path: root/src
diff options
authorMichael Smith <>2021-12-29 18:33:40 +0000
committerMichael Smith <>2021-12-29 18:33:40 +0000
commit0f232d8eaee1f94896596a9969982297cee7dc67 (patch)
treea4058c336806e9f150d4d02b0358d00266ef11ce /src
parentd40d588f6d7cf866f7de41db9efffdd6c1a05135 (diff)
Remove some unused files
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
6 files changed, 1 insertions, 7270 deletions
diff --git a/src/3p/chibicc/chibicc.h b/src/3p/chibicc/chibicc.h
index 1719bc5..82aad11 100644
--- a/src/3p/chibicc/chibicc.h
+++ b/src/3p/chibicc/chibicc.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include <time.h>
//#include <unistd.h>
-// exists on all Unixes but normally hidden _GNU_SOURCE on Linux.
+// exists on all Unixes but normally hidden behind _GNU_SOURCE on Linux.
// missing entirely on Windows (implemented in 3p/openbsd/asprintf.c for compat)
int vasprintf(char **str, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
diff --git a/src/3p/chibicc/codegen.c b/src/3p/chibicc/codegen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index da11fd7..0000000
--- a/src/3p/chibicc/codegen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1595 +0,0 @@
-#include "chibicc.h"
-#define GP_MAX 6
-#define FP_MAX 8
-static FILE *output_file;
-static int depth;
-static char *argreg8[] = {"%dil", "%sil", "%dl", "%cl", "%r8b", "%r9b"};
-static char *argreg16[] = {"%di", "%si", "%dx", "%cx", "%r8w", "%r9w"};
-static char *argreg32[] = {"%edi", "%esi", "%edx", "%ecx", "%r8d", "%r9d"};
-static char *argreg64[] = {"%rdi", "%rsi", "%rdx", "%rcx", "%r8", "%r9"};
-static Obj *current_fn;
-static void gen_expr(Node *node);
-static void gen_stmt(Node *node);
-__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
-static void println(char *fmt, ...) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- vfprintf(output_file, fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- fprintf(output_file, "\n");
-static int count(void) {
- static int i = 1;
- return i++;
-static void push(void) {
- println(" push %%rax");
- depth++;
-static void pop(char *arg) {
- println(" pop %s", arg);
- depth--;
-static void pushf(void) {
- println(" sub $8, %%rsp");
- println(" movsd %%xmm0, (%%rsp)");
- depth++;
-static void popf(int reg) {
- println(" movsd (%%rsp), %%xmm%d", reg);
- println(" add $8, %%rsp");
- depth--;
-// Round up `n` to the nearest multiple of `align`. For instance,
-// align_to(5, 8) returns 8 and align_to(11, 8) returns 16.
-int align_to(int n, int align) {
- return (n + align - 1) / align * align;
-static char *reg_dx(int sz) {
- switch (sz) {
- case 1: return "%dl";
- case 2: return "%dx";
- case 4: return "%edx";
- case 8: return "%rdx";
- }
- unreachable();
-static char *reg_ax(int sz) {
- switch (sz) {
- case 1: return "%al";
- case 2: return "%ax";
- case 4: return "%eax";
- case 8: return "%rax";
- }
- unreachable();
-// Compute the absolute address of a given node.
-// It's an error if a given node does not reside in memory.
-static void gen_addr(Node *node) {
- switch (node->kind) {
- case ND_VAR:
- // Variable-length array, which is always local.
- if (node->var->ty->kind == TY_VLA) {
- println(" mov %d(%%rbp), %%rax", node->var->offset);
- return;
- }
- // Local variable
- if (node->var->is_local) {
- println(" lea %d(%%rbp), %%rax", node->var->offset);
- return;
- }
- if (opt_fpic) {
- // Thread-local variable
- if (node->var->is_tls) {
- println(" data16 lea %s@tlsgd(%%rip), %%rdi", node->var->name);
- println(" .value 0x6666");
- println(" rex64");
- println(" call __tls_get_addr@PLT");
- return;
- }
- // Function or global variable
- println(" mov %s@GOTPCREL(%%rip), %%rax", node->var->name);
- return;
- }
- // Thread-local variable
- if (node->var->is_tls) {
- println(" mov %%fs:0, %%rax");
- println(" add $%s@tpoff, %%rax", node->var->name);
- return;
- }
- // Here, we generate an absolute address of a function or a global
- // variable. Even though they exist at a certain address at runtime,
- // their addresses are not known at link-time for the following
- // two reasons.
- //
- // - Address randomization: Executables are loaded to memory as a
- // whole but it is not known what address they are loaded to.
- // Therefore, at link-time, relative address in the same
- // exectuable (i.e. the distance between two functions in the
- // same executable) is known, but the absolute address is not
- // known.
- //
- // - Dynamic linking: Dynamic shared objects (DSOs) or .so files
- // are loaded to memory alongside an executable at runtime and
- // linked by the runtime loader in memory. We know nothing
- // about addresses of global stuff that may be defined by DSOs
- // until the runtime relocation is complete.
- //
- // In order to deal with the former case, we use RIP-relative
- // addressing, denoted by `(%rip)`. For the latter, we obtain an
- // address of a stuff that may be in a shared object file from the
- // Global Offset Table using `@GOTPCREL(%rip)` notation.
- // Function
- if (node->ty->kind == TY_FUNC) {
- if (node->var->is_definition)
- println(" lea %s(%%rip), %%rax", node->var->name);
- else
- println(" mov %s@GOTPCREL(%%rip), %%rax", node->var->name);
- return;
- }
- // Global variable
- println(" lea %s(%%rip), %%rax", node->var->name);
- return;
- case ND_DEREF:
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- return;
- case ND_COMMA:
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- gen_addr(node->rhs);
- return;
- case ND_MEMBER:
- gen_addr(node->lhs);
- println(" add $%d, %%rax", node->member->offset);
- return;
- case ND_FUNCALL:
- if (node->ret_buffer) {
- gen_expr(node);
- return;
- }
- break;
- case ND_ASSIGN:
- case ND_COND:
- if (node->ty->kind == TY_STRUCT || node->ty->kind == TY_UNION) {
- gen_expr(node);
- return;
- }
- break;
- case ND_VLA_PTR:
- println(" lea %d(%%rbp), %%rax", node->var->offset);
- return;
- }
- error_tok(node->tok, "not an lvalue");
-// Load a value from where %rax is pointing to.
-static void load(Type *ty) {
- switch (ty->kind) {
- case TY_ARRAY:
- case TY_STRUCT:
- case TY_UNION:
- case TY_FUNC:
- case TY_VLA:
- // If it is an array, do not attempt to load a value to the
- // register because in general we can't load an entire array to a
- // register. As a result, the result of an evaluation of an array
- // becomes not the array itself but the address of the array.
- // This is where "array is automatically converted to a pointer to
- // the first element of the array in C" occurs.
- return;
- case TY_FLOAT:
- println(" movss (%%rax), %%xmm0");
- return;
- case TY_DOUBLE:
- println(" movsd (%%rax), %%xmm0");
- return;
- case TY_LDOUBLE:
- println(" fldt (%%rax)");
- return;
- }
- char *insn = ty->is_unsigned ? "movz" : "movs";
- // When we load a char or a short value to a register, we always
- // extend them to the size of int, so we can assume the lower half of
- // a register always contains a valid value. The upper half of a
- // register for char, short and int may contain garbage. When we load
- // a long value to a register, it simply occupies the entire register.
- if (ty->size == 1)
- println(" %sbl (%%rax), %%eax", insn);
- else if (ty->size == 2)
- println(" %swl (%%rax), %%eax", insn);
- else if (ty->size == 4)
- println(" movsxd (%%rax), %%rax");
- else
- println(" mov (%%rax), %%rax");
-// Store %rax to an address that the stack top is pointing to.
-static void store(Type *ty) {
- pop("%rdi");
- switch (ty->kind) {
- case TY_STRUCT:
- case TY_UNION:
- for (int i = 0; i < ty->size; i++) {
- println(" mov %d(%%rax), %%r8b", i);
- println(" mov %%r8b, %d(%%rdi)", i);
- }
- return;
- case TY_FLOAT:
- println(" movss %%xmm0, (%%rdi)");
- return;
- case TY_DOUBLE:
- println(" movsd %%xmm0, (%%rdi)");
- return;
- case TY_LDOUBLE:
- println(" fstpt (%%rdi)");
- return;
- }
- if (ty->size == 1)
- println(" mov %%al, (%%rdi)");
- else if (ty->size == 2)
- println(" mov %%ax, (%%rdi)");
- else if (ty->size == 4)
- println(" mov %%eax, (%%rdi)");
- else
- println(" mov %%rax, (%%rdi)");
-static void cmp_zero(Type *ty) {
- switch (ty->kind) {
- case TY_FLOAT:
- println(" xorps %%xmm1, %%xmm1");
- println(" ucomiss %%xmm1, %%xmm0");
- return;
- case TY_DOUBLE:
- println(" xorpd %%xmm1, %%xmm1");
- println(" ucomisd %%xmm1, %%xmm0");
- return;
- case TY_LDOUBLE:
- println(" fldz");
- println(" fucomip");
- println(" fstp %%st(0)");
- return;
- }
- if (is_integer(ty) && ty->size <= 4)
- println(" cmp $0, %%eax");
- else
- println(" cmp $0, %%rax");
-enum { I8, I16, I32, I64, U8, U16, U32, U64, F32, F64, F80 };
-static int getTypeId(Type *ty) {
- switch (ty->kind) {
- case TY_CHAR:
- return ty->is_unsigned ? U8 : I8;
- case TY_SHORT:
- return ty->is_unsigned ? U16 : I16;
- case TY_INT:
- return ty->is_unsigned ? U32 : I32;
- case TY_LONG:
- return ty->is_unsigned ? U64 : I64;
- case TY_FLOAT:
- return F32;
- case TY_DOUBLE:
- return F64;
- case TY_LDOUBLE:
- return F80;
- }
- return U64;
-// The table for type casts
-static char i32i8[] = "movsbl %al, %eax";
-static char i32u8[] = "movzbl %al, %eax";
-static char i32i16[] = "movswl %ax, %eax";
-static char i32u16[] = "movzwl %ax, %eax";
-static char i32f32[] = "cvtsi2ssl %eax, %xmm0";
-static char i32i64[] = "movsxd %eax, %rax";
-static char i32f64[] = "cvtsi2sdl %eax, %xmm0";
-static char i32f80[] = "mov %eax, -4(%rsp); fildl -4(%rsp)";
-static char u32f32[] = "mov %eax, %eax; cvtsi2ssq %rax, %xmm0";
-static char u32i64[] = "mov %eax, %eax";
-static char u32f64[] = "mov %eax, %eax; cvtsi2sdq %rax, %xmm0";
-static char u32f80[] = "mov %eax, %eax; mov %rax, -8(%rsp); fildll -8(%rsp)";
-static char i64f32[] = "cvtsi2ssq %rax, %xmm0";
-static char i64f64[] = "cvtsi2sdq %rax, %xmm0";
-static char i64f80[] = "movq %rax, -8(%rsp); fildll -8(%rsp)";
-static char u64f32[] = "cvtsi2ssq %rax, %xmm0";
-static char u64f64[] =
- "test %rax,%rax; js 1f; pxor %xmm0,%xmm0; cvtsi2sd %rax,%xmm0; jmp 2f; "
- "1: mov %rax,%rdi; and $1,%eax; pxor %xmm0,%xmm0; shr %rdi; "
- "or %rax,%rdi; cvtsi2sd %rdi,%xmm0; addsd %xmm0,%xmm0; 2:";
-static char u64f80[] =
- "mov %rax, -8(%rsp); fildq -8(%rsp); test %rax, %rax; jns 1f;"
- "mov $1602224128, %eax; mov %eax, -4(%rsp); fadds -4(%rsp); 1:";
-static char f32i8[] = "cvttss2sil %xmm0, %eax; movsbl %al, %eax";
-static char f32u8[] = "cvttss2sil %xmm0, %eax; movzbl %al, %eax";
-static char f32i16[] = "cvttss2sil %xmm0, %eax; movswl %ax, %eax";
-static char f32u16[] = "cvttss2sil %xmm0, %eax; movzwl %ax, %eax";
-static char f32i32[] = "cvttss2sil %xmm0, %eax";
-static char f32u32[] = "cvttss2siq %xmm0, %rax";
-static char f32i64[] = "cvttss2siq %xmm0, %rax";
-static char f32u64[] = "cvttss2siq %xmm0, %rax";
-static char f32f64[] = "cvtss2sd %xmm0, %xmm0";
-static char f32f80[] = "movss %xmm0, -4(%rsp); flds -4(%rsp)";
-static char f64i8[] = "cvttsd2sil %xmm0, %eax; movsbl %al, %eax";
-static char f64u8[] = "cvttsd2sil %xmm0, %eax; movzbl %al, %eax";
-static char f64i16[] = "cvttsd2sil %xmm0, %eax; movswl %ax, %eax";
-static char f64u16[] = "cvttsd2sil %xmm0, %eax; movzwl %ax, %eax";
-static char f64i32[] = "cvttsd2sil %xmm0, %eax";
-static char f64u32[] = "cvttsd2siq %xmm0, %rax";
-static char f64i64[] = "cvttsd2siq %xmm0, %rax";
-static char f64u64[] = "cvttsd2siq %xmm0, %rax";
-static char f64f32[] = "cvtsd2ss %xmm0, %xmm0";
-static char f64f80[] = "movsd %xmm0, -8(%rsp); fldl -8(%rsp)";
-#define FROM_F80_1 \
- "fnstcw -10(%rsp); movzwl -10(%rsp), %eax; or $12, %ah; " \
- "mov %ax, -12(%rsp); fldcw -12(%rsp); "
-#define FROM_F80_2 " -24(%rsp); fldcw -10(%rsp); "
-static char f80i8[] = FROM_F80_1 "fistps" FROM_F80_2 "movsbl -24(%rsp), %eax";
-static char f80u8[] = FROM_F80_1 "fistps" FROM_F80_2 "movzbl -24(%rsp), %eax";
-static char f80i16[] = FROM_F80_1 "fistps" FROM_F80_2 "movzbl -24(%rsp), %eax";
-static char f80u16[] = FROM_F80_1 "fistpl" FROM_F80_2 "movswl -24(%rsp), %eax";
-static char f80i32[] = FROM_F80_1 "fistpl" FROM_F80_2 "mov -24(%rsp), %eax";
-static char f80u32[] = FROM_F80_1 "fistpl" FROM_F80_2 "mov -24(%rsp), %eax";
-static char f80i64[] = FROM_F80_1 "fistpq" FROM_F80_2 "mov -24(%rsp), %rax";
-static char f80u64[] = FROM_F80_1 "fistpq" FROM_F80_2 "mov -24(%rsp), %rax";
-static char f80f32[] = "fstps -8(%rsp); movss -8(%rsp), %xmm0";
-static char f80f64[] = "fstpl -8(%rsp); movsd -8(%rsp), %xmm0";
-static char *cast_table[][11] = {
- // i8 i16 i32 i64 u8 u16 u32 u64 f32 f64 f80
- {NULL, NULL, NULL, i32i64, i32u8, i32u16, NULL, i32i64, i32f32, i32f64, i32f80}, // i8
- {i32i8, NULL, NULL, i32i64, i32u8, i32u16, NULL, i32i64, i32f32, i32f64, i32f80}, // i16
- {i32i8, i32i16, NULL, i32i64, i32u8, i32u16, NULL, i32i64, i32f32, i32f64, i32f80}, // i32
- {i32i8, i32i16, NULL, NULL, i32u8, i32u16, NULL, NULL, i64f32, i64f64, i64f80}, // i64
- {i32i8, NULL, NULL, i32i64, NULL, NULL, NULL, i32i64, i32f32, i32f64, i32f80}, // u8
- {i32i8, i32i16, NULL, i32i64, i32u8, NULL, NULL, i32i64, i32f32, i32f64, i32f80}, // u16
- {i32i8, i32i16, NULL, u32i64, i32u8, i32u16, NULL, u32i64, u32f32, u32f64, u32f80}, // u32
- {i32i8, i32i16, NULL, NULL, i32u8, i32u16, NULL, NULL, u64f32, u64f64, u64f80}, // u64
- {f32i8, f32i16, f32i32, f32i64, f32u8, f32u16, f32u32, f32u64, NULL, f32f64, f32f80}, // f32
- {f64i8, f64i16, f64i32, f64i64, f64u8, f64u16, f64u32, f64u64, f64f32, NULL, f64f80}, // f64
- {f80i8, f80i16, f80i32, f80i64, f80u8, f80u16, f80u32, f80u64, f80f32, f80f64, NULL}, // f80
-static void cast(Type *from, Type *to) {
- if (to->kind == TY_VOID)
- return;
- if (to->kind == TY_BOOL) {
- cmp_zero(from);
- println(" setne %%al");
- println(" movzx %%al, %%eax");
- return;
- }
- int t1 = getTypeId(from);
- int t2 = getTypeId(to);
- if (cast_table[t1][t2])
- println(" %s", cast_table[t1][t2]);
-// Structs or unions equal or smaller than 16 bytes are passed
-// using up to two registers.
-// If the first 8 bytes contains only floating-point type members,
-// they are passed in an XMM register. Otherwise, they are passed
-// in a general-purpose register.
-// If a struct/union is larger than 8 bytes, the same rule is
-// applied to the the next 8 byte chunk.
-// This function returns true if `ty` has only floating-point
-// members in its byte range [lo, hi).
-static bool has_flonum(Type *ty, int lo, int hi, int offset) {
- if (ty->kind == TY_STRUCT || ty->kind == TY_UNION) {
- for (Member *mem = ty->members; mem; mem = mem->next)
- if (!has_flonum(mem->ty, lo, hi, offset + mem->offset))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- if (ty->kind == TY_ARRAY) {
- for (int i = 0; i < ty->array_len; i++)
- if (!has_flonum(ty->base, lo, hi, offset + ty->base->size * i))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- return offset < lo || hi <= offset || ty->kind == TY_FLOAT || ty->kind == TY_DOUBLE;
-static bool has_flonum1(Type *ty) {
- return has_flonum(ty, 0, 8, 0);
-static bool has_flonum2(Type *ty) {
- return has_flonum(ty, 8, 16, 0);
-static void push_struct(Type *ty) {
- int sz = align_to(ty->size, 8);
- println(" sub $%d, %%rsp", sz);
- depth += sz / 8;
- for (int i = 0; i < ty->size; i++) {
- println(" mov %d(%%rax), %%r10b", i);
- println(" mov %%r10b, %d(%%rsp)", i);
- }
-static void push_args2(Node *args, bool first_pass) {
- if (!args)
- return;
- push_args2(args->next, first_pass);
- if ((first_pass && !args->pass_by_stack) || (!first_pass && args->pass_by_stack))
- return;
- gen_expr(args);
- switch (args->ty->kind) {
- case TY_STRUCT:
- case TY_UNION:
- push_struct(args->ty);
- break;
- case TY_FLOAT:
- case TY_DOUBLE:
- pushf();
- break;
- case TY_LDOUBLE:
- println(" sub $16, %%rsp");
- println(" fstpt (%%rsp)");
- depth += 2;
- break;
- default:
- push();
- }
-// Load function call arguments. Arguments are already evaluated and
-// stored to the stack as local variables. What we need to do in this
-// function is to load them to registers or push them to the stack as
-// specified by the x86-64 psABI. Here is what the spec says:
-// - Up to 6 arguments of integral type are passed using RDI, RSI,
-// RDX, RCX, R8 and R9.
-// - Up to 8 arguments of floating-point type are passed using XMM0 to
-// XMM7.
-// - If all registers of an appropriate type are already used, push an
-// argument to the stack in the right-to-left order.
-// - Each argument passed on the stack takes 8 bytes, and the end of
-// the argument area must be aligned to a 16 byte boundary.
-// - If a function is variadic, set the number of floating-point type
-// arguments to RAX.
-static int push_args(Node *node) {
- int stack = 0, gp = 0, fp = 0;
- // If the return type is a large struct/union, the caller passes
- // a pointer to a buffer as if it were the first argument.
- if (node->ret_buffer && node->ty->size > 16)
- gp++;
- // Load as many arguments to the registers as possible.
