+ art_cores[new].slen = len;
+ art_cores[new].next = ART_NULL;
+ int leaf = art_newleaf(); // N.B. firstbyte is already 0 here
+ art_children[new] = leaf;
+ return (struct art_lookup_ret){true, leaf};
+ }
+ while (art_firstbytes[cur] == *p) {
+ int nodelen = art_cores[cur].slen;
+ int matchlen = 1;
+ const uchar *q = (const uchar *)sbase + art_cores[cur].soff;
+ for (; matchlen < nodelen; ++matchlen) {
+ if (p[matchlen] != q[matchlen]) {
+ // node and key diverge: split into child nodes
+ // (left is new part of key string, right is existing tail)
+ art_cores[cur].slen = matchlen;
+ int l = art_newnode(), r = art_newnode();
+ art_firstbytes[l] = p[matchlen];
+ art_cores[l].soff = soff + matchlen;
+ art_cores[l].slen = len - matchlen;
+ art_cores[l].next = r;
+ art_firstbytes[r] = q[matchlen];
+ art_cores[r].soff = art_cores[cur].soff + matchlen;
+ art_cores[r].slen = nodelen - matchlen;
+ art_cores[r].next = ART_NULL;
+ art_children[r] = art_children[cur];
+ art_children[cur] = l;
+ int leaf = art_newleaf();
+ art_children[l] = leaf;
+ return (struct art_lookup_ret){true, leaf};
+ }
- *propname = '\0'; ++propname; // split!
- prop->propname = propname;
- struct class *class = skiplist_get_class(&classes, classname);
- if (!class) {
- class = malloc(sizeof(*class));
- if (!class) die("couldn't allocate memory");
- *class = (struct class){.name = classname};
- skiplist_insert_class(&classes, classname, class);
- ++nclasses;
+ if (matchlen == len) {
+ // node matches entire key: we have matched an existing entry
+ return (struct art_lookup_ret){false, art_children[cur]};
- // (if class is already there just leak classname, no point freeing)
- if (!vec_push(&class->props, prop)) die("couldn't append to array");
+ // node is substring of key: descend into child nodes
+ soff += matchlen;
+ len -= matchlen;
+ cur = art_children[cur]; // note: this can't be ART_NULL (thus loop)
+ p = (const uchar *)sbase + soff; // XXX: kinda silly dupe
+ }
+ // if we didn't match this node, try the next sibling node.
+ // if sibling is null, we'll hit the append case above.
+ art = &art_cores[cur].next;
+ }
+static struct art_leaf *helpgetleaf(u16 *art, const char *s, int len,
+ const os_char *parsefile, int parseline, u16 *countvar) {
+ struct art_lookup_ret leaf = art_lookup(art, s - sbase, len);
+ if (leaf.isnew) {
+ art_leaves[leaf.leafidx].varstr = VAR_NONE;
+ art_leaves[leaf.leafidx].subtree = ART_NULL;
+ ++*countvar;
+ }
+ else if (parsefile) { // it's null if an existing entry is allowed
+ dieparse(parsefile, parseline, "duplicate property name");
+ }
+ return art_leaves + leaf.leafidx;
+static inline void handleentry(char *k, char *v, int vlen,
+ const os_char *file, int line) {
+ if (ndecls == MAXDECLS) die(2, "out of declaration entries");
+ decls[ndecls++] = k - sbase;
+ char *propname = memchr(v, '/', vlen);
+ if (!propname) {
+ dieparse(file, line, "network name not in class/property format");
+ }
+ *propname++ = '\0';
+ int sublen = propname - v;
+ if (sublen > 65535) {
+ dieparse(file, line, "network class name is far too long");
+ }
+ vlen -= sublen;
+ struct art_leaf *leaf = helpgetleaf(&art_root, v, sublen, 0, 0, &nclasses);
+ u16 *subtree = &leaf->subtree;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (vlen > 65535) {
+ dieparse(file, line, "property (SendTable) name is far too long");
+ }
+ char *nextpart = memchr(propname, '/', vlen);
+ if (!nextpart) {