- for (Node *arg = node->args; arg; arg = arg->next) {
- Type *ty = arg->ty;
- switch (ty->kind) {
- case TY_STRUCT:
- case TY_UNION:
- if (ty->size > 16) {
- arg->pass_by_stack = true;
- stack += align_to(ty->size, 8) / 8;
- } else {
- bool fp1 = has_flonum1(ty);
- bool fp2 = has_flonum2(ty);
- if (fp + fp1 + fp2 < FP_MAX && gp + !fp1 + !fp2 < GP_MAX) {
- fp = fp + fp1 + fp2;
- gp = gp + !fp1 + !fp2;
- } else {
- arg->pass_by_stack = true;
- stack += align_to(ty->size, 8) / 8;
- }
- }
- break;
- case TY_FLOAT:
- case TY_DOUBLE:
- if (fp++ >= FP_MAX) {
- arg->pass_by_stack = true;
- stack++;
- }
- break;
- case TY_LDOUBLE:
- arg->pass_by_stack = true;
- stack += 2;
- break;
- default:
- if (gp++ >= GP_MAX) {
- arg->pass_by_stack = true;
- stack++;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((depth + stack) % 2 == 1) {
- println(" sub $8, %%rsp");
- depth++;
- stack++;
- }
- push_args2(node->args, true);
- push_args2(node->args, false);
- // If the return type is a large struct/union, the caller passes
- // a pointer to a buffer as if it were the first argument.
- if (node->ret_buffer && node->ty->size > 16) {
- println(" lea %d(%%rbp), %%rax", node->ret_buffer->offset);
- push();
- }
- return stack;
-static void copy_ret_buffer(Obj *var) {
- Type *ty = var->ty;
- int gp = 0, fp = 0;
- if (has_flonum1(ty)) {
- assert(ty->size == 4 || 8 <= ty->size);
- if (ty->size == 4)
- println(" movss %%xmm0, %d(%%rbp)", var->offset);
- else
- println(" movsd %%xmm0, %d(%%rbp)", var->offset);
- fp++;
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < MIN(8, ty->size); i++) {
- println(" mov %%al, %d(%%rbp)", var->offset + i);
- println(" shr $8, %%rax");
- }
- gp++;
- }
- if (ty->size > 8) {
- if (has_flonum2(ty)) {
- assert(ty->size == 12 || ty->size == 16);
- if (ty->size == 12)
- println(" movss %%xmm%d, %d(%%rbp)", fp, var->offset + 8);
- else
- println(" movsd %%xmm%d, %d(%%rbp)", fp, var->offset + 8);
- } else {
- char *reg1 = (gp == 0) ? "%al" : "%dl";
- char *reg2 = (gp == 0) ? "%rax" : "%rdx";
- for (int i = 8; i < MIN(16, ty->size); i++) {
- println(" mov %s, %d(%%rbp)", reg1, var->offset + i);
- println(" shr $8, %s", reg2);
- }
- }
- }
-static void copy_struct_reg(void) {
- Type *ty = current_fn->ty->return_ty;
- int gp = 0, fp = 0;
- println(" mov %%rax, %%rdi");
- if (has_flonum(ty, 0, 8, 0)) {
- assert(ty->size == 4 || 8 <= ty->size);
- if (ty->size == 4)
- println(" movss (%%rdi), %%xmm0");
- else
- println(" movsd (%%rdi), %%xmm0");
- fp++;
- } else {
- println(" mov $0, %%rax");
- for (int i = MIN(8, ty->size) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- println(" shl $8, %%rax");
- println(" mov %d(%%rdi), %%al", i);
- }
- gp++;
- }
- if (ty->size > 8) {
- if (has_flonum(ty, 8, 16, 0)) {
- assert(ty->size == 12 || ty->size == 16);
- if (ty->size == 4)
- println(" movss 8(%%rdi), %%xmm%d", fp);
- else
- println(" movsd 8(%%rdi), %%xmm%d", fp);
- } else {
- char *reg1 = (gp == 0) ? "%al" : "%dl";
- char *reg2 = (gp == 0) ? "%rax" : "%rdx";
- println(" mov $0, %s", reg2);
- for (int i = MIN(16, ty->size) - 1; i >= 8; i--) {
- println(" shl $8, %s", reg2);
- println(" mov %d(%%rdi), %s", i, reg1);
- }
- }
- }
-static void copy_struct_mem(void) {
- Type *ty = current_fn->ty->return_ty;
- Obj *var = current_fn->params;
- println(" mov %d(%%rbp), %%rdi", var->offset);
- for (int i = 0; i < ty->size; i++) {
- println(" mov %d(%%rax), %%dl", i);
- println(" mov %%dl, %d(%%rdi)", i);
- }
-static void builtin_alloca(void) {
- // Align size to 16 bytes.
- println(" add $15, %%rdi");
- println(" and $0xfffffff0, %%edi");
- // Shift the temporary area by %rdi.
- println(" mov %d(%%rbp), %%rcx", current_fn->alloca_bottom->offset);
- println(" sub %%rsp, %%rcx");
- println(" mov %%rsp, %%rax");
- println(" sub %%rdi, %%rsp");
- println(" mov %%rsp, %%rdx");
- println("1:");
- println(" cmp $0, %%rcx");
- println(" je 2f");
- println(" mov (%%rax), %%r8b");
- println(" mov %%r8b, (%%rdx)");
- println(" inc %%rdx");
- println(" inc %%rax");
- println(" dec %%rcx");
- println(" jmp 1b");
- println("2:");
- // Move alloca_bottom pointer.
- println(" mov %d(%%rbp), %%rax", current_fn->alloca_bottom->offset);
- println(" sub %%rdi, %%rax");
- println(" mov %%rax, %d(%%rbp)", current_fn->alloca_bottom->offset);
-// Generate code for a given node.
-static void gen_expr(Node *node) {
- println(" .loc %d %d", node->tok->file->file_no, node->tok->line_no);
- switch (node->kind) {
- case ND_NULL_EXPR:
- return;
- case ND_NUM: {
- switch (node->ty->kind) {
- case TY_FLOAT: {
- union { float f32; uint32_t u32; } u = { node->fval };
- println(" mov $%u, %%eax # float %Lf", u.u32, node->fval);
- println(" movq %%rax, %%xmm0");
- return;
- }
- case TY_DOUBLE: {
- union { double f64; uint64_t u64; } u = { node->fval };
- println(" mov $%lu, %%rax # double %Lf", u.u64, node->fval);
- println(" movq %%rax, %%xmm0");
- return;
- }
- case TY_LDOUBLE: {
- union { long double f80; uint64_t u64[2]; } u;
- memset(&u, 0, sizeof(u));
- u.f80 = node->fval;
- println(" mov $%lu, %%rax # long double %Lf", u.u64[0], node->fval);
- println(" mov %%rax, -16(%%rsp)");
- println(" mov $%lu, %%rax", u.u64[1]);
- println(" mov %%rax, -8(%%rsp)");
- println(" fldt -16(%%rsp)");
- return;
- }
- }
- println(" mov $%ld, %%rax", node->val);
- return;
- }
- case ND_NEG:
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- switch (node->ty->kind) {
- case TY_FLOAT:
- println(" mov $1, %%rax");
- println(" shl $31, %%rax");
- println(" movq %%rax, %%xmm1");
- println(" xorps %%xmm1, %%xmm0");
- return;
- case TY_DOUBLE:
- println(" mov $1, %%rax");
- println(" shl $63, %%rax");
- println(" movq %%rax, %%xmm1");
- println(" xorpd %%xmm1, %%xmm0");
- return;
- case TY_LDOUBLE:
- println(" fchs");
- return;
- }
- println(" neg %%rax");
- return;
- case ND_VAR:
- gen_addr(node);
- load(node->ty);
- return;
- case ND_MEMBER: {
- gen_addr(node);
- load(node->ty);
- Member *mem = node->member;
- if (mem->is_bitfield) {
- println(" shl $%d, %%rax", 64 - mem->bit_width - mem->bit_offset);
- if (mem->ty->is_unsigned)
- println(" shr $%d, %%rax", 64 - mem->bit_width);
- else
- println(" sar $%d, %%rax", 64 - mem->bit_width);
- }
- return;
- }
- case ND_DEREF:
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- load(node->ty);
- return;
- case ND_ADDR:
- gen_addr(node->lhs);
- return;
- case ND_ASSIGN:
- gen_addr(node->lhs);
- push();
- gen_expr(node->rhs);
- if (node->lhs->kind == ND_MEMBER && node->lhs->member->is_bitfield) {
- println(" mov %%rax, %%r8");
- // If the lhs is a bitfield, we need to read the current value
- // from memory and merge it with a new value.
- Member *mem = node->lhs->member;
- println(" mov %%rax, %%rdi");
- println(" and $%ld, %%rdi", (1L << mem->bit_width) - 1);
- println(" shl $%d, %%rdi", mem->bit_offset);
- println(" mov (%%rsp), %%rax");
- load(mem->ty);
- long mask = ((1L << mem->bit_width) - 1) << mem->bit_offset;
- println(" mov $%ld, %%r9", ~mask);
- println(" and %%r9, %%rax");
- println(" or %%rdi, %%rax");
- store(node->ty);
- println(" mov %%r8, %%rax");
- return;
- }
- store(node->ty);
- return;
- case ND_STMT_EXPR:
- for (Node *n = node->body; n; n = n->next)
- gen_stmt(n);
- return;
- case ND_COMMA:
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- gen_expr(node->rhs);
- return;
- case ND_CAST:
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- cast(node->lhs->ty, node->ty);
- return;
- case ND_MEMZERO:
- // `rep stosb` is equivalent to `memset(%rdi, %al, %rcx)`.
- println(" mov $%d, %%rcx", node->var->ty->size);
- println(" lea %d(%%rbp), %%rdi", node->var->offset);
- println(" mov $0, %%al");
- println(" rep stosb");
- return;
- case ND_COND: {
- int c = count();
- gen_expr(node->cond);
- cmp_zero(node->cond->ty);
- println(" je .L.else.%d", c);
- gen_expr(node->then);
- println(" jmp .L.end.%d", c);
- println(".L.else.%d:", c);
- gen_expr(node->els);
- println(".L.end.%d:", c);
- return;
- }
- case ND_NOT:
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- cmp_zero(node->lhs->ty);
- println(" sete %%al");
- println(" movzx %%al, %%rax");
- return;
- case ND_BITNOT:
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- println(" not %%rax");
- return;
- case ND_LOGAND: {
- int c = count();
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- cmp_zero(node->lhs->ty);
- println(" je .L.false.%d", c);
- gen_expr(node->rhs);
- cmp_zero(node->rhs->ty);
- println(" je .L.false.%d", c);
- println(" mov $1, %%rax");
- println(" jmp .L.end.%d", c);
- println(".L.false.%d:", c);
- println(" mov $0, %%rax");
- println(".L.end.%d:", c);
- return;
- }
- case ND_LOGOR: {
- int c = count();
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- cmp_zero(node->lhs->ty);
- println(" jne .L.true.%d", c);
- gen_expr(node->rhs);
- cmp_zero(node->rhs->ty);
- println(" jne .L.true.%d", c);
- println(" mov $0, %%rax");
- println(" jmp .L.end.%d", c);
- println(".L.true.%d:", c);
- println(" mov $1, %%rax");
- println(".L.end.%d:", c);
- return;
- }
- case ND_FUNCALL: {
- if (node->lhs->kind == ND_VAR && !strcmp(node->lhs->var->name, "alloca")) {
- gen_expr(node->args);
- println(" mov %%rax, %%rdi");
- builtin_alloca();
- return;
- }
- int stack_args = push_args(node);
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- int gp = 0, fp = 0;
- // If the return type is a large struct/union, the caller passes
- // a pointer to a buffer as if it were the first argument.
- if (node->ret_buffer && node->ty->size > 16)
- pop(argreg64[gp++]);
- for (Node *arg = node->args; arg; arg = arg->next) {
- Type *ty = arg->ty;
- switch (ty->kind) {
- case TY_STRUCT:
- case TY_UNION:
- if (ty->size > 16)
- continue;
- bool fp1 = has_flonum1(ty);
- bool fp2 = has_flonum2(ty);
- if (fp + fp1 + fp2 < FP_MAX && gp + !fp1 + !fp2 < GP_MAX) {
- if (fp1)
- popf(fp++);
- else
- pop(argreg64[gp++]);
- if (ty->size > 8) {
- if (fp2)
- popf(fp++);
- else
- pop(argreg64[gp++]);
- }
- }
- break;
- case TY_FLOAT:
- case TY_DOUBLE:
- if (fp < FP_MAX)
- popf(fp++);
- break;
- case TY_LDOUBLE:
- break;
- default:
- if (gp < GP_MAX)
- pop(argreg64[gp++]);
- }
- }
- println(" mov %%rax, %%r10");
- println(" mov $%d, %%rax", fp);
- println(" call *%%r10");
- println(" add $%d, %%rsp", stack_args * 8);
- depth -= stack_args;
- // It looks like the most significant 48 or 56 bits in RAX may
- // contain garbage if a function return type is short or bool/char,
- // respectively. We clear the upper bits here.
- switch (node->ty->kind) {
- case TY_BOOL:
- println(" movzx %%al, %%eax");
- return;
- case TY_CHAR:
- if (node->ty->is_unsigned)
- println(" movzbl %%al, %%eax");
- else
- println(" movsbl %%al, %%eax");
- return;
- case TY_SHORT:
- if (node->ty->is_unsigned)
- println(" movzwl %%ax, %%eax");
- else
- println(" movswl %%ax, %%eax");
- return;
- }
- // If the return type is a small struct, a value is returned
- // using up to two registers.
- if (node->ret_buffer && node->ty->size <= 16) {
- copy_ret_buffer(node->ret_buffer);
- println(" lea %d(%%rbp), %%rax", node->ret_buffer->offset);
- }
- return;
- }
- case ND_LABEL_VAL:
- println(" lea %s(%%rip), %%rax", node->unique_label);
- return;
- case ND_CAS: {
- gen_expr(node->cas_addr);
- push();
- gen_expr(node->cas_new);
- push();
- gen_expr(node->cas_old);
- println(" mov %%rax, %%r8");
- load(node->cas_old->ty->base);
- pop("%rdx"); // new
- pop("%rdi"); // addr
- int sz = node->cas_addr->ty->base->size;
- println(" lock cmpxchg %s, (%%rdi)", reg_dx(sz));
- println(" sete %%cl");
- println(" je 1f");
- println(" mov %s, (%%r8)", reg_ax(sz));
- println("1:");
- println(" movzbl %%cl, %%eax");
- return;
- }
- case ND_EXCH: {
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- push();
- gen_expr(node->rhs);
- pop("%rdi");
- int sz = node->lhs->ty->base->size;
- println(" xchg %s, (%%rdi)", reg_ax(sz));
- return;
- }
- }
- switch (node->lhs->ty->kind) {
- case TY_FLOAT:
- case TY_DOUBLE: {
- gen_expr(node->rhs);
- pushf();
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- popf(1);
- char *sz = (node->lhs->ty->kind == TY_FLOAT) ? "ss" : "sd";
- switch (node->kind) {
- case ND_ADD:
- println(" add%s %%xmm1, %%xmm0", sz);
- return;
- case ND_SUB:
- println(" sub%s %%xmm1, %%xmm0", sz);
- return;
- case ND_MUL:
- println(" mul%s %%xmm1, %%xmm0", sz);
- return;
- case ND_DIV:
- println(" div%s %%xmm1, %%xmm0", sz);
- return;
- case ND_EQ:
- case ND_NE:
- case ND_LT:
- case ND_LE:
- println(" ucomi%s %%xmm0, %%xmm1", sz);
- if (node->kind == ND_EQ) {
- println(" sete %%al");
- println(" setnp %%dl");
- println(" and %%dl, %%al");
- } else if (node->kind == ND_NE) {
- println(" setne %%al");
- println(" setp %%dl");
- println(" or %%dl, %%al");
- } else if (node->kind == ND_LT) {
- println(" seta %%al");
- } else {
- println(" setae %%al");
- }
- println(" and $1, %%al");
- println(" movzb %%al, %%rax");
- return;
- }
- error_tok(node->tok, "invalid expression");
- }
- case TY_LDOUBLE: {
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- gen_expr(node->rhs);
- switch (node->kind) {
- case ND_ADD:
- println(" faddp");
- return;
- case ND_SUB:
- println(" fsubrp");
- return;
- case ND_MUL:
- println(" fmulp");
- return;
- case ND_DIV:
- println(" fdivrp");
- return;
- case ND_EQ:
- case ND_NE:
- case ND_LT:
- case ND_LE:
- println(" fcomip");
- println(" fstp %%st(0)");
- if (node->kind == ND_EQ)
- println(" sete %%al");
- else if (node->kind == ND_NE)
- println(" setne %%al");
- else if (node->kind == ND_LT)
- println(" seta %%al");
- else
- println(" setae %%al");
- println(" movzb %%al, %%rax");
- return;
- }
- error_tok(node->tok, "invalid expression");
- }
- }
- gen_expr(node->rhs);
- push();
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- pop("%rdi");
- char *ax, *di, *dx;
- if (node->lhs->ty->kind == TY_LONG || node->lhs->ty->base) {
- ax = "%rax";
- di = "%rdi";
- dx = "%rdx";
- } else {
- ax = "%eax";
- di = "%edi";
- dx = "%edx";
- }
- switch (node->kind) {
- case ND_ADD:
- println(" add %s, %s", di, ax);
- return;
- case ND_SUB:
- println(" sub %s, %s", di, ax);
- return;
- case ND_MUL:
- println(" imul %s, %s", di, ax);
- return;
- case ND_DIV:
- case ND_MOD:
- if (node->ty->is_unsigned) {
- println(" mov $0, %s", dx);
- println(" div %s", di);
- } else {
- if (node->lhs->ty->size == 8)
- println(" cqo");
- else
- println(" cdq");
- println(" idiv %s", di);
- }
- if (node->kind == ND_MOD)
- println(" mov %%rdx, %%rax");
- return;
- case ND_BITAND:
- println(" and %s, %s", di, ax);
- return;
- case ND_BITOR:
- println(" or %s, %s", di, ax);
- return;
- case ND_BITXOR:
- println(" xor %s, %s", di, ax);
- return;
- case ND_EQ:
- case ND_NE:
- case ND_LT:
- case ND_LE:
- println(" cmp %s, %s", di, ax);
- if (node->kind == ND_EQ) {
- println(" sete %%al");
- } else if (node->kind == ND_NE) {
- println(" setne %%al");
- } else if (node->kind == ND_LT) {
- if (node->lhs->ty->is_unsigned)
- println(" setb %%al");
- else
- println(" setl %%al");
- } else if (node->kind == ND_LE) {
- if (node->lhs->ty->is_unsigned)
- println(" setbe %%al");
- else
- println(" setle %%al");
- }
- println(" movzb %%al, %%rax");
- return;
- case ND_SHL:
- println(" mov %%rdi, %%rcx");
- println(" shl %%cl, %s", ax);
- return;
- case ND_SHR:
- println(" mov %%rdi, %%rcx");
- if (node->lhs->ty->is_unsigned)
- println(" shr %%cl, %s", ax);
- else
- println(" sar %%cl, %s", ax);
- return;
- }
- error_tok(node->tok, "invalid expression");
-static void gen_stmt(Node *node) {
- println(" .loc %d %d", node->tok->file->file_no, node->tok->line_no);
- switch (node->kind) {
- case ND_IF: {
- int c = count();
- gen_expr(node->cond);
- cmp_zero(node->cond->ty);
- println(" je .L.else.%d", c);
- gen_stmt(node->then);
- println(" jmp .L.end.%d", c);
- println(".L.else.%d:", c);
- if (node->els)
- gen_stmt(node->els);
- println(".L.end.%d:", c);
- return;
- }
- case ND_FOR: {
- int c = count();
- if (node->init)
- gen_stmt(node->init);
- println(".L.begin.%d:", c);
- if (node->cond) {
- gen_expr(node->cond);
- cmp_zero(node->cond->ty);
- println(" je %s", node->brk_label);
- }
- gen_stmt(node->then);
- println("%s:", node->cont_label);
- if (node->inc)
- gen_expr(node->inc);
- println(" jmp .L.begin.%d", c);
- println("%s:", node->brk_label);
- return;
- }
- case ND_DO: {
- int c = count();
- println(".L.begin.%d:", c);
- gen_stmt(node->then);
- println("%s:", node->cont_label);
- gen_expr(node->cond);
- cmp_zero(node->cond->ty);
- println(" jne .L.begin.%d", c);
- println("%s:", node->brk_label);
- return;
- }
- case ND_SWITCH:
- gen_expr(node->cond);
- for (Node *n = node->case_next; n; n = n->case_next) {
- char *ax = (node->cond->ty->size == 8) ? "%rax" : "%eax";
- char *di = (node->cond->ty->size == 8) ? "%rdi" : "%edi";
- if (n->begin == n->end) {
- println(" cmp $%ld, %s", n->begin, ax);
- println(" je %s", n->label);
- continue;
- }
- // [GNU] Case ranges
- println(" mov %s, %s", ax, di);
- println(" sub $%ld, %s", n->begin, di);
- println(" cmp $%ld, %s", n->end - n->begin, di);
- println(" jbe %s", n->label);
- }
- if (node->default_case)
- println(" jmp %s", node->default_case->label);
- println(" jmp %s", node->brk_label);
- gen_stmt(node->then);
- println("%s:", node->brk_label);
- return;
- case ND_CASE:
- println("%s:", node->label);
- gen_stmt(node->lhs);
- return;
- case ND_BLOCK:
- for (Node *n = node->body; n; n = n->next)
- gen_stmt(n);
- return;
- case ND_GOTO:
- println(" jmp %s", node->unique_label);
- return;
- case ND_GOTO_EXPR:
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- println(" jmp *%%rax");
- return;
- case ND_LABEL:
- println("%s:", node->unique_label);
- gen_stmt(node->lhs);
- return;
- case ND_RETURN:
- if (node->lhs) {
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- Type *ty = node->lhs->ty;
- switch (ty->kind) {
- case TY_STRUCT:
- case TY_UNION:
- if (ty->size <= 16)
- copy_struct_reg();
- else
- copy_struct_mem();
- break;
- }
- }
- println(" jmp .L.return.%s", current_fn->name);
- return;
- case ND_EXPR_STMT:
- gen_expr(node->lhs);
- return;
- case ND_ASM:
- println(" %s", node->asm_str);
- return;
- }
- error_tok(node->tok, "invalid statement");
-// Assign offsets to local variables.
-static void assign_lvar_offsets(Obj *prog) {
- for (Obj *fn = prog; fn; fn = fn->next) {
- if (!fn->is_function)
- continue;
- // If a function has many parameters, some parameters are
- // inevitably passed by stack rather than by register.
- // The first passed-by-stack parameter resides at RBP+16.
- int top = 16;
- int bottom = 0;
- int gp = 0, fp = 0;
- // Assign offsets to pass-by-stack parameters.
- for (Obj *var = fn->params; var; var = var->next) {
- Type *ty = var->ty;
- switch (ty->kind) {
- case TY_STRUCT:
- case TY_UNION:
- if (ty->size <= 16) {
- bool fp1 = has_flonum(ty, 0, 8, 0);
- bool fp2 = has_flonum(ty, 8, 16, 8);
- if (fp + fp1 + fp2 < FP_MAX && gp + !fp1 + !fp2 < GP_MAX) {
- fp = fp + fp1 + fp2;
- gp = gp + !fp1 + !fp2;
- continue;
- }
- }
- break;
- case TY_FLOAT:
- case TY_DOUBLE:
- if (fp++ < FP_MAX)
- continue;
- break;
- case TY_LDOUBLE:
- break;
- default:
- if (gp++ < GP_MAX)
- continue;
- }
- top = align_to(top, 8);
- var->offset = top;
- top += var->ty->size;
- }
- // Assign offsets to pass-by-register parameters and local variables.
- for (Obj *var = fn->locals; var; var = var->next) {
- if (var->offset)
- continue;
- // AMD64 System V ABI has a special alignment rule for an array of
- // length at least 16 bytes. We need to align such array to at least
- // 16-byte boundaries. See p.14 of
- //
- int align = (var->ty->kind == TY_ARRAY && var->ty->size >= 16)
- ? MAX(16, var->align) : var->align;
- bottom += var->ty->size;
- bottom = align_to(bottom, align);
- var->offset = -bottom;
- }
- fn->stack_size = align_to(bottom, 16);
- }
-static void emit_data(Obj *prog) {
- for (Obj *var = prog; var; var = var->next) {
- if (var->is_function || !var->is_definition)
- continue;
- if (var->is_static)
- println(" .local %s", var->name);
- else
- println(" .globl %s", var->name);
- int align = (var->ty->kind == TY_ARRAY && var->ty->size >= 16)
- ? MAX(16, var->align) : var->align;
- // Common symbol
- if (opt_fcommon && var->is_tentative) {
- println(" .comm %s, %d, %d", var->name, var->ty->size, align);
- continue;
- }
- // .data or .tdata
- if (var->init_data) {
- if (var->is_tls)
- println(" .section .tdata,\"awT\",@progbits");
- else
- println(" .data");
- println(" .type %s, @object", var->name);
- println(" .size %s, %d", var->name, var->ty->size);
- println(" .align %d", align);
- println("%s:", var->name);
- Relocation *rel = var->rel;
- int pos = 0;
- while (pos < var->ty->size) {
- if (rel && rel->offset == pos) {
- println(" .quad %s%+ld", *rel->label, rel->addend);
- rel = rel->next;
- pos += 8;
- } else {
- println(" .byte %d", var->init_data[pos++]);
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- // .bss or .tbss
- if (var->is_tls)
- println(" .section .tbss,\"awT\",@nobits");
- else
- println(" .bss");
- println(" .align %d", align);
- println("%s:", var->name);
- println(" .zero %d", var->ty->size);
- }
-static void store_fp(int r, int offset, int sz) {
- switch (sz) {
- case 4:
- println(" movss %%xmm%d, %d(%%rbp)", r, offset);
- return;
- case 8:
- println(" movsd %%xmm%d, %d(%%rbp)", r, offset);
- return;
- }
- unreachable();
-static void store_gp(int r, int offset, int sz) {
- switch (sz) {
- case 1:
- println(" mov %s, %d(%%rbp)", argreg8[r], offset);
- return;
- case 2:
- println(" mov %s, %d(%%rbp)", argreg16[r], offset);
- return;
- case 4:
- println(" mov %s, %d(%%rbp)", argreg32[r], offset);
- return;
- case 8:
- println(" mov %s, %d(%%rbp)", argreg64[r], offset);
- return;
- default:
- for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
- println(" mov %s, %d(%%rbp)", argreg8[r], offset + i);
- println(" shr $8, %s", argreg64[r]);
- }
- return;
- }
-static void emit_text(Obj *prog) {
- for (Obj *fn = prog; fn; fn = fn->next) {
- if (!fn->is_function || !fn->is_definition)
- continue;
- // No code is emitted for "static inline" functions
- // if no one is referencing them.
- if (!fn->is_live)
- continue;
- if (fn->is_static)
- println(" .local %s", fn->name);
- else
- println(" .globl %s", fn->name);
- println(" .text");
- println(" .type %s, @function", fn->name);
- println("%s:", fn->name);
- current_fn = fn;
- // Prologue
- println(" push %%rbp");
- println(" mov %%rsp, %%rbp");
- println(" sub $%d, %%rsp", fn->stack_size);
- println(" mov %%rsp, %d(%%rbp)", fn->alloca_bottom->offset);
- // Save arg registers if function is variadic
- if (fn->va_area) {
- int gp = 0, fp = 0;
- for (Obj *var = fn->params; var; var = var->next) {
- if (is_flonum(var->ty))
- fp++;
- else
- gp++;
- }
- int off = fn->va_area->offset;
- // va_elem
- println(" movl $%d, %d(%%rbp)", gp * 8, off); // gp_offset
- println(" movl $%d, %d(%%rbp)", fp * 8 + 48, off + 4); // fp_offset
- println(" movq %%rbp, %d(%%rbp)", off + 8); // overflow_arg_area
- println(" addq $16, %d(%%rbp)", off + 8);
- println(" movq %%rbp, %d(%%rbp)", off + 16); // reg_save_area
- println(" addq $%d, %d(%%rbp)", off + 24, off + 16);
- // __reg_save_area__
- println(" movq %%rdi, %d(%%rbp)", off + 24);
- println(" movq %%rsi, %d(%%rbp)", off + 32);
- println(" movq %%rdx, %d(%%rbp)", off + 40);
- println(" movq %%rcx, %d(%%rbp)", off + 48);
- println(" movq %%r8, %d(%%rbp)", off + 56);
- println(" movq %%r9, %d(%%rbp)", off + 64);
- println(" movsd %%xmm0, %d(%%rbp)", off + 72);
- println(" movsd %%xmm1, %d(%%rbp)", off + 80);
- println(" movsd %%xmm2, %d(%%rbp)", off + 88);
- println(" movsd %%xmm3, %d(%%rbp)", off + 96);
- println(" movsd %%xmm4, %d(%%rbp)", off + 104);
- println(" movsd %%xmm5, %d(%%rbp)", off + 112);
- println(" movsd %%xmm6, %d(%%rbp)", off + 120);
- println(" movsd %%xmm7, %d(%%rbp)", off + 128);
- }
- // Save passed-by-register arguments to the stack
- int gp = 0, fp = 0;
- for (Obj *var = fn->params; var; var = var->next) {
- if (var->offset > 0)
- continue;
- Type *ty = var->ty;
- switch (ty->kind) {
- case TY_STRUCT:
- case TY_UNION:
- assert(ty->size <= 16);
- if (has_flonum(ty, 0, 8, 0))
- store_fp(fp++, var->offset, MIN(8, ty->size));
- else
- store_gp(gp++, var->offset, MIN(8, ty->size));
- if (ty->size > 8) {
- if (has_flonum(ty, 8, 16, 0))
- store_fp(fp++, var->offset + 8, ty->size - 8);
- else
- store_gp(gp++, var->offset + 8, ty->size - 8);
- }
- break;
- case TY_FLOAT:
- case TY_DOUBLE:
- store_fp(fp++, var->offset, ty->size);
- break;
- default:
- store_gp(gp++, var->offset, ty->size);
- }
- }
- // Emit code
- gen_stmt(fn->body);
- assert(depth == 0);
- // [] The C spec defines
- // a special rule for the main function. Reaching the end of the
- // main function is equivalent to returning 0, even though the
- // behavior is undefined for the other functions.
- if (strcmp(fn->name, "main") == 0)
- println(" mov $0, %%rax");
- // Epilogue
- println(".L.return.%s:", fn->name);
- println(" mov %%rbp, %%rsp");
- println(" pop %%rbp");
- println(" ret");
- }
-void codegen(Obj *prog, FILE *out) {
- output_file = out;
- File **files = get_input_files();
- for (int i = 0; files[i]; i++)
- println(" .file %d \"%s\"", files[i]->file_no, files[i]->name);
- assign_lvar_offsets(prog);
- emit_data(prog);
- emit_text(prog);
diff --git a/src/3p/chibicc/main.c b/src/3p/chibicc/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ffaabf4..0000000
--- a/src/3p/chibicc/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,791 +0,0 @@
-#include "chibicc.h"
-typedef enum {
-} FileType;
-StringArray include_paths;
-bool opt_fcommon = true;
-bool opt_fpic;
-static FileType opt_x;
-static StringArray opt_include;
-static bool opt_E;
-static bool opt_M;
-static bool opt_MD;
-static bool opt_MMD;
-static bool opt_MP;
-static bool opt_S;
-static bool opt_c;
-static bool opt_cc1;
-static bool opt_hash_hash_hash;
-static bool opt_static;
-static bool opt_shared;
-static char *opt_MF;
-static char *opt_MT;
-static char *opt_o;
-static StringArray ld_extra_args;
-static StringArray std_include_paths;
-char *base_file;
-static char *output_file;
-static StringArray input_paths;
-static StringArray tmpfiles;
-static void usage(int status) {
- fprintf(stderr, "chibicc [ -o <path> ] <file>\n");
- exit(status);
-static bool take_arg(char *arg) {
- char *x[] = {
- "-o", "-I", "-idirafter", "-include", "-x", "-MF", "-MT", "-Xlinker",
- };
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x); i++)
- if (!strcmp(arg, x[i]))
- return true;
- return false;
-static void add_default_include_paths(char *argv0) {
- // We expect that chibicc-specific include files are installed
- // to ./include relative to argv[0].
- strarray_push(&include_paths, format("%s/include", dirname(strdup(argv0))));
- // Add standard include paths.
- strarray_push(&include_paths, "/usr/local/include");
- strarray_push(&include_paths, "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu");
- strarray_push(&include_paths, "/usr/include");
- // Keep a copy of the standard include paths for -MMD option.
- for (int i = 0; i < include_paths.len; i++)
- strarray_push(&std_include_paths,[i]);
-static void define(char *str) {
- char *eq = strchr(str, '=');
- if (eq)
- define_macro(strndup(str, eq - str), eq + 1);
- else
- define_macro(str, "1");
-static FileType parse_opt_x(char *s) {
- if (!strcmp(s, "c"))
- return FILE_C;
- if (!strcmp(s, "assembler"))
- return FILE_ASM;
- if (!strcmp(s, "none"))
- return FILE_NONE;
- error("<command line>: unknown argument for -x: %s", s);
-static char *quote_makefile(char *s) {
- char *buf = calloc(1, strlen(s) * 2 + 1);
- for (int i = 0, j = 0; s[i]; i++) {
- switch (s[i]) {
- case '$':
- buf[j++] = '$';
- buf[j++] = '$';
- break;
- case '#':
- buf[j++] = '\\';
- buf[j++] = '#';
- break;
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- for (int k = i - 1; k >= 0 && s[k] == '\\'; k--)
- buf[j++] = '\\';
- buf[j++] = '\\';
- buf[j++] = s[i];
- break;
- default:
- buf[j++] = s[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- return buf;
-static void parse_args(int argc, char **argv) {
- // Make sure that all command line options that take an argument
- // have an argument.
- for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
- if (take_arg(argv[i]))
- if (!argv[++i])
- usage(1);
- StringArray idirafter = {};
- for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-###")) {
- opt_hash_hash_hash = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cc1")) {
- opt_cc1 = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help"))
- usage(0);
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-o")) {
- opt_o = argv[++i];
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-o", 2)) {
- opt_o = argv[i] + 2;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-S")) {
- opt_S = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fcommon")) {
- opt_fcommon = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fno-common")) {
- opt_fcommon = false;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c")) {
- opt_c = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-E")) {
- opt_E = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-I", 2)) {
- strarray_push(&include_paths, argv[i] + 2);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-D")) {
- define(argv[++i]);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-D", 2)) {
- define(argv[i] + 2);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-U")) {
- undef_macro(argv[++i]);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-U", 2)) {
- undef_macro(argv[i] + 2);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-include")) {
- strarray_push(&opt_include, argv[++i]);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-x")) {
- opt_x = parse_opt_x(argv[++i]);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-x", 2)) {
- opt_x = parse_opt_x(argv[i] + 2);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-l", 2) || !strncmp(argv[i], "-Wl,", 4)) {
- strarray_push(&input_paths, argv[i]);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-Xlinker")) {
- strarray_push(&ld_extra_args, argv[++i]);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-s")) {
- strarray_push(&ld_extra_args, "-s");
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-M")) {
- opt_M = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-MF")) {
- opt_MF = argv[++i];
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-MP")) {
- opt_MP = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-MT")) {
- if (opt_MT == NULL)
- opt_MT = argv[++i];
- else
- opt_MT = format("%s %s", opt_MT, argv[++i]);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-MD")) {
- opt_MD = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-MQ")) {
- if (opt_MT == NULL)
- opt_MT = quote_makefile(argv[++i]);
- else
- opt_MT = format("%s %s", opt_MT, quote_makefile(argv[++i]));
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-MMD")) {
- opt_MD = opt_MMD = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fpic") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-fPIC")) {
- opt_fpic = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cc1-input")) {
- base_file = argv[++i];
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cc1-output")) {
- output_file = argv[++i];
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-idirafter")) {
- strarray_push(&idirafter, argv[i++]);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-static")) {
- opt_static = true;
- strarray_push(&ld_extra_args, "-static");
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-shared")) {
- opt_shared = true;
- strarray_push(&ld_extra_args, "-shared");
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-L")) {
- strarray_push(&ld_extra_args, "-L");
- strarray_push(&ld_extra_args, argv[++i]);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-L", 2)) {
- strarray_push(&ld_extra_args, "-L");
- strarray_push(&ld_extra_args, argv[i] + 2);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-hashmap-test")) {
- hashmap_test();
- exit(0);
- }
- // These options are ignored for now.
- if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-O", 2) ||
- !strncmp(argv[i], "-W", 2) ||
- !strncmp(argv[i], "-g", 2) ||
- !strncmp(argv[i], "-std=", 5) ||
- !strcmp(argv[i], "-ffreestanding") ||
- !strcmp(argv[i], "-fno-builtin") ||
- !strcmp(argv[i], "-fno-omit-frame-pointer") ||
- !strcmp(argv[i], "-fno-stack-protector") ||
- !strcmp(argv[i], "-fno-strict-aliasing") ||
- !strcmp(argv[i], "-m64") ||
- !strcmp(argv[i], "-mno-red-zone") ||
- !strcmp(argv[i], "-w"))
- continue;
- if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] != '\0')
- error("unknown argument: %s", argv[i]);
- strarray_push(&input_paths, argv[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < idirafter.len; i++)
- strarray_push(&include_paths,[i]);
- if (input_paths.len == 0)
- error("no input files");
- // -E implies that the input is the C macro language.
- if (opt_E)
- opt_x = FILE_C;
-static FILE *open_file(char *path) {
- if (!path || strcmp(path, "-") == 0)
- return stdout;
- FILE *out = fopen(path, "w");
- if (!out)
- error("cannot open output file: %s: %s", path, strerror(errno));
- return out;
-static bool endswith(char *p, char *q) {
- int len1 = strlen(p);
- int len2 = strlen(q);
- return (len1 >= len2) && !strcmp(p + len1 - len2, q);
-// Replace file extension
-static char *replace_extn(char *tmpl, char *extn) {
- char *filename = basename(strdup(tmpl));
- char *dot = strrchr(filename, '.');
- if (dot)
- *dot = '\0';
- return format("%s%s", filename, extn);
-static void cleanup(void) {
- for (int i = 0; i < tmpfiles.len; i++)
- unlink([i]);
-static char *create_tmpfile(void) {
- char *path = strdup("/tmp/chibicc-XXXXXX");
- int fd = mkstemp(path);
- if (fd == -1)
- error("mkstemp failed: %s", strerror(errno));
- close(fd);
- strarray_push(&tmpfiles, path);
- return path;
-static void run_subprocess(char **argv) {
- // If -### is given, dump the subprocess's command line.
- if (opt_hash_hash_hash) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", argv[0]);
- for (int i = 1; argv[i]; i++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %s", argv[i]);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- }
- if (fork() == 0) {
- // Child process. Run a new command.
- execvp(argv[0], argv);
- fprintf(stderr, "exec failed: %s: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(errno));
- _exit(1);
- }
- // Wait for the child process to finish.
- int status;
- while (wait(&status) > 0);
- if (status != 0)
- exit(1);
-static void run_cc1(int argc, char **argv, char *input, char *output) {
- char **args = calloc(argc + 10, sizeof(char *));
- memcpy(args, argv, argc * sizeof(char *));
- args[argc++] = "-cc1";
- if (input) {
- args[argc++] = "-cc1-input";
- args[argc++] = input;
- }
- if (output) {
- args[argc++] = "-cc1-output";
- args[argc++] = output;
- }
- run_subprocess(args);
-// Print tokens to stdout. Used for -E.
-static void print_tokens(Token *tok) {
- FILE *out = open_file(opt_o ? opt_o : "-");
- int line = 1;
- for (; tok->kind != TK_EOF; tok = tok->next) {
- if (line > 1 && tok->at_bol)
- fprintf(out, "\n");
- if (tok->has_space && !tok->at_bol)
- fprintf(out, " ");
- fprintf(out, "%.*s", tok->len, tok->loc);
- line++;
- }
- fprintf(out, "\n");
-static bool in_std_include_path(char *path) {
- for (int i = 0; i < std_include_paths.len; i++) {
- char *dir =[i];
- int len = strlen(dir);
- if (strncmp(dir, path, len) == 0 && path[len] == '/')
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// If -M options is given, the compiler write a list of input files to
-// stdout in a format that "make" command can read. This feature is
-// used to automate file dependency management.
-static void print_dependencies(void) {
- char *path;
- if (opt_MF)
- path = opt_MF;
- else if (opt_MD)
- path = replace_extn(opt_o ? opt_o : base_file, ".d");
- else if (opt_o)
- path = opt_o;
- else
- path = "-";
- FILE *out = open_file(path);
- if (opt_MT)
- fprintf(out, "%s:", opt_MT);
- else
- fprintf(out, "%s:", quote_makefile(replace_extn(base_file, ".o")));
- File **files = get_input_files();
- for (int i = 0; files[i]; i++) {
- if (opt_MMD && in_std_include_path(files[i]->name))
- continue;
- fprintf(out, " \\\n %s", files[i]->name);
- }
- fprintf(out, "\n\n");
- if (opt_MP) {
- for (int i = 1; files[i]; i++) {
- if (opt_MMD && in_std_include_path(files[i]->name))
- continue;
- fprintf(out, "%s:\n\n", quote_makefile(files[i]->name));
- }
- }
-static Token *must_tokenize_file(char *path) {
- Token *tok = tokenize_file(path);
- if (!tok)
- error("%s: %s", path, strerror(errno));
- return tok;
-static Token *append_tokens(Token *tok1, Token *tok2) {
- if (!tok1 || tok1->kind == TK_EOF)
- return tok2;
- Token *t = tok1;
- while (t->next->kind != TK_EOF)
- t = t->next;
- t->next = tok2;
- return tok1;
-static void cc1(void) {
- Token *tok = NULL;
- // Process -include option
- for (int i = 0; i < opt_include.len; i++) {
- char *incl =[i];
- char *path;
- if (file_exists(incl)) {
- path = incl;
- } else {
- path = search_include_paths(incl);
- if (!path)
- error("-include: %s: %s", incl, strerror(errno));
- }
- Token *tok2 = must_tokenize_file(path);
- tok = append_tokens(tok, tok2);
- }
- // Tokenize and parse.