+ leaf = helpgetleaf(subtree, propname, vlen, file, line,
+ &leaf->nsubs);
+ leaf->varstr = k - sbase;
- badparse(state, "unexpected conditional");
+ }
+ *nextpart++ = '\0';
+ sublen = nextpart - propname;
+ leaf = helpgetleaf(subtree, propname, sublen, file, line, &leaf->nsubs);
+ subtree = &leaf->subtree;
+ vlen -= sublen;
+ propname = nextpart;
-static inline noreturn diewrite(void) { die("couldn't write to file"); }
+static void parse(const os_char *file, int len) {
+ char *s = sbase; // for convenience
+ if (s[len - 1] != '\n') dieparse(file, 0, "invalid text file (missing EOL)");
+ enum { BOL = 0, KEY = 4, KWS = 8, VAL = 12, COM = 16, ERR = -1 };
+ static const s8 statetrans[] = {
+ // layout: any, space|tab, #, \n
+ [BOL + 0] = KEY, [BOL + 1] = ERR, [BOL + 2] = COM, [BOL + 3] = BOL,
+ [KEY + 0] = KEY, [KEY + 1] = KWS, [KEY + 2] = ERR, [KEY + 3] = ERR,
+ [KWS + 0] = VAL, [KWS + 1] = KWS, [KWS + 2] = ERR, [KWS + 3] = ERR,
+ [VAL + 0] = VAL, [VAL + 1] = VAL, [VAL + 2] = COM, [VAL + 3] = BOL,
+ [COM + 0] = COM, [COM + 1] = COM, [COM + 2] = COM, [COM + 3] = BOL
+ };
+ char *key, *val;
+ for (int state = BOL, i = 0, line = 1; i < len; ++i) {
+ int transidx = state;
+ switch (s[i]) {
+ case '\0': dieparse(file, line, "unexpected null byte");
+ case ' ': case '\t': transidx += 1; break;
+ case '#': transidx += 2; break;
+ case '\n': transidx += 3;
+ }
+ int newstate = statetrans[transidx];
+ if_cold (newstate == ERR) {
+ if (state == BOL) dieparse(file, line, "unexpected indentation");
+ if (s[i] == '\n') dieparse(file, line, "unexpected end of line");
+ dieparse(file, line, "unexpected comment");
+ }
+ switch_exhaust (newstate) {
+ case KEY: if_cold (state != KEY) key = s + i; break;
+ case KWS: if_cold (state != KWS) s[i] = '\0'; break;
+ case VAL: if_cold (state == KWS) val = s + i; break;
+ case COM: case BOL:
+ if (state == VAL) {
+ int j = i;
+ while (s[j - 1] == ' ' || s[j - 1] == '\t') --j;
+ s[j] = '\0';
+ int vallen = j - (val - s) + 1;
+ handleentry(key, val, vallen, file, line);
+ }
+ }
+ line += state == BOL;
+ state = newstate;
+ }
-#define _(x) \
- if (fprintf(out, "%s\n", x) < 0) diewrite();
-#define F(f, ...) \
- if (fprintf(out, f "\n", __VA_ARGS__) < 0) diewrite();
+static inline noreturn diewrite(void) { die(100, "couldn't write to file"); }
+#define _(x) if (fprintf(out, "%s\n", x) < 0) diewrite();
+#define _i(x) for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) fputc('\t', out); _(x)
+#define F(f, ...) if (fprintf(out, f "\n", __VA_ARGS__) < 0) diewrite();
+#define Fi(...) for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) fputc('\t', out); F(__VA_ARGS__)
#define H() \
_( "/* This file is autogenerated by src/build/mkentprops.c. DO NOT EDIT! */") \
_( "")
-static void decls(FILE *out) {
- for (struct class *c = classes.x[0]; c; c = c->hdr.x[0]) {
- for (struct prop **pp = c->;
- pp - c-> < c->; ++pp) {
-F( "extern bool has_%s;", (*pp)->varname)
-F( "extern int %s;", (*pp)->varname)
+static void dosendtables(FILE *out, u16 art, int indent) {
+_i("switch (*p) {")
+ while (art != ART_NULL) {
+ if (art_cores[art].slen != 1) {
+ const char *tail = sbase + art_cores[art].soff + 1;
+ int len = art_cores[art].slen - 1;
+Fi(" case '%c': if (!strncmp(p + 1, \"%.*s\", %d)) {",
+art_firstbytes[art], len, tail, len)
+ }
+ else {
+Fi(" case '%c': {", art_firstbytes[art])
+ int idx = art_children[art];
+ // XXX: kind of a dumb and bad way to distinguish these. okay for now...