- Token *tok2 = must_tokenize_file(base_file);
- tok = append_tokens(tok, tok2);
- tok = preprocess(tok);
- // If -M or -MD are given, print file dependencies.
- if (opt_M || opt_MD) {
- print_dependencies();
- if (opt_M)
- return;
- }
- // If -E is given, print out preprocessed C code as a result.
- if (opt_E) {
- print_tokens(tok);
- return;
- }
- Obj *prog = parse(tok);
- // Open a temporary output buffer.
- char *buf;
- size_t buflen;
- FILE *output_buf = open_memstream(&buf, &buflen);
- // Traverse the AST to emit assembly.
- codegen(prog, output_buf);
- fclose(output_buf);
- // Write the asembly text to a file.
- FILE *out = open_file(output_file);
- fwrite(buf, buflen, 1, out);
- fclose(out);
-static void assemble(char *input, char *output) {
- char *cmd[] = {"as", "-c", input, "-o", output, NULL};
- run_subprocess(cmd);
-static char *find_file(char *pattern) {
- char *path = NULL;
- glob_t buf = {};
- glob(pattern, 0, NULL, &buf);
- if (buf.gl_pathc > 0)
- path = strdup(buf.gl_pathv[buf.gl_pathc - 1]);
- globfree(&buf);
- return path;
-// Returns true if a given file exists.
-bool file_exists(char *path) {
- struct stat st;
- return !stat(path, &st);
-static char *find_libpath(void) {
- if (file_exists("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crti.o"))
- return "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu";
- if (file_exists("/usr/lib64/crti.o"))
- return "/usr/lib64";
- error("library path is not found");
-static char *find_gcc_libpath(void) {
- char *paths[] = {
- "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/*/crtbegin.o",
- "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/*/crtbegin.o", // For Gentoo
- "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/*/crtbegin.o", // For Fedora
- };
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(paths) / sizeof(*paths); i++) {
- char *path = find_file(paths[i]);
- if (path)
- return dirname(path);
- }
- error("gcc library path is not found");
-static void run_linker(StringArray *inputs, char *output) {
- StringArray arr = {};
- strarray_push(&arr, "ld");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-o");
- strarray_push(&arr, output);
- strarray_push(&arr, "-m");
- strarray_push(&arr, "elf_x86_64");
- char *libpath = find_libpath();
- char *gcc_libpath = find_gcc_libpath();
- if (opt_shared) {
- strarray_push(&arr, format("%s/crti.o", libpath));
- strarray_push(&arr, format("%s/crtbeginS.o", gcc_libpath));
- } else {
- strarray_push(&arr, format("%s/crt1.o", libpath));
- strarray_push(&arr, format("%s/crti.o", libpath));
- strarray_push(&arr, format("%s/crtbegin.o", gcc_libpath));
- }
- strarray_push(&arr, format("-L%s", gcc_libpath));
- strarray_push(&arr, "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-L/usr/lib64");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-L/lib64");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-redhat-linux");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-L/usr/lib");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-L/lib");
- if (!opt_static) {
- strarray_push(&arr, "-dynamic-linker");
- strarray_push(&arr, "/lib64/");
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < ld_extra_args.len; i++)
- strarray_push(&arr,[i]);
- for (int i = 0; i < inputs->len; i++)
- strarray_push(&arr, inputs->data[i]);
- if (opt_static) {
- strarray_push(&arr, "--start-group");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-lgcc");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-lgcc_eh");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-lc");
- strarray_push(&arr, "--end-group");
- } else {
- strarray_push(&arr, "-lc");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-lgcc");
- strarray_push(&arr, "--as-needed");
- strarray_push(&arr, "-lgcc_s");
- strarray_push(&arr, "--no-as-needed");
- }
- if (opt_shared)
- strarray_push(&arr, format("%s/crtendS.o", gcc_libpath));
- else
- strarray_push(&arr, format("%s/crtend.o", gcc_libpath));
- strarray_push(&arr, format("%s/crtn.o", libpath));
- strarray_push(&arr, NULL);
- run_subprocess(;
-static FileType get_file_type(char *filename) {
- if (opt_x != FILE_NONE)
- return opt_x;
- if (endswith(filename, ".a"))
- return FILE_AR;
- if (endswith(filename, ".so"))
- return FILE_DSO;
- if (endswith(filename, ".o"))
- return FILE_OBJ;
- if (endswith(filename, ".c"))
- return FILE_C;
- if (endswith(filename, ".s"))
- return FILE_ASM;
- error("<command line>: unknown file extension: %s", filename);
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- atexit(cleanup);
- init_macros();
- parse_args(argc, argv);
- if (opt_cc1) {
- add_default_include_paths(argv[0]);
- cc1();
- return 0;
- }
- if (input_paths.len > 1 && opt_o && (opt_c || opt_S | opt_E))
- error("cannot specify '-o' with '-c,' '-S' or '-E' with multiple files");
- StringArray ld_args = {};
- for (int i = 0; i < input_paths.len; i++) {
- char *input =[i];
- if (!strncmp(input, "-l", 2)) {
- strarray_push(&ld_args, input);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(input, "-Wl,", 4)) {
- char *s = strdup(input + 4);
- char *arg = strtok(s, ",");
- while (arg) {
- strarray_push(&ld_args, arg);
- arg = strtok(NULL, ",");
- }
- continue;
- }
- char *output;
- if (opt_o)
- output = opt_o;
- else if (opt_S)
- output = replace_extn(input, ".s");
- else
- output = replace_extn(input, ".o");
- FileType type = get_file_type(input);
- // Handle .o or .a
- if (type == FILE_OBJ || type == FILE_AR || type == FILE_DSO) {
- strarray_push(&ld_args, input);
- continue;
- }
- // Handle .s
- if (type == FILE_ASM) {
- if (!opt_S)
- assemble(input, output);
- continue;
- }
- assert(type == FILE_C);
- // Just preprocess
- if (opt_E || opt_M) {
- run_cc1(argc, argv, input, NULL);
- continue;
- }
- // Compile
- if (opt_S) {
- run_cc1(argc, argv, input, output);
- continue;
- }
- // Compile and assemble
- if (opt_c) {
- char *tmp = create_tmpfile();
- run_cc1(argc, argv, input, tmp);
- assemble(tmp, output);
- continue;
- }
- // Compile, assemble and link
- char *tmp1 = create_tmpfile();
- char *tmp2 = create_tmpfile();
- run_cc1(argc, argv, input, tmp1);
- assemble(tmp1, tmp2);
- strarray_push(&ld_args, tmp2);
- continue;
- }
- if (ld_args.len > 0)
- run_linker(&ld_args, opt_o ? opt_o : "a.out");
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/3p/chibicc/parse.c b/src/3p/chibicc/parse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6acaeb8..0000000
--- a/src/3p/chibicc/parse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3368 +0,0 @@
-// This file contains a recursive descent parser for C.
-// Most functions in this file are named after the symbols they are
-// supposed to read from an input token list. For example, stmt() is
-// responsible for reading a statement from a token list. The function
-// then construct an AST node representing a statement.
-// Each function conceptually returns two values, an AST node and
-// remaining part of the input tokens. Since C doesn't support
-// multiple return values, the remaining tokens are returned to the
-// caller via a pointer argument.
-// Input tokens are represented by a linked list. Unlike many recursive
-// descent parsers, we don't have the notion of the "input token stream".
-// Most parsing functions don't change the global state of the parser.
-// So it is very easy to lookahead arbitrary number of tokens in this
-// parser.
-#include "chibicc.h"
-// Scope for local variables, global variables, typedefs
-// or enum constants
-typedef struct {
- Obj *var;
- Type *type_def;
- Type *enum_ty;
- int enum_val;
-} VarScope;
-// Represents a block scope.
-typedef struct Scope Scope;
-struct Scope {
- Scope *next;
- // C has two block scopes; one is for variables/typedefs and
- // the other is for struct/union/enum tags.
- HashMap vars;
- HashMap tags;
-// Variable attributes such as typedef or extern.
-typedef struct {
- bool is_typedef;
- bool is_static;
- bool is_extern;
- bool is_inline;
- bool is_tls;
- int align;
-} VarAttr;
-// This struct represents a variable initializer. Since initializers
-// can be nested (e.g. `int x[2][2] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}`), this struct
-// is a tree data structure.
-typedef struct Initializer Initializer;
-struct Initializer {
- Initializer *next;
- Type *ty;
- Token *tok;
- bool is_flexible;
- // If it's not an aggregate type and has an initializer,
- // `expr` has an initialization expression.
- Node *expr;
- // If it's an initializer for an aggregate type (e.g. array or struct),
- // `children` has initializers for its children.
- Initializer **children;
- // Only one member can be initialized for a union.
- // `mem` is used to clarify which member is initialized.
- Member *mem;
-// For local variable initializer.
-typedef struct InitDesg InitDesg;
-struct InitDesg {
- InitDesg *next;
- int idx;
- Member *member;
- Obj *var;
-// All local variable instances created during parsing are
-// accumulated to this list.
-static Obj *locals;
-// Likewise, global variables are accumulated to this list.
-static Obj *globals;
-static Scope *scope = &(Scope){};
-// Points to the function object the parser is currently parsing.
-static Obj *current_fn;
-// Lists of all goto statements and labels in the curent function.
-static Node *gotos;
-static Node *labels;
-// Current "goto" and "continue" jump targets.
-static char *brk_label;
-static char *cont_label;
-// Points to a node representing a switch if we are parsing
-// a switch statement. Otherwise, NULL.
-static Node *current_switch;
-static Obj *builtin_alloca;
-static bool is_typename(Token *tok);
-static Type *declspec(Token **rest, Token *tok, VarAttr *attr);
-static Type *typename(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Type *enum_specifier(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Type *typeof_specifier(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Type *type_suffix(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty);
-static Type *declarator(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty);
-static Node *declaration(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *basety, VarAttr *attr);
-static void array_initializer2(Token **rest, Token *tok, Initializer *init, int i);
-static void struct_initializer2(Token **rest, Token *tok, Initializer *init, Member *mem);
-static void initializer2(Token **rest, Token *tok, Initializer *init);
-static Initializer *initializer(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty, Type **new_ty);
-static Node *lvar_initializer(Token **rest, Token *tok, Obj *var);
-static void gvar_initializer(Token **rest, Token *tok, Obj *var);
-static Node *compound_stmt(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *stmt(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *expr_stmt(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *expr(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static int64_t eval(Node *node);
-static int64_t eval2(Node *node, char ***label);
-static int64_t eval_rval(Node *node, char ***label);
-static bool is_const_expr(Node *node);
-static Node *assign(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *logor(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static double eval_double(Node *node);
-static Node *conditional(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *logand(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *bitor(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *bitxor(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *bitand(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *equality(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *relational(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *shift(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *add(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *new_add(Node *lhs, Node *rhs, Token *tok);
-static Node *new_sub(Node *lhs, Node *rhs, Token *tok);
-static Node *mul(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *cast(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Member *get_struct_member(Type *ty, Token *tok);
-static Type *struct_decl(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Type *union_decl(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *postfix(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *funcall(Token **rest, Token *tok, Node *node);
-static Node *unary(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Node *primary(Token **rest, Token *tok);
-static Token *parse_typedef(Token *tok, Type *basety);
-static bool is_function(Token *tok);
-static Token *function(Token *tok, Type *basety, VarAttr *attr);
-static Token *global_variable(Token *tok, Type *basety, VarAttr *attr);
-static int align_down(int n, int align) {
- return align_to(n - align + 1, align);
-static void enter_scope(void) {
- Scope *sc = calloc(1, sizeof(Scope));
- sc->next = scope;
- scope = sc;
-static void leave_scope(void) {
- scope = scope->next;
-// Find a variable by name.
-static VarScope *find_var(Token *tok) {
- for (Scope *sc = scope; sc; sc = sc->next) {
- VarScope *sc2 = hashmap_get2(&sc->vars, tok->loc, tok->len);
- if (sc2)
- return sc2;
- }
- return NULL;
-static Type *find_tag(Token *tok) {
- for (Scope *sc = scope; sc; sc = sc->next) {
- Type *ty = hashmap_get2(&sc->tags, tok->loc, tok->len);
- if (ty)
- return ty;
- }
- return NULL;
-static Node *new_node(NodeKind kind, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = calloc(1, sizeof(Node));
- node->kind = kind;
- node->tok = tok;
- return node;
-static Node *new_binary(NodeKind kind, Node *lhs, Node *rhs, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = new_node(kind, tok);
- node->lhs = lhs;
- node->rhs = rhs;
- return node;
-static Node *new_unary(NodeKind kind, Node *expr, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = new_node(kind, tok);
- node->lhs = expr;
- return node;
-static Node *new_num(int64_t val, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_NUM, tok);
- node->val = val;
- return node;
-static Node *new_long(int64_t val, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_NUM, tok);
- node->val = val;
- node->ty = ty_long;
- return node;
-static Node *new_ulong(long val, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_NUM, tok);
- node->val = val;
- node->ty = ty_ulong;
- return node;
-static Node *new_var_node(Obj *var, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_VAR, tok);
- node->var = var;
- return node;
-static Node *new_vla_ptr(Obj *var, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_VLA_PTR, tok);
- node->var = var;
- return node;
-Node *new_cast(Node *expr, Type *ty) {
- add_type(expr);
- Node *node = calloc(1, sizeof(Node));
- node->kind = ND_CAST;
- node->tok = expr->tok;
- node->lhs = expr;
- node->ty = copy_type(ty);
- return node;
-static VarScope *push_scope(char *name) {
- VarScope *sc = calloc(1, sizeof(VarScope));
- hashmap_put(&scope->vars, name, sc);
- return sc;
-static Initializer *new_initializer(Type *ty, bool is_flexible) {
- Initializer *init = calloc(1, sizeof(Initializer));
- init->ty = ty;
- if (ty->kind == TY_ARRAY) {
- if (is_flexible && ty->size < 0) {
- init->is_flexible = true;
- return init;
- }
- init->children = calloc(ty->array_len, sizeof(Initializer *));
- for (int i = 0; i < ty->array_len; i++)
- init->children[i] = new_initializer(ty->base, false);
- return init;
- }
- if (ty->kind == TY_STRUCT || ty->kind == TY_UNION) {
- // Count the number of struct members.
- int len = 0;
- for (Member *mem = ty->members; mem; mem = mem->next)
- len++;
- init->children = calloc(len, sizeof(Initializer *));
- for (Member *mem = ty->members; mem; mem = mem->next) {
- if (is_flexible && ty->is_flexible && !mem->next) {
- Initializer *child = calloc(1, sizeof(Initializer));
- child->ty = mem->ty;
- child->is_flexible = true;
- init->children[mem->idx] = child;
- } else {
- init->children[mem->idx] = new_initializer(mem->ty, false);
- }
- }
- return init;
- }
- return init;
-static Obj *new_var(char *name, Type *ty) {
- Obj *var = calloc(1, sizeof(Obj));
- var->name = name;
- var->ty = ty;
- var->align = ty->align;
- push_scope(name)->var = var;
- return var;
-static Obj *new_lvar(char *name, Type *ty) {
- Obj *var = new_var(name, ty);
- var->is_local = true;
- var->next = locals;
- locals = var;
- return var;
-static Obj *new_gvar(char *name, Type *ty) {
- Obj *var = new_var(name, ty);
- var->next = globals;
- var->is_static = true;
- var->is_definition = true;
- globals = var;
- return var;
-static char *new_unique_name(void) {
- static int id = 0;
- return format(".L..%d", id++);
-static Obj *new_anon_gvar(Type *ty) {
- return new_gvar(new_unique_name(), ty);
-static Obj *new_string_literal(char *p, Type *ty) {
- Obj *var = new_anon_gvar(ty);
- var->init_data = p;
- return var;
-static char *get_ident(Token *tok) {
- if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT)
- error_tok(tok, "expected an identifier");
- return strndup(tok->loc, tok->len);
-static Type *find_typedef(Token *tok) {
- if (tok->kind == TK_IDENT) {
- VarScope *sc = find_var(tok);
- if (sc)
- return sc->type_def;
- }
- return NULL;
-static void push_tag_scope(Token *tok, Type *ty) {
- hashmap_put2(&scope->tags, tok->loc, tok->len, ty);
-// declspec = ("void" | "_Bool" | "char" | "short" | "int" | "long"
-// | "typedef" | "static" | "extern" | "inline"
-// | "_Thread_local" | "__thread"
-// | "signed" | "unsigned"
-// | struct-decl | union-decl | typedef-name
-// | enum-specifier | typeof-specifier
-// | "const" | "volatile" | "auto" | "register" | "restrict"
-// | "__restrict" | "__restrict__" | "_Noreturn")+
-// The order of typenames in a type-specifier doesn't matter. For
-// example, `int long static` means the same as `static long int`.
-// That can also be written as `static long` because you can omit
-// `int` if `long` or `short` are specified. However, something like
-// `char int` is not a valid type specifier. We have to accept only a
-// limited combinations of the typenames.
-// In this function, we count the number of occurrences of each typename
-// while keeping the "current" type object that the typenames up
-// until that point represent. When we reach a non-typename token,
-// we returns the current type object.
-static Type *declspec(Token **rest, Token *tok, VarAttr *attr) {
- // We use a single integer as counters for all typenames.
- // For example, bits 0 and 1 represents how many times we saw the
- // keyword "void" so far. With this, we can use a switch statement
- // as you can see below.
- enum {
- VOID = 1 << 0,
- BOOL = 1 << 2,
- CHAR = 1 << 4,
- SHORT = 1 << 6,
- INT = 1 << 8,
- LONG = 1 << 10,
- FLOAT = 1 << 12,
- DOUBLE = 1 << 14,
- OTHER = 1 << 16,
- SIGNED = 1 << 17,
- UNSIGNED = 1 << 18,
- };
- Type *ty = ty_int;
- int counter = 0;
- bool is_atomic = false;
- while (is_typename(tok)) {
- // Handle storage class specifiers.
- if (equal(tok, "typedef") || equal(tok, "static") || equal(tok, "extern") ||
- equal(tok, "inline") || equal(tok, "_Thread_local") || equal(tok, "__thread")) {
- if (!attr)
- error_tok(tok, "storage class specifier is not allowed in this context");
- if (equal(tok, "typedef"))
- attr->is_typedef = true;
- else if (equal(tok, "static"))
- attr->is_static = true;
- else if (equal(tok, "extern"))
- attr->is_extern = true;
- else if (equal(tok, "inline"))
- attr->is_inline = true;
- else
- attr->is_tls = true;
- if (attr->is_typedef &&
- attr->is_static + attr->is_extern + attr->is_inline + attr->is_tls > 1)
- error_tok(tok, "typedef may not be used together with static,"
- " extern, inline, __thread or _Thread_local");
- tok = tok->next;
- continue;
- }
- // These keywords are recognized but ignored.
- if (consume(&tok, tok, "const") || consume(&tok, tok, "volatile") ||
- consume(&tok, tok, "auto") || consume(&tok, tok, "register") ||
- consume(&tok, tok, "restrict") || consume(&tok, tok, "__restrict") ||
- consume(&tok, tok, "__restrict__") || consume(&tok, tok, "_Noreturn"))
- continue;
- if (equal(tok, "_Atomic")) {
- tok = tok->next;
- if (equal(tok , "(")) {
- ty = typename(&tok, tok->next);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- }
- is_atomic = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "_Alignas")) {
- if (!attr)
- error_tok(tok, "_Alignas is not allowed in this context");
- tok = skip(tok->next, "(");
- if (is_typename(tok))
- attr->align = typename(&tok, tok)->align;
- else
- attr->align = const_expr(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- continue;
- }
- // Handle user-defined types.
- Type *ty2 = find_typedef(tok);
- if (equal(tok, "struct") || equal(tok, "union") || equal(tok, "enum") ||
- equal(tok, "typeof") || ty2) {
- if (counter)
- break;
- if (equal(tok, "struct")) {
- ty = struct_decl(&tok, tok->next);
- } else if (equal(tok, "union")) {
- ty = union_decl(&tok, tok->next);
- } else if (equal(tok, "enum")) {
- ty = enum_specifier(&tok, tok->next);
- } else if (equal(tok, "typeof")) {
- ty = typeof_specifier(&tok, tok->next);
- } else {
- ty = ty2;
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- counter += OTHER;
- continue;
- }
- // Handle built-in types.
- if (equal(tok, "void"))
- counter += VOID;
- else if (equal(tok, "_Bool"))
- counter += BOOL;
- else if (equal(tok, "char"))
- counter += CHAR;
- else if (equal(tok, "short"))
- counter += SHORT;
- else if (equal(tok, "int"))
- counter += INT;
- else if (equal(tok, "long"))
- counter += LONG;
- else if (equal(tok, "float"))
- counter += FLOAT;
- else if (equal(tok, "double"))
- counter += DOUBLE;
- else if (equal(tok, "signed"))
- counter |= SIGNED;
- else if (equal(tok, "unsigned"))
- counter |= UNSIGNED;
- else
- unreachable();
- switch (counter) {
- case VOID:
- ty = ty_void;
- break;
- case BOOL:
- ty = ty_bool;
- break;
- case CHAR:
- case SIGNED + CHAR:
- ty = ty_char;
- break;
- ty = ty_uchar;
- break;
- case SHORT:
- case SHORT + INT:
- case SIGNED + SHORT:
- case SIGNED + SHORT + INT:
- ty = ty_short;
- break;
- ty = ty_ushort;
- break;
- case INT:
- case SIGNED:
- case SIGNED + INT:
- ty = ty_int;
- break;
- case UNSIGNED:
- case UNSIGNED + INT:
- ty = ty_uint;
- break;
- case LONG:
- case LONG + INT:
- case LONG + LONG:
- case LONG + LONG + INT:
- case SIGNED + LONG:
- case SIGNED + LONG + INT:
- case SIGNED + LONG + LONG:
- case SIGNED + LONG + LONG + INT:
- ty = ty_long;
- break;
- ty = ty_ulong;
- break;
- case FLOAT:
- ty = ty_float;
- break;
- case DOUBLE:
- ty = ty_double;
- break;
- case LONG + DOUBLE:
- ty = ty_ldouble;
- break;
- default:
- error_tok(tok, "invalid type");
- }
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- if (is_atomic) {
- ty = copy_type(ty);
- ty->is_atomic = true;
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return ty;
-// func-params = ("void" | param ("," param)* ("," "...")?)? ")"
-// param = declspec declarator
-static Type *func_params(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty) {
- if (equal(tok, "void") && equal(tok->next, ")")) {
- *rest = tok->next->next;
- return func_type(ty);
- }
- Type head = {};
- Type *cur = &head;
- bool is_variadic = false;
- while (!equal(tok, ")")) {
- if (cur != &head)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- if (equal(tok, "...")) {
- is_variadic = true;
- tok = tok->next;
- skip(tok, ")");
- break;
- }
- Type *ty2 = declspec(&tok, tok, NULL);
- ty2 = declarator(&tok, tok, ty2);
- Token *name = ty2->name;
- if (ty2->kind == TY_ARRAY) {
- // "array of T" is converted to "pointer to T" only in the parameter
- // context. For example, *argv[] is converted to **argv by this.
- ty2 = pointer_to(ty2->base);
- ty2->name = name;
- } else if (ty2->kind == TY_FUNC) {
- // Likewise, a function is converted to a pointer to a function
- // only in the parameter context.
- ty2 = pointer_to(ty2);
- ty2->name = name;
- }
- cur = cur->next = copy_type(ty2);
- }
- if (cur == &head)
- is_variadic = true;
- ty = func_type(ty);
- ty->params =;
- ty->is_variadic = is_variadic;
- *rest = tok->next;
- return ty;
-// array-dimensions = ("static" | "restrict")* const-expr? "]" type-suffix
-static Type *array_dimensions(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty) {
- while (equal(tok, "static") || equal(tok, "restrict"))
- tok = tok->next;
- if (equal(tok, "]")) {
- ty = type_suffix(rest, tok->next, ty);
- return array_of(ty, -1);
- }
- Node *expr = conditional(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, "]");
- ty = type_suffix(rest, tok, ty);
- if (ty->kind == TY_VLA || !is_const_expr(expr))
- return vla_of(ty, expr);
- return array_of(ty, eval(expr));
-// type-suffix = "(" func-params
-// | "[" array-dimensions
-// | ε
-static Type *type_suffix(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty) {
- if (equal(tok, "("))
- return func_params(rest, tok->next, ty);
- if (equal(tok, "["))
- return array_dimensions(rest, tok->next, ty);
- *rest = tok;
- return ty;
-// pointers = ("*" ("const" | "volatile" | "restrict")*)*
-static Type *pointers(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty) {
- while (consume(&tok, tok, "*")) {
- ty = pointer_to(ty);
- while (equal(tok, "const") || equal(tok, "volatile") || equal(tok, "restrict") ||
- equal(tok, "__restrict") || equal(tok, "__restrict__"))
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return ty;
-// declarator = pointers ("(" ident ")" | "(" declarator ")" | ident) type-suffix
-static Type *declarator(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty) {
- ty = pointers(&tok, tok, ty);
- if (equal(tok, "(")) {
- Token *start = tok;
- Type dummy = {};
- declarator(&tok, start->next, &dummy);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- ty = type_suffix(rest, tok, ty);
- return declarator(&tok, start->next, ty);
- }
- Token *name = NULL;
- Token *name_pos = tok;
- if (tok->kind == TK_IDENT) {
- name = tok;
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- ty = type_suffix(rest, tok, ty);
- ty->name = name;
- ty->name_pos = name_pos;
- return ty;
-// abstract-declarator = pointers ("(" abstract-declarator ")")? type-suffix
-static Type *abstract_declarator(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty) {
- ty = pointers(&tok, tok, ty);
- if (equal(tok, "(")) {
- Token *start = tok;
- Type dummy = {};
- abstract_declarator(&tok, start->next, &dummy);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- ty = type_suffix(rest, tok, ty);
- return abstract_declarator(&tok, start->next, ty);
- }
- return type_suffix(rest, tok, ty);
-// type-name = declspec abstract-declarator
-static Type *typename(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Type *ty = declspec(&tok, tok, NULL);
- return abstract_declarator(rest, tok, ty);
-static bool is_end(Token *tok) {
- return equal(tok, "}") || (equal(tok, ",") && equal(tok->next, "}"));
-static bool consume_end(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- if (equal(tok, "}")) {
- *rest = tok->next;
- return true;
- }
- if (equal(tok, ",") && equal(tok->next, "}")) {
- *rest = tok->next->next;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// enum-specifier = ident? "{" enum-list? "}"
-// | ident ("{" enum-list? "}")?
-// enum-list = ident ("=" num)? ("," ident ("=" num)?)* ","?
-static Type *enum_specifier(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Type *ty = enum_type();
- // Read a struct tag.
- Token *tag = NULL;
- if (tok->kind == TK_IDENT) {
- tag = tok;
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- if (tag && !equal(tok, "{")) {
- Type *ty = find_tag(tag);
- if (!ty)
- error_tok(tag, "unknown enum type");
- if (ty->kind != TY_ENUM)
- error_tok(tag, "not an enum tag");
- *rest = tok;
- return ty;
- }
- tok = skip(tok, "{");
- // Read an enum-list.
- int i = 0;
- int val = 0;
- while (!consume_end(rest, tok)) {
- if (i++ > 0)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- char *name = get_ident(tok);
- tok = tok->next;
- if (equal(tok, "="))
- val = const_expr(&tok, tok->next);
- VarScope *sc = push_scope(name);
- sc->enum_ty = ty;
- sc->enum_val = val++;
- }
- if (tag)
- push_tag_scope(tag, ty);
- return ty;
-// typeof-specifier = "(" (expr | typename) ")"
-static Type *typeof_specifier(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- tok = skip(tok, "(");
- Type *ty;
- if (is_typename(tok)) {
- ty = typename(&tok, tok);
- } else {
- Node *node = expr(&tok, tok);
- add_type(node);
- ty = node->ty;
- }
- *rest = skip(tok, ")");
- return ty;
-// Generate code for computing a VLA size.
-static Node *compute_vla_size(Type *ty, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_NULL_EXPR, tok);
- if (ty->base)
- node = new_binary(ND_COMMA, node, compute_vla_size(ty->base, tok), tok);
- if (ty->kind != TY_VLA)
- return node;
- Node *base_sz;
- if (ty->base->kind == TY_VLA)
- base_sz = new_var_node(ty->base->vla_size, tok);
- else
- base_sz = new_num(ty->base->size, tok);
- ty->vla_size = new_lvar("", ty_ulong);
- Node *expr = new_binary(ND_ASSIGN, new_var_node(ty->vla_size, tok),
- new_binary(ND_MUL, ty->vla_len, base_sz, tok),
- tok);
- return new_binary(ND_COMMA, node, expr, tok);
-static Node *new_alloca(Node *sz) {
- Node *node = new_unary(ND_FUNCALL, new_var_node(builtin_alloca, sz->tok), sz->tok);
- node->func_ty = builtin_alloca->ty;
- node->ty = builtin_alloca->ty->return_ty;
- node->args = sz;
- add_type(sz);
- return node;
-// declaration = declspec (declarator ("=" expr)? ("," declarator ("=" expr)?)*)? ";"
-static Node *declaration(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *basety, VarAttr *attr) {
- Node head = {};
- Node *cur = &head;
- int i = 0;
- while (!equal(tok, ";")) {
- if (i++ > 0)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- Type *ty = declarator(&tok, tok, basety);
- if (ty->kind == TY_VOID)
- error_tok(tok, "variable declared void");
- if (!ty->name)
- error_tok(ty->name_pos, "variable name omitted");
- if (attr && attr->is_static) {
- // static local variable
- Obj *var = new_anon_gvar(ty);
- push_scope(get_ident(ty->name))->var = var;
- if (equal(tok, "="))
- gvar_initializer(&tok, tok->next, var);
- continue;
- }
- // Generate code for computing a VLA size. We need to do this
- // even if ty is not VLA because ty may be a pointer to VLA
- // (e.g. int (*foo)[n][m] where n and m are variables.)
- cur = cur->next = new_unary(ND_EXPR_STMT, compute_vla_size(ty, tok), tok);
- if (ty->kind == TY_VLA) {
- if (equal(tok, "="))
- error_tok(tok, "variable-sized object may not be initialized");
- // Variable length arrays (VLAs) are translated to alloca() calls.
- // For example, `int x[n+2]` is translated to `tmp = n + 2,
- // x = alloca(tmp)`.
- Obj *var = new_lvar(get_ident(ty->name), ty);
- Token *tok = ty->name;
- Node *expr = new_binary(ND_ASSIGN, new_vla_ptr(var, tok),
- new_alloca(new_var_node(ty->vla_size, tok)),
- tok);
- cur = cur->next = new_unary(ND_EXPR_STMT, expr, tok);
- continue;
- }
- Obj *var = new_lvar(get_ident(ty->name), ty);
- if (attr && attr->align)
- var->align = attr->align;
- if (equal(tok, "=")) {
- Node *expr = lvar_initializer(&tok, tok->next, var);
- cur = cur->next = new_unary(ND_EXPR_STMT, expr, tok);
- }
- if (var->ty->size < 0)
- error_tok(ty->name, "variable has incomplete type");
- if (var->ty->kind == TY_VOID)
- error_tok(ty->name, "variable declared void");
- }
- Node *node = new_node(ND_BLOCK, tok);
- node->body =;
- *rest = tok->next;
- return node;
-static Token *skip_excess_element(Token *tok) {
- if (equal(tok, "{")) {
- tok = skip_excess_element(tok->next);
- return skip(tok, "}");
- }
- assign(&tok, tok);
- return tok;
-// string-initializer = string-literal
-static void string_initializer(Token **rest, Token *tok, Initializer *init) {
- if (init->is_flexible)
- *init = *new_initializer(array_of(init->ty->base, tok->ty->array_len), false);
- int len = MIN(init->ty->array_len, tok->ty->array_len);
- switch (init->ty->base->size) {
- case 1: {
- char *str = tok->str;
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
- init->children[i]->expr = new_num(str[i], tok);
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- uint16_t *str = (uint16_t *)tok->str;
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
- init->children[i]->expr = new_num(str[i], tok);
- break;
- }
- case 4: {
- uint32_t *str = (uint32_t *)tok->str;
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
- init->children[i]->expr = new_num(str[i], tok);
- break;
- }
- default:
- unreachable();
- }
- *rest = tok->next;
-// array-designator = "[" const-expr "]"
-// C99 added the designated initializer to the language, which allows
-// programmers to move the "cursor" of an initializer to any element.
-// The syntax looks like this:
-// int x[10] = { 1, 2, [5]=3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
-// `[5]` moves the cursor to the 5th element, so the 5th element of x
-// is set to 3. Initialization then continues forward in order, so
-// 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th elements are initialized with 4, 5, 6 and 7,
-// respectively. Unspecified elements (in this case, 3rd and 4th
-// elements) are initialized with zero.
-// Nesting is allowed, so the following initializer is valid:
-// int x[5][10] = { [5][8]=1, 2, 3 };
-// It sets x[5][8], x[5][9] and x[6][0] to 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
-// Use `.fieldname` to move the cursor for a struct initializer. E.g.
-// struct { int a, b, c; } x = { .c=5 };
-// The above initializer sets x.c to 5.
-static void array_designator(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty, int *begin, int *end) {
- *begin = const_expr(&tok, tok->next);
- if (*begin >= ty->array_len)
- error_tok(tok, "array designator index exceeds array bounds");
- if (equal(tok, "...")) {
- *end = const_expr(&tok, tok->next);
- if (*end >= ty->array_len)
- error_tok(tok, "array designator index exceeds array bounds");
- if (*end < *begin)
- error_tok(tok, "array designator range [%d, %d] is empty", *begin, *end);
- } else {
- *end = *begin;
- }
- *rest = skip(tok, "]");
-// struct-designator = "." ident
-static Member *struct_designator(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty) {
- Token *start = tok;
- tok = skip(tok, ".");
- if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT)
- error_tok(tok, "expected a field designator");
- for (Member *mem = ty->members; mem; mem = mem->next) {
- // Anonymous struct member
- if (mem->ty->kind == TY_STRUCT && !mem->name) {
- if (get_struct_member(mem->ty, tok)) {
- *rest = start;
- return mem;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // Regular struct member
- if (mem->name->len == tok->len && !strncmp(mem->name->loc, tok->loc, tok->len)) {
- *rest = tok->next;
- return mem;
- }
- }
- error_tok(tok, "struct has no such member");
-// designation = ("[" const-expr "]" | "." ident)* "="? initializer
-static void designation(Token **rest, Token *tok, Initializer *init) {
- if (equal(tok, "[")) {
- if (init->ty->kind != TY_ARRAY)
- error_tok(tok, "array index in non-array initializer");
- int begin, end;
- array_designator(&tok, tok, init->ty, &begin, &end);
- Token *tok2;
- for (int i = begin; i <= end; i++)
- designation(&tok2, tok, init->children[i]);
- array_initializer2(rest, tok2, init, begin + 1);
- return;
- }
- if (equal(tok, ".") && init->ty->kind == TY_STRUCT) {
- Member *mem = struct_designator(&tok, tok, init->ty);
- designation(&tok, tok, init->children[mem->idx]);
- init->expr = NULL;
- struct_initializer2(rest, tok, init, mem->next);
- return;
- }
- if (equal(tok, ".") && init->ty->kind == TY_UNION) {
- Member *mem = struct_designator(&tok, tok, init->ty);
- init->mem = mem;
- designation(rest, tok, init->children[mem->idx]);
- return;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "."))
- error_tok(tok, "field name not in struct or union initializer");
- if (equal(tok, "="))
- tok = tok->next;
- initializer2(rest, tok, init);
-// An array length can be omitted if an array has an initializer
-// (e.g. `int x[] = {1,2,3}`). If it's omitted, count the number
-// of initializer elements.
-static int count_array_init_elements(Token *tok, Type *ty) {
- bool first = true;
- Initializer *dummy = new_initializer(ty->base, true);
- int i = 0, max = 0;
- while (!consume_end(&tok, tok)) {
- if (!first)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- first = false;
- if (equal(tok, "[")) {
- i = const_expr(&tok, tok->next);
- if (equal(tok, "..."))
- i = const_expr(&tok, tok->next);
- tok = skip(tok, "]");
- designation(&tok, tok, dummy);
- } else {
- initializer2(&tok, tok, dummy);
- }
- i++;
- max = MAX(max, i);
- }
- return max;
-// array-initializer1 = "{" initializer ("," initializer)* ","? "}"
-static void array_initializer1(Token **rest, Token *tok, Initializer *init) {
- tok = skip(tok, "{");
- if (init->is_flexible) {
- int len = count_array_init_elements(tok, init->ty);
- *init = *new_initializer(array_of(init->ty->base, len), false);
- }
- bool first = true;
- if (init->is_flexible) {
- int len = count_array_init_elements(tok, init->ty);
- *init = *new_initializer(array_of(init->ty->base, len), false);
- }
- for (int i = 0; !consume_end(rest, tok); i++) {
- if (!first)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- first = false;
- if (equal(tok, "[")) {
- int begin, end;
- array_designator(&tok, tok, init->ty, &begin, &end);
- Token *tok2;
- for (int j = begin; j <= end; j++)
- designation(&tok2, tok, init->children[j]);
- tok = tok2;
- i = end;
- continue;
- }
- if (i < init->ty->array_len)
- initializer2(&tok, tok, init->children[i]);
- else
- tok = skip_excess_element(tok);
- }
-// array-initializer2 = initializer ("," initializer)*
-static void array_initializer2(Token **rest, Token *tok, Initializer *init, int i) {
- if (init->is_flexible) {
- int len = count_array_init_elements(tok, init->ty);
- *init = *new_initializer(array_of(init->ty->base, len), false);
- }
- for (; i < init->ty->array_len && !is_end(tok); i++) {
- Token *start = tok;
- if (i > 0)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- if (equal(tok, "[") || equal(tok, ".")) {
- *rest = start;
- return;
- }
- initializer2(&tok, tok, init->children[i]);
- }
- *rest = tok;
-// struct-initializer1 = "{" initializer ("," initializer)* ","? "}"
-static void struct_initializer1(Token **rest, Token *tok, Initializer *init) {
- tok = skip(tok, "{");
- Member *mem = init->ty->members;
- bool first = true;
- while (!consume_end(rest, tok)) {
- if (!first)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- first = false;
- if (equal(tok, ".")) {
- mem = struct_designator(&tok, tok, init->ty);
- designation(&tok, tok, init->children[mem->idx]);
- mem = mem->next;
- continue;
- }
- if (mem) {
- initializer2(&tok, tok, init->children[mem->idx]);
- mem = mem->next;
- } else {
- tok = skip_excess_element(tok);
- }
- }
-// struct-initializer2 = initializer ("," initializer)*
-static void struct_initializer2(Token **rest, Token *tok, Initializer *init, Member *mem) {
- bool first = true;
- for (; mem && !is_end(tok); mem = mem->next) {
- Token *start = tok;
- if (!first)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- first = false;
- if (equal(tok, "[") || equal(tok, ".")) {
- *rest = start;
- return;
- }
- initializer2(&tok, tok, init->children[mem->idx]);
- }
- *rest = tok;
-static void union_initializer(Token **rest, Token *tok, Initializer *init) {
- // Unlike structs, union initializers take only one initializer,
- // and that initializes the first union member by default.
- // You can initialize other member using a designated initializer.
- if (equal(tok, "{") && equal(tok->next, ".")) {
- Member *mem = struct_designator(&tok, tok->next, init->ty);
- init->mem = mem;
- designation(&tok, tok, init->children[mem->idx]);
- *rest = skip(tok, "}");
- return;
- }
- init->mem = init->ty->members;
- if (equal(tok, "{")) {
- initializer2(&tok, tok->next, init->children[0]);
- consume(&tok, tok, ",");
- *rest = skip(tok, "}");
- } else {
- initializer2(rest, tok, init->children[0]);
- }
-// initializer = string-initializer | array-initializer
-// | struct-initializer | union-initializer
-// | assign
-static void initializer2(Token **rest, Token *tok, Initializer *init) {
- if (init->ty->kind == TY_ARRAY && tok->kind == TK_STR) {
- string_initializer(rest, tok, init);
- return;
- }
- if (init->ty->kind == TY_ARRAY) {
- if (equal(tok, "{"))
- array_initializer1(rest, tok, init);
- else
- array_initializer2(rest, tok, init, 0);
- return;
- }
- if (init->ty->kind == TY_STRUCT) {
- if (equal(tok, "{")) {
- struct_initializer1(rest, tok, init);
- return;
- }
- // A struct can be initialized with another struct. E.g.
- // `struct T x = y;` where y is a variable of type `struct T`.