+ if (sbase[art_cores[art].soff + art_cores[art].slen - 1] != '\0') {
+ dosendtables(out, idx, indent + 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (art_leaves[idx].varstr != VAR_NONE) {
+_i(" if (mem_loads32(mem_offset(sp, off_SP_type)) != DT_DataTable) {")
+Fi(" %s = mem_loads32(mem_offset(sp, off_SP_offset));",
+sbase + art_leaves[idx].varstr);
+Fi(" --need;")
+_i(" }")
+ }
+ if (art_leaves[idx].subtree != ART_NULL) {
+_i(" if (mem_loads32(mem_offset(sp, off_SP_type)) == DT_DataTable) {")
+_i(" const struct SendTable *st = mem_loadptr(mem_offset(sp, off_SP_subtable));")
+Fi(" for (int i = 0, need = %d; i < st->nprops && need; ++i) {",
+_i(" const struct SendProp *sp = mem_offset(st->props, sz_SendProp * i);")
+_i(" const char *p = mem_loadptr(mem_offset(sp, off_SP_varname));")
+ dosendtables(out, art_leaves[idx].subtree, indent + 4);
+_i(" }")
+_i(" // END SUBTABLE")
+_i(" }")
+ }
+ }
+_i(" } break;")
+ art = art_cores[art].next;
-static void defs(FILE *out) {
- for (struct class *c = classes.x[0]; c; c = c->hdr.x[0]) {
- for (struct prop **pp = c->;
- pp - c-> < c->; ++pp) {
-F( "bool has_%s = false;", (*pp)->varname)
-F( "int %s;", (*pp)->varname)
+static void doclasses(FILE *out, u16 art, int indent) {
+_i("switch (*p) {")
+ for (; art != ART_NULL; art = art_cores[art].next) {
+ if (art_cores[art].slen != 1) {
+ const char *tail = sbase + art_cores[art].soff + 1;
+ int len = art_cores[art].slen - 1;
+Fi(" case '%c': if (!strncmp(p + 1, \"%.*s\", %d)) {",
+art_firstbytes[art], len, tail, len)
- }
-_( "")
-_( "static void initentprops(struct ServerClass *class) {")
-F( " for (int needclasses = %d; class; class = class->next) {", nclasses)
- char *else1 = "";
- for (struct class *c = classes.x[0]; c; c = c->hdr.x[0]) {
- // TODO(opt): some sort of PHF or trie instead of chained strcmp, if we
- // ever have more than a few classes/properties?
-F( " %sif (!strcmp(class->name, \"%s\")) {", else1, c->name)
-_( " struct SendTable *st = class->table;")
-F( " int needprops = %d;", c->
-_( " for (struct SendProp *p = st->props;")
-_( " mem_diff(p, st->props) < st->nprops * sz_SendProp;")
-_( " p = mem_offset(p, sz_SendProp)) {")
-_( " const char *varname = mem_loadptr(mem_offset(p, off_SP_varname));")
- char *else2 = "";
- for (struct prop **pp = c->;
- pp - c-> < c->; ++pp) {
-F( " %sif (!strcmp(varname, \"%s\")) {", else2, (*pp)->propname)
-F( " has_%s = true;", (*pp)->varname)
-F( " %s = mem_loads32(mem_offset(p, off_SP_offset));",
- (*pp)->varname)
-_( " if (!--needprops) break;")
-_( " }")
- else2 = "else ";
+ else {
+Fi(" case '%c': {", art_firstbytes[art])
-_( " }")
-_( " if (!--needclasses) break;")
-_( " }")
- else1 = "else ";
+ int idx = art_children[art];
+ // XXX: same dumb-and-bad-ness as above. there must be a better way!