- // Handle that case first.
- Node *expr = assign(rest, tok);
- add_type(expr);
- if (expr->ty->kind == TY_STRUCT) {
- init->expr = expr;
- return;
- }
- struct_initializer2(rest, tok, init, init->ty->members);
- return;
- }
- if (init->ty->kind == TY_UNION) {
- union_initializer(rest, tok, init);
- return;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "{")) {
- // An initializer for a scalar variable can be surrounded by
- // braces. E.g. `int x = {3};`. Handle that case.
- initializer2(&tok, tok->next, init);
- *rest = skip(tok, "}");
- return;
- }
- init->expr = assign(rest, tok);
-static Type *copy_struct_type(Type *ty) {
- ty = copy_type(ty);
- Member head = {};
- Member *cur = &head;
- for (Member *mem = ty->members; mem; mem = mem->next) {
- Member *m = calloc(1, sizeof(Member));
- *m = *mem;
- cur = cur->next = m;
- }
- ty->members =;
- return ty;
-static Initializer *initializer(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty, Type **new_ty) {
- Initializer *init = new_initializer(ty, true);
- initializer2(rest, tok, init);
- if ((ty->kind == TY_STRUCT || ty->kind == TY_UNION) && ty->is_flexible) {
- ty = copy_struct_type(ty);
- Member *mem = ty->members;
- while (mem->next)
- mem = mem->next;
- mem->ty = init->children[mem->idx]->ty;
- ty->size += mem->ty->size;
- *new_ty = ty;
- return init;
- }
- *new_ty = init->ty;
- return init;
-static Node *init_desg_expr(InitDesg *desg, Token *tok) {
- if (desg->var)
- return new_var_node(desg->var, tok);
- if (desg->member) {
- Node *node = new_unary(ND_MEMBER, init_desg_expr(desg->next, tok), tok);
- node->member = desg->member;
- return node;
- }
- Node *lhs = init_desg_expr(desg->next, tok);
- Node *rhs = new_num(desg->idx, tok);
- return new_unary(ND_DEREF, new_add(lhs, rhs, tok), tok);
-static Node *create_lvar_init(Initializer *init, Type *ty, InitDesg *desg, Token *tok) {
- if (ty->kind == TY_ARRAY) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_NULL_EXPR, tok);
- for (int i = 0; i < ty->array_len; i++) {
- InitDesg desg2 = {desg, i};
- Node *rhs = create_lvar_init(init->children[i], ty->base, &desg2, tok);
- node = new_binary(ND_COMMA, node, rhs, tok);
- }
- return node;
- }
- if (ty->kind == TY_STRUCT && !init->expr) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_NULL_EXPR, tok);
- for (Member *mem = ty->members; mem; mem = mem->next) {
- InitDesg desg2 = {desg, 0, mem};
- Node *rhs = create_lvar_init(init->children[mem->idx], mem->ty, &desg2, tok);
- node = new_binary(ND_COMMA, node, rhs, tok);
- }
- return node;
- }
- if (ty->kind == TY_UNION) {
- Member *mem = init->mem ? init->mem : ty->members;
- InitDesg desg2 = {desg, 0, mem};
- return create_lvar_init(init->children[mem->idx], mem->ty, &desg2, tok);
- }
- if (!init->expr)
- return new_node(ND_NULL_EXPR, tok);
- Node *lhs = init_desg_expr(desg, tok);
- return new_binary(ND_ASSIGN, lhs, init->expr, tok);
-// A variable definition with an initializer is a shorthand notation
-// for a variable definition followed by assignments. This function
-// generates assignment expressions for an initializer. For example,
-// `int x[2][2] = {{6, 7}, {8, 9}}` is converted to the following
-// expressions:
-// x[0][0] = 6;
-// x[0][1] = 7;
-// x[1][0] = 8;
-// x[1][1] = 9;
-static Node *lvar_initializer(Token **rest, Token *tok, Obj *var) {
- Initializer *init = initializer(rest, tok, var->ty, &var->ty);
- InitDesg desg = {NULL, 0, NULL, var};
- // If a partial initializer list is given, the standard requires
- // that unspecified elements are set to 0. Here, we simply
- // zero-initialize the entire memory region of a variable before
- // initializing it with user-supplied values.
- Node *lhs = new_node(ND_MEMZERO, tok);
- lhs->var = var;
- Node *rhs = create_lvar_init(init, var->ty, &desg, tok);
- return new_binary(ND_COMMA, lhs, rhs, tok);
-static uint64_t read_buf(char *buf, int sz) {
- if (sz == 1)
- return *buf;
- if (sz == 2)
- return *(uint16_t *)buf;
- if (sz == 4)
- return *(uint32_t *)buf;
- if (sz == 8)
- return *(uint64_t *)buf;
- unreachable();
-static void write_buf(char *buf, uint64_t val, int sz) {
- if (sz == 1)
- *buf = val;
- else if (sz == 2)
- *(uint16_t *)buf = val;
- else if (sz == 4)
- *(uint32_t *)buf = val;
- else if (sz == 8)
- *(uint64_t *)buf = val;
- else
- unreachable();
-static Relocation *
-write_gvar_data(Relocation *cur, Initializer *init, Type *ty, char *buf, int offset) {
- if (ty->kind == TY_ARRAY) {
- int sz = ty->base->size;
- for (int i = 0; i < ty->array_len; i++)
- cur = write_gvar_data(cur, init->children[i], ty->base, buf, offset + sz * i);
- return cur;
- }
- if (ty->kind == TY_STRUCT) {
- for (Member *mem = ty->members; mem; mem = mem->next) {
- if (mem->is_bitfield) {
- Node *expr = init->children[mem->idx]->expr;
- if (!expr)
- break;
- char *loc = buf + offset + mem->offset;
- uint64_t oldval = read_buf(loc, mem->ty->size);
- uint64_t newval = eval(expr);
- uint64_t mask = (1L << mem->bit_width) - 1;
- uint64_t combined = oldval | ((newval & mask) << mem->bit_offset);
- write_buf(loc, combined, mem->ty->size);
- } else {
- cur = write_gvar_data(cur, init->children[mem->idx], mem->ty, buf,
- offset + mem->offset);
- }
- }
- return cur;
- }
- if (ty->kind == TY_UNION) {
- if (!init->mem)
- return cur;
- return write_gvar_data(cur, init->children[init->mem->idx],
- init->mem->ty, buf, offset);
- }
- if (!init->expr)
- return cur;
- if (ty->kind == TY_FLOAT) {
- *(float *)(buf + offset) = eval_double(init->expr);
- return cur;
- }
- if (ty->kind == TY_DOUBLE) {
- *(double *)(buf + offset) = eval_double(init->expr);
- return cur;
- }
- char **label = NULL;
- uint64_t val = eval2(init->expr, &label);
- if (!label) {
- write_buf(buf + offset, val, ty->size);
- return cur;
- }
- Relocation *rel = calloc(1, sizeof(Relocation));
- rel->offset = offset;
- rel->label = label;
- rel->addend = val;
- cur->next = rel;
- return cur->next;
-// Initializers for global variables are evaluated at compile-time and
-// embedded to .data section. This function serializes Initializer
-// objects to a flat byte array. It is a compile error if an
-// initializer list contains a non-constant expression.
-static void gvar_initializer(Token **rest, Token *tok, Obj *var) {
- Initializer *init = initializer(rest, tok, var->ty, &var->ty);
- Relocation head = {};
- char *buf = calloc(1, var->ty->size);
- write_gvar_data(&head, init, var->ty, buf, 0);
- var->init_data = buf;
- var->rel =;
-// Returns true if a given token represents a type.
-static bool is_typename(Token *tok) {
- static HashMap map;
- if (map.capacity == 0) {
- static char *kw[] = {
- "void", "_Bool", "char", "short", "int", "long", "struct", "union",
- "typedef", "enum", "static", "extern", "_Alignas", "signed", "unsigned",
- "const", "volatile", "auto", "register", "restrict", "__restrict",
- "__restrict__", "_Noreturn", "float", "double", "typeof", "inline",
- "_Thread_local", "__thread", "_Atomic",
- };
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(kw) / sizeof(*kw); i++)
- hashmap_put(&map, kw[i], (void *)1);
- }
- return hashmap_get2(&map, tok->loc, tok->len) || find_typedef(tok);
-// asm-stmt = "asm" ("volatile" | "inline")* "(" string-literal ")"
-static Node *asm_stmt(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_ASM, tok);
- tok = tok->next;
- while (equal(tok, "volatile") || equal(tok, "inline"))
- tok = tok->next;
- tok = skip(tok, "(");
- if (tok->kind != TK_STR || tok->ty->base->kind != TY_CHAR)
- error_tok(tok, "expected string literal");
- node->asm_str = tok->str;
- *rest = skip(tok->next, ")");
- return node;
-// stmt = "return" expr? ";"
-// | "if" "(" expr ")" stmt ("else" stmt)?
-// | "switch" "(" expr ")" stmt
-// | "case" const-expr ("..." const-expr)? ":" stmt
-// | "default" ":" stmt
-// | "for" "(" expr-stmt expr? ";" expr? ")" stmt
-// | "while" "(" expr ")" stmt
-// | "do" stmt "while" "(" expr ")" ";"
-// | "asm" asm-stmt
-// | "goto" (ident | "*" expr) ";"
-// | "break" ";"
-// | "continue" ";"
-// | ident ":" stmt
-// | "{" compound-stmt
-// | expr-stmt
-static Node *stmt(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- if (equal(tok, "return")) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_RETURN, tok);
- if (consume(rest, tok->next, ";"))
- return node;
- Node *exp = expr(&tok, tok->next);
- *rest = skip(tok, ";");
- add_type(exp);
- Type *ty = current_fn->ty->return_ty;
- if (ty->kind != TY_STRUCT && ty->kind != TY_UNION)
- exp = new_cast(exp, current_fn->ty->return_ty);
- node->lhs = exp;
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "if")) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_IF, tok);
- tok = skip(tok->next, "(");
- node->cond = expr(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- node->then = stmt(&tok, tok);
- if (equal(tok, "else"))
- node->els = stmt(&tok, tok->next);
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "switch")) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_SWITCH, tok);
- tok = skip(tok->next, "(");
- node->cond = expr(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- Node *sw = current_switch;
- current_switch = node;
- char *brk = brk_label;
- brk_label = node->brk_label = new_unique_name();
- node->then = stmt(rest, tok);
- current_switch = sw;
- brk_label = brk;
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "case")) {
- if (!current_switch)
- error_tok(tok, "stray case");
- Node *node = new_node(ND_CASE, tok);
- int begin = const_expr(&tok, tok->next);
- int end;
- if (equal(tok, "...")) {
- // [GNU] Case ranges, e.g. "case 1 ... 5:"
- end = const_expr(&tok, tok->next);
- if (end < begin)
- error_tok(tok, "empty case range specified");
- } else {
- end = begin;
- }
- tok = skip(tok, ":");
- node->label = new_unique_name();
- node->lhs = stmt(rest, tok);
- node->begin = begin;
- node->end = end;
- node->case_next = current_switch->case_next;
- current_switch->case_next = node;
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "default")) {
- if (!current_switch)
- error_tok(tok, "stray default");
- Node *node = new_node(ND_CASE, tok);
- tok = skip(tok->next, ":");
- node->label = new_unique_name();
- node->lhs = stmt(rest, tok);
- current_switch->default_case = node;
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "for")) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_FOR, tok);
- tok = skip(tok->next, "(");
- enter_scope();
- char *brk = brk_label;
- char *cont = cont_label;
- brk_label = node->brk_label = new_unique_name();
- cont_label = node->cont_label = new_unique_name();
- if (is_typename(tok)) {
- Type *basety = declspec(&tok, tok, NULL);
- node->init = declaration(&tok, tok, basety, NULL);
- } else {
- node->init = expr_stmt(&tok, tok);
- }
- if (!equal(tok, ";"))
- node->cond = expr(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ";");
- if (!equal(tok, ")"))
- node->inc = expr(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- node->then = stmt(rest, tok);
- leave_scope();
- brk_label = brk;
- cont_label = cont;
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "while")) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_FOR, tok);
- tok = skip(tok->next, "(");
- node->cond = expr(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- char *brk = brk_label;
- char *cont = cont_label;
- brk_label = node->brk_label = new_unique_name();
- cont_label = node->cont_label = new_unique_name();
- node->then = stmt(rest, tok);
- brk_label = brk;
- cont_label = cont;
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "do")) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_DO, tok);
- char *brk = brk_label;
- char *cont = cont_label;
- brk_label = node->brk_label = new_unique_name();
- cont_label = node->cont_label = new_unique_name();
- node->then = stmt(&tok, tok->next);
- brk_label = brk;
- cont_label = cont;
- tok = skip(tok, "while");
- tok = skip(tok, "(");
- node->cond = expr(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- *rest = skip(tok, ";");
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "asm"))
- return asm_stmt(rest, tok);
- if (equal(tok, "goto")) {
- if (equal(tok->next, "*")) {
- // [GNU] `goto *ptr` jumps to the address specified by `ptr`.
- Node *node = new_node(ND_GOTO_EXPR, tok);
- node->lhs = expr(&tok, tok->next->next);
- *rest = skip(tok, ";");
- return node;
- }
- Node *node = new_node(ND_GOTO, tok);
- node->label = get_ident(tok->next);
- node->goto_next = gotos;
- gotos = node;
- *rest = skip(tok->next->next, ";");
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "break")) {
- if (!brk_label)
- error_tok(tok, "stray break");
- Node *node = new_node(ND_GOTO, tok);
- node->unique_label = brk_label;
- *rest = skip(tok->next, ";");
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "continue")) {
- if (!cont_label)
- error_tok(tok, "stray continue");
- Node *node = new_node(ND_GOTO, tok);
- node->unique_label = cont_label;
- *rest = skip(tok->next, ";");
- return node;
- }
- if (tok->kind == TK_IDENT && equal(tok->next, ":")) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_LABEL, tok);
- node->label = strndup(tok->loc, tok->len);
- node->unique_label = new_unique_name();
- node->lhs = stmt(rest, tok->next->next);
- node->goto_next = labels;
- labels = node;
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "{"))
- return compound_stmt(rest, tok->next);
- return expr_stmt(rest, tok);
-// compound-stmt = (typedef | declaration | stmt)* "}"
-static Node *compound_stmt(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_BLOCK, tok);
- Node head = {};
- Node *cur = &head;
- enter_scope();
- while (!equal(tok, "}")) {
- if (is_typename(tok) && !equal(tok->next, ":")) {
- VarAttr attr = {};
- Type *basety = declspec(&tok, tok, &attr);
- if (attr.is_typedef) {
- tok = parse_typedef(tok, basety);
- continue;
- }
- if (is_function(tok)) {
- tok = function(tok, basety, &attr);
- continue;
- }
- if (attr.is_extern) {
- tok = global_variable(tok, basety, &attr);
- continue;
- }
- cur = cur->next = declaration(&tok, tok, basety, &attr);
- } else {
- cur = cur->next = stmt(&tok, tok);
- }
- add_type(cur);
- }
- leave_scope();
- node->body =;
- *rest = tok->next;
- return node;
-// expr-stmt = expr? ";"
-static Node *expr_stmt(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- if (equal(tok, ";")) {
- *rest = tok->next;
- return new_node(ND_BLOCK, tok);
- }
- Node *node = new_node(ND_EXPR_STMT, tok);
- node->lhs = expr(&tok, tok);
- *rest = skip(tok, ";");
- return node;
-// expr = assign ("," expr)?
-static Node *expr(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = assign(&tok, tok);
- if (equal(tok, ","))
- return new_binary(ND_COMMA, node, expr(rest, tok->next), tok);
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
-static int64_t eval(Node *node) {
- return eval2(node, NULL);
-// Evaluate a given node as a constant expression.
-// A constant expression is either just a number or ptr+n where ptr
-// is a pointer to a global variable and n is a postiive/negative
-// number. The latter form is accepted only as an initialization
-// expression for a global variable.
-static int64_t eval2(Node *node, char ***label) {
- add_type(node);
- if (is_flonum(node->ty))
- return eval_double(node);
- switch (node->kind) {
- case ND_ADD:
- return eval2(node->lhs, label) + eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_SUB:
- return eval2(node->lhs, label) - eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_MUL:
- return eval(node->lhs) * eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_DIV:
- if (node->ty->is_unsigned)
- return (uint64_t)eval(node->lhs) / eval(node->rhs);
- return eval(node->lhs) / eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_NEG:
- return -eval(node->lhs);
- case ND_MOD:
- if (node->ty->is_unsigned)
- return (uint64_t)eval(node->lhs) % eval(node->rhs);
- return eval(node->lhs) % eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_BITAND:
- return eval(node->lhs) & eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_BITOR:
- return eval(node->lhs) | eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_BITXOR:
- return eval(node->lhs) ^ eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_SHL:
- return eval(node->lhs) << eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_SHR:
- if (node->ty->is_unsigned && node->ty->size == 8)
- return (uint64_t)eval(node->lhs) >> eval(node->rhs);
- return eval(node->lhs) >> eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_EQ:
- return eval(node->lhs) == eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_NE:
- return eval(node->lhs) != eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_LT:
- if (node->lhs->ty->is_unsigned)
- return (uint64_t)eval(node->lhs) < eval(node->rhs);
- return eval(node->lhs) < eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_LE:
- if (node->lhs->ty->is_unsigned)
- return (uint64_t)eval(node->lhs) <= eval(node->rhs);
- return eval(node->lhs) <= eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_COND:
- return eval(node->cond) ? eval2(node->then, label) : eval2(node->els, label);
- case ND_COMMA:
- return eval2(node->rhs, label);
- case ND_NOT:
- return !eval(node->lhs);
- case ND_BITNOT:
- return ~eval(node->lhs);
- case ND_LOGAND:
- return eval(node->lhs) && eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_LOGOR:
- return eval(node->lhs) || eval(node->rhs);
- case ND_CAST: {
- int64_t val = eval2(node->lhs, label);
- if (is_integer(node->ty)) {
- switch (node->ty->size) {
- case 1: return node->ty->is_unsigned ? (uint8_t)val : (int8_t)val;
- case 2: return node->ty->is_unsigned ? (uint16_t)val : (int16_t)val;
- case 4: return node->ty->is_unsigned ? (uint32_t)val : (int32_t)val;
- }
- }
- return val;
- }
- case ND_ADDR:
- return eval_rval(node->lhs, label);
- case ND_LABEL_VAL:
- *label = &node->unique_label;
- return 0;
- case ND_MEMBER:
- if (!label)
- error_tok(node->tok, "not a compile-time constant");
- if (node->ty->kind != TY_ARRAY)
- error_tok(node->tok, "invalid initializer");
- return eval_rval(node->lhs, label) + node->member->offset;
- case ND_VAR:
- if (!label)
- error_tok(node->tok, "not a compile-time constant");
- if (node->var->ty->kind != TY_ARRAY && node->var->ty->kind != TY_FUNC)
- error_tok(node->tok, "invalid initializer");
- *label = &node->var->name;
- return 0;
- case ND_NUM:
- return node->val;
- }
- error_tok(node->tok, "not a compile-time constant");
-static int64_t eval_rval(Node *node, char ***label) {
- switch (node->kind) {
- case ND_VAR:
- if (node->var->is_local)
- error_tok(node->tok, "not a compile-time constant");
- *label = &node->var->name;
- return 0;
- case ND_DEREF:
- return eval2(node->lhs, label);
- case ND_MEMBER:
- return eval_rval(node->lhs, label) + node->member->offset;
- }
- error_tok(node->tok, "invalid initializer");
-static bool is_const_expr(Node *node) {
- add_type(node);
- switch (node->kind) {
- case ND_ADD:
- case ND_SUB:
- case ND_MUL:
- case ND_DIV:
- case ND_BITAND:
- case ND_BITOR:
- case ND_BITXOR:
- case ND_SHL:
- case ND_SHR:
- case ND_EQ:
- case ND_NE:
- case ND_LT:
- case ND_LE:
- case ND_LOGAND:
- case ND_LOGOR:
- return is_const_expr(node->lhs) && is_const_expr(node->rhs);
- case ND_COND:
- if (!is_const_expr(node->cond))
- return false;
- return is_const_expr(eval(node->cond) ? node->then : node->els);
- case ND_COMMA:
- return is_const_expr(node->rhs);
- case ND_NEG:
- case ND_NOT:
- case ND_BITNOT:
- case ND_CAST:
- return is_const_expr(node->lhs);
- case ND_NUM:
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-int64_t const_expr(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = conditional(rest, tok);
- return eval(node);
-static double eval_double(Node *node) {
- add_type(node);
- if (is_integer(node->ty)) {
- if (node->ty->is_unsigned)
- return (unsigned long)eval(node);
- return eval(node);
- }
- switch (node->kind) {
- case ND_ADD:
- return eval_double(node->lhs) + eval_double(node->rhs);
- case ND_SUB:
- return eval_double(node->lhs) - eval_double(node->rhs);
- case ND_MUL:
- return eval_double(node->lhs) * eval_double(node->rhs);
- case ND_DIV:
- return eval_double(node->lhs) / eval_double(node->rhs);
- case ND_NEG:
- return -eval_double(node->lhs);
- case ND_COND:
- return eval_double(node->cond) ? eval_double(node->then) : eval_double(node->els);
- case ND_COMMA:
- return eval_double(node->rhs);
- case ND_CAST:
- if (is_flonum(node->lhs->ty))
- return eval_double(node->lhs);
- return eval(node->lhs);
- case ND_NUM:
- return node->fval;
- }
- error_tok(node->tok, "not a compile-time constant");
-// Convert op= operators to expressions containing an assignment.
-// In general, `A op= C` is converted to ``tmp = &A, *tmp = *tmp op B`.
-// However, if a given expression is of form `A.x op= C`, the input is
-// converted to `tmp = &A, (*tmp).x = (*tmp).x op C` to handle assignments
-// to bitfields.
-static Node *to_assign(Node *binary) {
- add_type(binary->lhs);
- add_type(binary->rhs);
- Token *tok = binary->tok;
- // Convert `A.x op= C` to `tmp = &A, (*tmp).x = (*tmp).x op C`.
- if (binary->lhs->kind == ND_MEMBER) {
- Obj *var = new_lvar("", pointer_to(binary->lhs->lhs->ty));
- Node *expr1 = new_binary(ND_ASSIGN, new_var_node(var, tok),
- new_unary(ND_ADDR, binary->lhs->lhs, tok), tok);
- Node *expr2 = new_unary(ND_MEMBER,
- new_unary(ND_DEREF, new_var_node(var, tok), tok),
- tok);
- expr2->member = binary->lhs->member;
- Node *expr3 = new_unary(ND_MEMBER,
- new_unary(ND_DEREF, new_var_node(var, tok), tok),
- tok);
- expr3->member = binary->lhs->member;
- Node *expr4 = new_binary(ND_ASSIGN, expr2,
- new_binary(binary->kind, expr3, binary->rhs, tok),
- tok);
- return new_binary(ND_COMMA, expr1, expr4, tok);
- }
- // If A is an atomic type, Convert `A op= B` to
- //
- // ({
- // T1 *addr = &A; T2 val = (B); T1 old = *addr; T1 new;
- // do {
- // new = old op val;
- // } while (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong(addr, &old, new));
- // new;
- // })
- if (binary->lhs->ty->is_atomic) {
- Node head = {};
- Node *cur = &head;
- Obj *addr = new_lvar("", pointer_to(binary->lhs->ty));
- Obj *val = new_lvar("", binary->rhs->ty);
- Obj *old = new_lvar("", binary->lhs->ty);
- Obj *new = new_lvar("", binary->lhs->ty);
- cur = cur->next =
- new_unary(ND_EXPR_STMT,
- new_binary(ND_ASSIGN, new_var_node(addr, tok),
- new_unary(ND_ADDR, binary->lhs, tok), tok),
- tok);
- cur = cur->next =
- new_unary(ND_EXPR_STMT,
- new_binary(ND_ASSIGN, new_var_node(val, tok), binary->rhs, tok),
- tok);
- cur = cur->next =
- new_unary(ND_EXPR_STMT,
- new_binary(ND_ASSIGN, new_var_node(old, tok),
- new_unary(ND_DEREF, new_var_node(addr, tok), tok), tok),
- tok);
- Node *loop = new_node(ND_DO, tok);
- loop->brk_label = new_unique_name();
- loop->cont_label = new_unique_name();
- Node *body = new_binary(ND_ASSIGN,
- new_var_node(new, tok),
- new_binary(binary->kind, new_var_node(old, tok),
- new_var_node(val, tok), tok),
- tok);
- loop->then = new_node(ND_BLOCK, tok);
- loop->then->body = new_unary(ND_EXPR_STMT, body, tok);
- Node *cas = new_node(ND_CAS, tok);
- cas->cas_addr = new_var_node(addr, tok);
- cas->cas_old = new_unary(ND_ADDR, new_var_node(old, tok), tok);
- cas->cas_new = new_var_node(new, tok);
- loop->cond = new_unary(ND_NOT, cas, tok);
- cur = cur->next = loop;
- cur = cur->next = new_unary(ND_EXPR_STMT, new_var_node(new, tok), tok);
- Node *node = new_node(ND_STMT_EXPR, tok);
- node->body =;
- return node;
- }
- // Convert `A op= B` to ``tmp = &A, *tmp = *tmp op B`.
- Obj *var = new_lvar("", pointer_to(binary->lhs->ty));
- Node *expr1 = new_binary(ND_ASSIGN, new_var_node(var, tok),
- new_unary(ND_ADDR, binary->lhs, tok), tok);
- Node *expr2 =
- new_binary(ND_ASSIGN,
- new_unary(ND_DEREF, new_var_node(var, tok), tok),
- new_binary(binary->kind,
- new_unary(ND_DEREF, new_var_node(var, tok), tok),
- binary->rhs,
- tok),
- tok);
- return new_binary(ND_COMMA, expr1, expr2, tok);
-// assign = conditional (assign-op assign)?
-// assign-op = "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^="
-// | "<<=" | ">>="
-static Node *assign(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = conditional(&tok, tok);
- if (equal(tok, "="))
- return new_binary(ND_ASSIGN, node, assign(rest, tok->next), tok);
- if (equal(tok, "+="))
- return to_assign(new_add(node, assign(rest, tok->next), tok));
- if (equal(tok, "-="))
- return to_assign(new_sub(node, assign(rest, tok->next), tok));
- if (equal(tok, "*="))
- return to_assign(new_binary(ND_MUL, node, assign(rest, tok->next), tok));
- if (equal(tok, "/="))
- return to_assign(new_binary(ND_DIV, node, assign(rest, tok->next), tok));
- if (equal(tok, "%="))
- return to_assign(new_binary(ND_MOD, node, assign(rest, tok->next), tok));
- if (equal(tok, "&="))
- return to_assign(new_binary(ND_BITAND, node, assign(rest, tok->next), tok));
- if (equal(tok, "|="))
- return to_assign(new_binary(ND_BITOR, node, assign(rest, tok->next), tok));
- if (equal(tok, "^="))
- return to_assign(new_binary(ND_BITXOR, node, assign(rest, tok->next), tok));
- if (equal(tok, "<<="))
- return to_assign(new_binary(ND_SHL, node, assign(rest, tok->next), tok));
- if (equal(tok, ">>="))
- return to_assign(new_binary(ND_SHR, node, assign(rest, tok->next), tok));
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
-// conditional = logor ("?" expr? ":" conditional)?
-static Node *conditional(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *cond = logor(&tok, tok);
- if (!equal(tok, "?")) {
- *rest = tok;
- return cond;
- }
- if (equal(tok->next, ":")) {
- // [GNU] Compile `a ?: b` as `tmp = a, tmp ? tmp : b`.
- add_type(cond);
- Obj *var = new_lvar("", cond->ty);
- Node *lhs = new_binary(ND_ASSIGN, new_var_node(var, tok), cond, tok);
- Node *rhs = new_node(ND_COND, tok);
- rhs->cond = new_var_node(var, tok);
- rhs->then = new_var_node(var, tok);
- rhs->els = conditional(rest, tok->next->next);
- return new_binary(ND_COMMA, lhs, rhs, tok);
- }
- Node *node = new_node(ND_COND, tok);
- node->cond = cond;
- node->then = expr(&tok, tok->next);
- tok = skip(tok, ":");
- node->els = conditional(rest, tok);
- return node;
-// logor = logand ("||" logand)*
-static Node *logor(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = logand(&tok, tok);
- while (equal(tok, "||")) {
- Token *start = tok;
- node = new_binary(ND_LOGOR, node, logand(&tok, tok->next), start);
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
-// logand = bitor ("&&" bitor)*
-static Node *logand(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = bitor(&tok, tok);
- while (equal(tok, "&&")) {
- Token *start = tok;
- node = new_binary(ND_LOGAND, node, bitor(&tok, tok->next), start);
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
-// bitor = bitxor ("|" bitxor)*
-static Node *bitor(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = bitxor(&tok, tok);
- while (equal(tok, "|")) {
- Token *start = tok;
- node = new_binary(ND_BITOR, node, bitxor(&tok, tok->next), start);
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
-// bitxor = bitand ("^" bitand)*
-static Node *bitxor(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = bitand(&tok, tok);
- while (equal(tok, "^")) {
- Token *start = tok;
- node = new_binary(ND_BITXOR, node, bitand(&tok, tok->next), start);
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
-// bitand = equality ("&" equality)*
-static Node *bitand(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = equality(&tok, tok);
- while (equal(tok, "&")) {
- Token *start = tok;
- node = new_binary(ND_BITAND, node, equality(&tok, tok->next), start);
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
-// equality = relational ("==" relational | "!=" relational)*
-static Node *equality(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = relational(&tok, tok);
- for (;;) {
- Token *start = tok;
- if (equal(tok, "==")) {
- node = new_binary(ND_EQ, node, relational(&tok, tok->next), start);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "!=")) {
- node = new_binary(ND_NE, node, relational(&tok, tok->next), start);
- continue;
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
- }
-// relational = shift ("<" shift | "<=" shift | ">" shift | ">=" shift)*
-static Node *relational(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = shift(&tok, tok);
- for (;;) {
- Token *start = tok;
- if (equal(tok, "<")) {
- node = new_binary(ND_LT, node, shift(&tok, tok->next), start);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "<=")) {
- node = new_binary(ND_LE, node, shift(&tok, tok->next), start);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, ">")) {
- node = new_binary(ND_LT, shift(&tok, tok->next), node, start);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, ">=")) {
- node = new_binary(ND_LE, shift(&tok, tok->next), node, start);
- continue;
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
- }
-// shift = add ("<<" add | ">>" add)*
-static Node *shift(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = add(&tok, tok);
- for (;;) {
- Token *start = tok;
- if (equal(tok, "<<")) {
- node = new_binary(ND_SHL, node, add(&tok, tok->next), start);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, ">>")) {
- node = new_binary(ND_SHR, node, add(&tok, tok->next), start);
- continue;
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
- }
-// In C, `+` operator is overloaded to perform the pointer arithmetic.
-// If p is a pointer, p+n adds not n but sizeof(*p)*n to the value of p,
-// so that p+n points to the location n elements (not bytes) ahead of p.
-// In other words, we need to scale an integer value before adding to a
-// pointer value. This function takes care of the scaling.
-static Node *new_add(Node *lhs, Node *rhs, Token *tok) {
- add_type(lhs);
- add_type(rhs);
- // num + num
- if (is_numeric(lhs->ty) && is_numeric(rhs->ty))
- return new_binary(ND_ADD, lhs, rhs, tok);
- if (lhs->ty->base && rhs->ty->base)
- error_tok(tok, "invalid operands");
- // Canonicalize `num + ptr` to `ptr + num`.
- if (!lhs->ty->base && rhs->ty->base) {
- Node *tmp = lhs;
- lhs = rhs;
- rhs = tmp;
- }
- // VLA + num
- if (lhs->ty->base->kind == TY_VLA) {
- rhs = new_binary(ND_MUL, rhs, new_var_node(lhs->ty->base->vla_size, tok), tok);
- return new_binary(ND_ADD, lhs, rhs, tok);
- }
- // ptr + num
- rhs = new_binary(ND_MUL, rhs, new_long(lhs->ty->base->size, tok), tok);
- return new_binary(ND_ADD, lhs, rhs, tok);
-// Like `+`, `-` is overloaded for the pointer type.
-static Node *new_sub(Node *lhs, Node *rhs, Token *tok) {
- add_type(lhs);
- add_type(rhs);
- // num - num
- if (is_numeric(lhs->ty) && is_numeric(rhs->ty))
- return new_binary(ND_SUB, lhs, rhs, tok);
- // VLA + num
- if (lhs->ty->base->kind == TY_VLA) {
- rhs = new_binary(ND_MUL, rhs, new_var_node(lhs->ty->base->vla_size, tok), tok);
- add_type(rhs);
- Node *node = new_binary(ND_SUB, lhs, rhs, tok);
- node->ty = lhs->ty;
- return node;
- }
- // ptr - num
- if (lhs->ty->base && is_integer(rhs->ty)) {
- rhs = new_binary(ND_MUL, rhs, new_long(lhs->ty->base->size, tok), tok);
- add_type(rhs);
- Node *node = new_binary(ND_SUB, lhs, rhs, tok);
- node->ty = lhs->ty;
- return node;
- }
- // ptr - ptr, which returns how many elements are between the two.
- if (lhs->ty->base && rhs->ty->base) {
- Node *node = new_binary(ND_SUB, lhs, rhs, tok);
- node->ty = ty_long;
- return new_binary(ND_DIV, node, new_num(lhs->ty->base->size, tok), tok);
- }
- error_tok(tok, "invalid operands");
-// add = mul ("+" mul | "-" mul)*
-static Node *add(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = mul(&tok, tok);
- for (;;) {
- Token *start = tok;
- if (equal(tok, "+")) {
- node = new_add(node, mul(&tok, tok->next), start);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "-")) {
- node = new_sub(node, mul(&tok, tok->next), start);
- continue;
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
- }
-// mul = cast ("*" cast | "/" cast | "%" cast)*
-static Node *mul(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Node *node = cast(&tok, tok);
- for (;;) {
- Token *start = tok;
- if (equal(tok, "*")) {
- node = new_binary(ND_MUL, node, cast(&tok, tok->next), start);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "/")) {
- node = new_binary(ND_DIV, node, cast(&tok, tok->next), start);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "%")) {
- node = new_binary(ND_MOD, node, cast(&tok, tok->next), start);
- continue;
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
- }
-// cast = "(" type-name ")" cast | unary
-static Node *cast(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- if (equal(tok, "(") && is_typename(tok->next)) {
- Token *start = tok;
- Type *ty = typename(&tok, tok->next);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- // compound literal
- if (equal(tok, "{"))
- return unary(rest, start);
- // type cast
- Node *node = new_cast(cast(rest, tok), ty);
- node->tok = start;
- return node;
- }
- return unary(rest, tok);
-// unary = ("+" | "-" | "*" | "&" | "!" | "~") cast
-// | ("++" | "--") unary
-// | "&&" ident
-// | postfix
-static Node *unary(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- if (equal(tok, "+"))
- return cast(rest, tok->next);
- if (equal(tok, "-"))
- return new_unary(ND_NEG, cast(rest, tok->next), tok);
- if (equal(tok, "&")) {
- Node *lhs = cast(rest, tok->next);
- add_type(lhs);
- if (lhs->kind == ND_MEMBER && lhs->member->is_bitfield)
- error_tok(tok, "cannot take address of bitfield");
- return new_unary(ND_ADDR, lhs, tok);
- }
- if (equal(tok, "*")) {
- // [] This is an oddity
- // in the C spec, but dereferencing a function shouldn't do
- // anything. If foo is a function, `*foo`, `**foo` or `*****foo`
- // are all equivalent to just `foo`.
- Node *node = cast(rest, tok->next);
- add_type(node);
- if (node->ty->kind == TY_FUNC)
- return node;
- return new_unary(ND_DEREF, node, tok);
- }
- if (equal(tok, "!"))
- return new_unary(ND_NOT, cast(rest, tok->next), tok);
- if (equal(tok, "~"))
- return new_unary(ND_BITNOT, cast(rest, tok->next), tok);
- // Read ++i as i+=1
- if (equal(tok, "++"))
- return to_assign(new_add(unary(rest, tok->next), new_num(1, tok), tok));
- // Read --i as i-=1
- if (equal(tok, "--"))
- return to_assign(new_sub(unary(rest, tok->next), new_num(1, tok), tok));
- // [GNU] labels-as-values
- if (equal(tok, "&&")) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_LABEL_VAL, tok);
- node->label = get_ident(tok->next);
- node->goto_next = gotos;
- gotos = node;
- *rest = tok->next->next;
- return node;
- }
- return postfix(rest, tok);
-// struct-members = (declspec declarator ("," declarator)* ";")*
-static void struct_members(Token **rest, Token *tok, Type *ty) {
- Member head = {};
- Member *cur = &head;
- int idx = 0;
- while (!equal(tok, "}")) {
- VarAttr attr = {};
- Type *basety = declspec(&tok, tok, &attr);
- bool first = true;
- // Anonymous struct member
- if ((basety->kind == TY_STRUCT || basety->kind == TY_UNION) &&
- consume(&tok, tok, ";")) {
- Member *mem = calloc(1, sizeof(Member));
- mem->ty = basety;
- mem->idx = idx++;
- mem->align = attr.align ? attr.align : mem->ty->align;
- cur = cur->next = mem;
- continue;
- }
- // Regular struct members
- while (!consume(&tok, tok, ";")) {
- if (!first)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- first = false;
- Member *mem = calloc(1, sizeof(Member));
- mem->ty = declarator(&tok, tok, basety);
- mem->name = mem->ty->name;
- mem->idx = idx++;
- mem->align = attr.align ? attr.align : mem->ty->align;
- if (consume(&tok, tok, ":")) {
- mem->is_bitfield = true;
- mem->bit_width = const_expr(&tok, tok);
- }
- cur = cur->next = mem;
- }
- }
- // If the last element is an array of incomplete type, it's
- // called a "flexible array member". It should behave as if
- // if were a zero-sized array.
- if (cur != &head && cur->ty->kind == TY_ARRAY && cur->ty->array_len < 0) {
- cur->ty = array_of(cur->ty->base, 0);
- ty->is_flexible = true;
- }
- *rest = tok->next;
- ty->members =;
-// attribute = ("__attribute__" "(" "(" "packed" ")" ")")*
-static Token *attribute_list(Token *tok, Type *ty) {
- while (consume(&tok, tok, "__attribute__")) {
- tok = skip(tok, "(");
- tok = skip(tok, "(");
- bool first = true;
- while (!consume(&tok, tok, ")")) {
- if (!first)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- first = false;
- if (consume(&tok, tok, "packed")) {
- ty->is_packed = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (consume(&tok, tok, "aligned")) {
- tok = skip(tok, "(");
- ty->align = const_expr(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- continue;
- }
- error_tok(tok, "unknown attribute");
- }
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- }
- return tok;
-// struct-union-decl = attribute? ident? ("{" struct-members)?
-static Type *struct_union_decl(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Type *ty = struct_type();
- tok = attribute_list(tok, ty);
- // Read a tag.
- Token *tag = NULL;
- if (tok->kind == TK_IDENT) {
- tag = tok;
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- if (tag && !equal(tok, "{")) {
- *rest = tok;
- Type *ty2 = find_tag(tag);
- if (ty2)
- return ty2;
- ty->size = -1;
- push_tag_scope(tag, ty);
- return ty;
- }
- tok = skip(tok, "{");
- // Construct a struct object.
- struct_members(&tok, tok, ty);
- *rest = attribute_list(tok, ty);
- if (tag) {
- // If this is a redefinition, overwrite a previous type.
- // Otherwise, register the struct type.
- Type *ty2 = hashmap_get2(&scope->tags, tag->loc, tag->len);
- if (ty2) {
- *ty2 = *ty;
- return ty2;
- }
- push_tag_scope(tag, ty);
- }
- return ty;
-// struct-decl = struct-union-decl
-static Type *struct_decl(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Type *ty = struct_union_decl(rest, tok);
- ty->kind = TY_STRUCT;
- if (ty->size < 0)
- return ty;
- // Assign offsets within the struct to members.
- int bits = 0;
- for (Member *mem = ty->members; mem; mem = mem->next) {
- if (mem->is_bitfield && mem->bit_width == 0) {
- // Zero-width anonymous bitfield has a special meaning.
- // It affects only alignment.
- bits = align_to(bits, mem->ty->size * 8);
- } else if (mem->is_bitfield) {
- int sz = mem->ty->size;
- if (bits / (sz * 8) != (bits + mem->bit_width - 1) / (sz * 8))
- bits = align_to(bits, sz * 8);
- mem->offset = align_down(bits / 8, sz);
- mem->bit_offset = bits % (sz * 8);
- bits += mem->bit_width;
- } else {
- if (!ty->is_packed)
- bits = align_to(bits, mem->align * 8);
- mem->offset = bits / 8;
- bits += mem->ty->size * 8;
- }
- if (!ty->is_packed && ty->align < mem->align)
- ty->align = mem->align;
- }
- ty->size = align_to(bits, ty->align * 8) / 8;
- return ty;
-// union-decl = struct-union-decl
-static Type *union_decl(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Type *ty = struct_union_decl(rest, tok);
- ty->kind = TY_UNION;
- if (ty->size < 0)
- return ty;
- // If union, we don't have to assign offsets because they
- // are already initialized to zero. We need to compute the
- // alignment and the size though.