+ if (sbase[art_cores[art].soff + art_cores[art].slen - 1] != '\0') {
+Fi(" p += %d;", art_cores[art].slen)
+ doclasses(out, art_children[art], indent + 2);
+ }
+ else {
+ assume(art_leaves[idx].varstr == VAR_NONE);
+ assume(art_leaves[idx].subtree != ART_NULL);
+_i(" const struct SendTable *st = class->table;")
+Fi(" for (int i = 0, need = %d; i < st->nprops && need; ++i) {",
+ // note: annoyingly long line here, but the generated code gets
+ // super nested anyway, so there's no point in caring really
+ // XXX: basically a dupe of dosendtables() - fold into above?
+_i(" const struct SendProp *sp = mem_offset(st->props, sz_SendProp * i);")
+_i(" const char *p = mem_loadptr(mem_offset(sp, off_SP_varname));")
+ dosendtables(out, art_leaves[idx].subtree, indent + 3);
+_i(" }")
+ }
+_i(" } break;")
+ }
+static void dodecls(FILE *out) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < ndecls; ++i) {
+ const char *s = sbase + decls[i];
+F( "extern int %s;", s);
+F( "#define has_%s (!!%s)", s, s); // offsets will NEVER be 0, due to vtable!
+ }
+static void doinit(FILE *out) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < ndecls; ++i) {
+ const char *s = sbase + decls[i];
+F( "int %s = 0;", s);
+_( "")
+_( "static inline void initentprops(const struct ServerClass *class) {")
+_( " const char *p = class->name;")
+F( " for (int need = %d; need && class; class = class->next) {", nclasses)
+ doclasses(out, art_root, 2);
_( " }")
_( "}")
int OS_MAIN(int argc, os_char *argv[]) {
- for (++argv; *argv; ++argv) {
- int f = os_open_read(*argv);
- if (f == -1) die("couldn't open file");
- struct kv_parser kv = {0};
- struct parsestate state = {*argv, &kv};
- char buf[1024];
- int nread;
- while (nread = os_read(f, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
- if (nread == -1) die("couldn't read file");
- if (!kv_parser_feed(&kv, buf, nread, &kv_cb, &state)) goto ep;
- }
- if (!kv_parser_done(&kv)) {
-ep: fprintf(stderr, "mkentprops: %" fS ":%d:%d: bad syntax: %s\n",
- *argv, kv.line, kv.col, kv.errmsg);
- exit(1);
- }
- os_close(f);
- }
+ if (argc != 2) die(1, "wrong number of arguments");
+ int f = os_open_read(argv[1]);
+ if (f == -1) die(100, "couldn't open file");
+ vlong len = os_fsize(f);
+ if (len > 1u << 30 - 1) die(2, "input file is far too large");
+ sbase = malloc(len);
+ if (!sbase) die(100, "couldn't allocate memory");
+ if (os_read(f, sbase, len) != len) die(100, "couldn't read file");
+ os_close(f);
+ parse(argv[1], len);
FILE *out = fopen(".build/include/entprops.gen.h", "wb");
- if (!out) die("couldn't open entprops.gen.h");
+ if (!out) die(100, "couldn't open entprops.gen.h");
- decls(out);
+ dodecls(out);
out = fopen(".build/include/entpropsinit.gen.h", "wb");
- if (!out) die("couldn't open entpropsinit.gen.h");
+ if (!out) die(100, "couldn't open entpropsinit.gen.h");
- defs(out);
+ doinit(out);
return 0;