- for (Member *mem = ty->members; mem; mem = mem->next) {
- if (ty->align < mem->align)
- ty->align = mem->align;
- if (ty->size < mem->ty->size)
- ty->size = mem->ty->size;
- }
- ty->size = align_to(ty->size, ty->align);
- return ty;
-// Find a struct member by name.
-static Member *get_struct_member(Type *ty, Token *tok) {
- for (Member *mem = ty->members; mem; mem = mem->next) {
- // Anonymous struct member
- if ((mem->ty->kind == TY_STRUCT || mem->ty->kind == TY_UNION) &&
- !mem->name) {
- if (get_struct_member(mem->ty, tok))
- return mem;
- continue;
- }
- // Regular struct member
- if (mem->name->len == tok->len &&
- !strncmp(mem->name->loc, tok->loc, tok->len))
- return mem;
- }
- return NULL;
-// Create a node representing a struct member access, such as
-// where foo is a struct and bar is a member name.
-// C has a feature called "anonymous struct" which allows a struct to
-// have another unnamed struct as a member like this:
-// struct { struct { int a; }; int b; } x;
-// The members of an anonymous struct belong to the outer struct's
-// member namespace. Therefore, in the above example, you can access
-// member "a" of the anonymous struct as "x.a".
-// This function takes care of anonymous structs.
-static Node *struct_ref(Node *node, Token *tok) {
- add_type(node);
- if (node->ty->kind != TY_STRUCT && node->ty->kind != TY_UNION)
- error_tok(node->tok, "not a struct nor a union");
- Type *ty = node->ty;
- for (;;) {
- Member *mem = get_struct_member(ty, tok);
- if (!mem)
- error_tok(tok, "no such member");
- node = new_unary(ND_MEMBER, node, tok);
- node->member = mem;
- if (mem->name)
- break;
- ty = mem->ty;
- }
- return node;
-// Convert A++ to `(typeof A)((A += 1) - 1)`
-static Node *new_inc_dec(Node *node, Token *tok, int addend) {
- add_type(node);
- return new_cast(new_add(to_assign(new_add(node, new_num(addend, tok), tok)),
- new_num(-addend, tok), tok),
- node->ty);
-// postfix = "(" type-name ")" "{" initializer-list "}"
-// = ident "(" func-args ")" postfix-tail*
-// | primary postfix-tail*
-// postfix-tail = "[" expr "]"
-// | "(" func-args ")"
-// | "." ident
-// | "->" ident
-// | "++"
-// | "--"
-static Node *postfix(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- if (equal(tok, "(") && is_typename(tok->next)) {
- // Compound literal
- Token *start = tok;
- Type *ty = typename(&tok, tok->next);
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- if (scope->next == NULL) {
- Obj *var = new_anon_gvar(ty);
- gvar_initializer(rest, tok, var);
- return new_var_node(var, start);
- }
- Obj *var = new_lvar("", ty);
- Node *lhs = lvar_initializer(rest, tok, var);
- Node *rhs = new_var_node(var, tok);
- return new_binary(ND_COMMA, lhs, rhs, start);
- }
- Node *node = primary(&tok, tok);
- for (;;) {
- if (equal(tok, "(")) {
- node = funcall(&tok, tok->next, node);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "[")) {
- // x[y] is short for *(x+y)
- Token *start = tok;
- Node *idx = expr(&tok, tok->next);
- tok = skip(tok, "]");
- node = new_unary(ND_DEREF, new_add(node, idx, start), start);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, ".")) {
- node = struct_ref(node, tok->next);
- tok = tok->next->next;
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "->")) {
- // x->y is short for (*x).y
- node = new_unary(ND_DEREF, node, tok);
- node = struct_ref(node, tok->next);
- tok = tok->next->next;
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "++")) {
- node = new_inc_dec(node, tok, 1);
- tok = tok->next;
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "--")) {
- node = new_inc_dec(node, tok, -1);
- tok = tok->next;
- continue;
- }
- *rest = tok;
- return node;
- }
-// funcall = (assign ("," assign)*)? ")"
-static Node *funcall(Token **rest, Token *tok, Node *fn) {
- add_type(fn);
- if (fn->ty->kind != TY_FUNC &&
- (fn->ty->kind != TY_PTR || fn->ty->base->kind != TY_FUNC))
- error_tok(fn->tok, "not a function");
- Type *ty = (fn->ty->kind == TY_FUNC) ? fn->ty : fn->ty->base;
- Type *param_ty = ty->params;
- Node head = {};
- Node *cur = &head;
- while (!equal(tok, ")")) {
- if (cur != &head)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- Node *arg = assign(&tok, tok);
- add_type(arg);
- if (!param_ty && !ty->is_variadic)
- error_tok(tok, "too many arguments");
- if (param_ty) {
- if (param_ty->kind != TY_STRUCT && param_ty->kind != TY_UNION)
- arg = new_cast(arg, param_ty);
- param_ty = param_ty->next;
- } else if (arg->ty->kind == TY_FLOAT) {
- // If parameter type is omitted (e.g. in "..."), float
- // arguments are promoted to double.
- arg = new_cast(arg, ty_double);
- }
- cur = cur->next = arg;
- }
- if (param_ty)
- error_tok(tok, "too few arguments");
- *rest = skip(tok, ")");
- Node *node = new_unary(ND_FUNCALL, fn, tok);
- node->func_ty = ty;
- node->ty = ty->return_ty;
- node->args =;
- // If a function returns a struct, it is caller's responsibility
- // to allocate a space for the return value.
- if (node->ty->kind == TY_STRUCT || node->ty->kind == TY_UNION)
- node->ret_buffer = new_lvar("", node->ty);
- return node;
-// generic-selection = "(" assign "," generic-assoc ("," generic-assoc)* ")"
-// generic-assoc = type-name ":" assign
-// | "default" ":" assign
-static Node *generic_selection(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Token *start = tok;
- tok = skip(tok, "(");
- Node *ctrl = assign(&tok, tok);
- add_type(ctrl);
- Type *t1 = ctrl->ty;
- if (t1->kind == TY_FUNC)
- t1 = pointer_to(t1);
- else if (t1->kind == TY_ARRAY)
- t1 = pointer_to(t1->base);
- Node *ret = NULL;
- while (!consume(rest, tok, ")")) {
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- if (equal(tok, "default")) {
- tok = skip(tok->next, ":");
- Node *node = assign(&tok, tok);
- if (!ret)
- ret = node;
- continue;
- }
- Type *t2 = typename(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ":");
- Node *node = assign(&tok, tok);
- if (is_compatible(t1, t2))
- ret = node;
- }
- if (!ret)
- error_tok(start, "controlling expression type not compatible with"
- " any generic association type");
- return ret;
-// primary = "(" "{" stmt+ "}" ")"
-// | "(" expr ")"
-// | "sizeof" "(" type-name ")"
-// | "sizeof" unary
-// | "_Alignof" "(" type-name ")"
-// | "_Alignof" unary
-// | "_Generic" generic-selection
-// | "__builtin_types_compatible_p" "(" type-name, type-name, ")"
-// | "__builtin_reg_class" "(" type-name ")"
-// | ident
-// | str
-// | num
-static Node *primary(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Token *start = tok;
- if (equal(tok, "(") && equal(tok->next, "{")) {
- // This is a GNU statement expresssion.
- Node *node = new_node(ND_STMT_EXPR, tok);
- node->body = compound_stmt(&tok, tok->next->next)->body;
- *rest = skip(tok, ")");
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "(")) {
- Node *node = expr(&tok, tok->next);
- *rest = skip(tok, ")");
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "sizeof") && equal(tok->next, "(") && is_typename(tok->next->next)) {
- Type *ty = typename(&tok, tok->next->next);
- *rest = skip(tok, ")");
- if (ty->kind == TY_VLA) {
- if (ty->vla_size)
- return new_var_node(ty->vla_size, tok);
- Node *lhs = compute_vla_size(ty, tok);
- Node *rhs = new_var_node(ty->vla_size, tok);
- return new_binary(ND_COMMA, lhs, rhs, tok);
- }
- return new_ulong(ty->size, start);
- }
- if (equal(tok, "sizeof")) {
- Node *node = unary(rest, tok->next);
- add_type(node);
- if (node->ty->kind == TY_VLA)
- return new_var_node(node->ty->vla_size, tok);
- return new_ulong(node->ty->size, tok);
- }
- if (equal(tok, "_Alignof") && equal(tok->next, "(") && is_typename(tok->next->next)) {
- Type *ty = typename(&tok, tok->next->next);
- *rest = skip(tok, ")");
- return new_ulong(ty->align, tok);
- }
- if (equal(tok, "_Alignof")) {
- Node *node = unary(rest, tok->next);
- add_type(node);
- return new_ulong(node->ty->align, tok);
- }
- if (equal(tok, "_Generic"))
- return generic_selection(rest, tok->next);
- if (equal(tok, "__builtin_types_compatible_p")) {
- tok = skip(tok->next, "(");
- Type *t1 = typename(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- Type *t2 = typename(&tok, tok);
- *rest = skip(tok, ")");
- return new_num(is_compatible(t1, t2), start);
- }
- if (equal(tok, "__builtin_reg_class")) {
- tok = skip(tok->next, "(");
- Type *ty = typename(&tok, tok);
- *rest = skip(tok, ")");
- if (is_integer(ty) || ty->kind == TY_PTR)
- return new_num(0, start);
- if (is_flonum(ty))
- return new_num(1, start);
- return new_num(2, start);
- }
- if (equal(tok, "__builtin_compare_and_swap")) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_CAS, tok);
- tok = skip(tok->next, "(");
- node->cas_addr = assign(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- node->cas_old = assign(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- node->cas_new = assign(&tok, tok);
- *rest = skip(tok, ")");
- return node;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "__builtin_atomic_exchange")) {
- Node *node = new_node(ND_EXCH, tok);
- tok = skip(tok->next, "(");
- node->lhs = assign(&tok, tok);
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- node->rhs = assign(&tok, tok);
- *rest = skip(tok, ")");
- return node;
- }
- if (tok->kind == TK_IDENT) {
- // Variable or enum constant
- VarScope *sc = find_var(tok);
- *rest = tok->next;
- // For "static inline" function
- if (sc && sc->var && sc->var->is_function) {
- if (current_fn)
- strarray_push(&current_fn->refs, sc->var->name);
- else
- sc->var->is_root = true;
- }
- if (sc) {
- if (sc->var)
- return new_var_node(sc->var, tok);
- if (sc->enum_ty)
- return new_num(sc->enum_val, tok);
- }
- if (equal(tok->next, "("))
- error_tok(tok, "implicit declaration of a function");
- error_tok(tok, "undefined variable");
- }
- if (tok->kind == TK_STR) {
- Obj *var = new_string_literal(tok->str, tok->ty);
- *rest = tok->next;
- return new_var_node(var, tok);
- }
- if (tok->kind == TK_NUM) {
- Node *node;
- if (is_flonum(tok->ty)) {
- node = new_node(ND_NUM, tok);
- node->fval = tok->fval;
- } else {
- node = new_num(tok->val, tok);
- }
- node->ty = tok->ty;
- *rest = tok->next;
- return node;
- }
- error_tok(tok, "expected an expression");
-static Token *parse_typedef(Token *tok, Type *basety) {
- bool first = true;
- while (!consume(&tok, tok, ";")) {
- if (!first)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- first = false;
- Type *ty = declarator(&tok, tok, basety);
- if (!ty->name)
- error_tok(ty->name_pos, "typedef name omitted");
- push_scope(get_ident(ty->name))->type_def = ty;
- }
- return tok;
-static void create_param_lvars(Type *param) {
- if (param) {
- create_param_lvars(param->next);
- if (!param->name)
- error_tok(param->name_pos, "parameter name omitted");
- new_lvar(get_ident(param->name), param);
- }
-// This function matches gotos or labels-as-values with labels.
-// We cannot resolve gotos as we parse a function because gotos
-// can refer a label that appears later in the function.
-// So, we need to do this after we parse the entire function.
-static void resolve_goto_labels(void) {
- for (Node *x = gotos; x; x = x->goto_next) {
- for (Node *y = labels; y; y = y->goto_next) {
- if (!strcmp(x->label, y->label)) {
- x->unique_label = y->unique_label;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (x->unique_label == NULL)
- error_tok(x->tok->next, "use of undeclared label");
- }
- gotos = labels = NULL;
-static Obj *find_func(char *name) {
- Scope *sc = scope;
- while (sc->next)
- sc = sc->next;
- VarScope *sc2 = hashmap_get(&sc->vars, name);
- if (sc2 && sc2->var && sc2->var->is_function)
- return sc2->var;
- return NULL;
-static void mark_live(Obj *var) {
- if (!var->is_function || var->is_live)
- return;
- var->is_live = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < var->refs.len; i++) {
- Obj *fn = find_func(var->[i]);
- if (fn)
- mark_live(fn);
- }
-static Token *function(Token *tok, Type *basety, VarAttr *attr) {
- Type *ty = declarator(&tok, tok, basety);
- if (!ty->name)
- error_tok(ty->name_pos, "function name omitted");
- char *name_str = get_ident(ty->name);
- Obj *fn = find_func(name_str);
- if (fn) {
- // Redeclaration
- if (!fn->is_function)
- error_tok(tok, "redeclared as a different kind of symbol");
- if (fn->is_definition && equal(tok, "{"))
- error_tok(tok, "redefinition of %s", name_str);
- if (!fn->is_static && attr->is_static)
- error_tok(tok, "static declaration follows a non-static declaration");
- fn->is_definition = fn->is_definition || equal(tok, "{");
- } else {
- fn = new_gvar(name_str, ty);
- fn->is_function = true;
- fn->is_definition = equal(tok, "{");
- fn->is_static = attr->is_static || (attr->is_inline && !attr->is_extern);
- fn->is_inline = attr->is_inline;
- }
- fn->is_root = !(fn->is_static && fn->is_inline);
- if (consume(&tok, tok, ";"))
- return tok;
- current_fn = fn;
- locals = NULL;
- enter_scope();
- create_param_lvars(ty->params);
- // A buffer for a struct/union return value is passed
- // as the hidden first parameter.
- Type *rty = ty->return_ty;
- if ((rty->kind == TY_STRUCT || rty->kind == TY_UNION) && rty->size > 16)
- new_lvar("", pointer_to(rty));
- fn->params = locals;
- if (ty->is_variadic)
- fn->va_area = new_lvar("__va_area__", array_of(ty_char, 136));
- fn->alloca_bottom = new_lvar("__alloca_size__", pointer_to(ty_char));
- tok = skip(tok, "{");
- // [] "__func__" is
- // automatically defined as a local variable containing the
- // current function name.
- push_scope("__func__")->var =
- new_string_literal(fn->name, array_of(ty_char, strlen(fn->name) + 1));
- // [GNU] __FUNCTION__ is yet another name of __func__.
- push_scope("__FUNCTION__")->var =
- new_string_literal(fn->name, array_of(ty_char, strlen(fn->name) + 1));
- fn->body = compound_stmt(&tok, tok);
- fn->locals = locals;
- leave_scope();
- resolve_goto_labels();
- return tok;
-static Token *global_variable(Token *tok, Type *basety, VarAttr *attr) {
- bool first = true;
- while (!consume(&tok, tok, ";")) {
- if (!first)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- first = false;
- Type *ty = declarator(&tok, tok, basety);
- if (!ty->name)
- error_tok(ty->name_pos, "variable name omitted");
- Obj *var = new_gvar(get_ident(ty->name), ty);
- var->is_definition = !attr->is_extern;
- var->is_static = attr->is_static;
- var->is_tls = attr->is_tls;
- if (attr->align)
- var->align = attr->align;
- if (equal(tok, "="))
- gvar_initializer(&tok, tok->next, var);
- else if (!attr->is_extern && !attr->is_tls)
- var->is_tentative = true;
- }
- return tok;
-// Lookahead tokens and returns true if a given token is a start
-// of a function definition or declaration.
-static bool is_function(Token *tok) {
- if (equal(tok, ";"))
- return false;
- Type dummy = {};
- Type *ty = declarator(&tok, tok, &dummy);
- return ty->kind == TY_FUNC;
-// Remove redundant tentative definitions.
-static void scan_globals(void) {
- Obj head;
- Obj *cur = &head;
- for (Obj *var = globals; var; var = var->next) {
- if (!var->is_tentative) {
- cur = cur->next = var;
- continue;
- }
- // Find another definition of the same identifier.
- Obj *var2 = globals;
- for (; var2; var2 = var2->next)
- if (var != var2 && var2->is_definition && !strcmp(var->name, var2->name))
- break;
- // If there's another definition, the tentative definition
- // is redundant
- if (!var2)
- cur = cur->next = var;
- }
- cur->next = NULL;
- globals =;
-static void declare_builtin_functions(void) {
- Type *ty = func_type(pointer_to(ty_void));
- ty->params = copy_type(ty_int);
- builtin_alloca = new_gvar("alloca", ty);
- builtin_alloca->is_definition = false;
-// program = (typedef | function-definition | global-variable)*
-Obj *parse(Token *tok) {
- declare_builtin_functions();
- globals = NULL;
- while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) {
- VarAttr attr = {};
- Type *basety = declspec(&tok, tok, &attr);
- // Typedef
- if (attr.is_typedef) {
- tok = parse_typedef(tok, basety);
- continue;
- }
- // Function
- if (is_function(tok)) {
- tok = function(tok, basety, &attr);
- continue;
- }
- // Global variable
- tok = global_variable(tok, basety, &attr);
- }
- for (Obj *var = globals; var; var = var->next)
- if (var->is_root)
- mark_live(var);
- // Remove redundant tentative definitions.
- scan_globals();
- return globals;
diff --git a/src/3p/chibicc/preprocess.c b/src/3p/chibicc/preprocess.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cd8d1d8..0000000
--- a/src/3p/chibicc/preprocess.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1208 +0,0 @@
-// This file implements the C preprocessor.
-// The preprocessor takes a list of tokens as an input and returns a
-// new list of tokens as an output.
-// The preprocessing language is designed in such a way that that's
-// guaranteed to stop even if there is a recursive macro.
-// Informally speaking, a macro is applied only once for each token.
-// That is, if a macro token T appears in a result of direct or
-// indirect macro expansion of T, T won't be expanded any further.
-// For example, if T is defined as U, and U is defined as T, then
-// token T is expanded to U and then to T and the macro expansion
-// stops at that point.
-// To achieve the above behavior, we attach for each token a set of
-// macro names from which the token is expanded. The set is called
-// "hideset". Hideset is initially empty, and every time we expand a
-// macro, the macro name is added to the resulting tokens' hidesets.
-// The above macro expansion algorithm is explained in this document
-// written by Dave Prossor, which is used as a basis for the
-// standard's wording:
-#include "chibicc.h"
-typedef struct MacroParam MacroParam;
-struct MacroParam {
- MacroParam *next;
- char *name;
-typedef struct MacroArg MacroArg;
-struct MacroArg {
- MacroArg *next;
- char *name;
- bool is_va_args;
- Token *tok;
-typedef Token *macro_handler_fn(Token *);
-typedef struct Macro Macro;
-struct Macro {
- char *name;
- bool is_objlike; // Object-like or function-like
- MacroParam *params;
- char *va_args_name;
- Token *body;
- macro_handler_fn *handler;
-// `#if` can be nested, so we use a stack to manage nested `#if`s.
-typedef struct CondIncl CondIncl;
-struct CondIncl {
- CondIncl *next;
- enum { IN_THEN, IN_ELIF, IN_ELSE } ctx;
- Token *tok;
- bool included;
-typedef struct Hideset Hideset;
-struct Hideset {
- Hideset *next;
- char *name;
-static HashMap macros;
-static CondIncl *cond_incl;
-static HashMap pragma_once;
-static int include_next_idx;
-static Token *preprocess2(Token *tok);
-static Macro *find_macro(Token *tok);
-static bool is_hash(Token *tok) {
- return tok->at_bol && equal(tok, "#");
-// Some preprocessor directives such as #include allow extraneous
-// tokens before newline. This function skips such tokens.
-static Token *skip_line(Token *tok) {
- if (tok->at_bol)
- return tok;
- warn_tok(tok, "extra token");
- while (!tok->at_bol)
- tok = tok->next;
- return tok;
-static Token *copy_token(Token *tok) {
- Token *t = calloc(1, sizeof(Token));
- *t = *tok;
- t->next = NULL;
- return t;
-static Token *new_eof(Token *tok) {
- Token *t = copy_token(tok);
- t->kind = TK_EOF;
- t->len = 0;
- return t;
-static Hideset *new_hideset(char *name) {
- Hideset *hs = calloc(1, sizeof(Hideset));
- hs->name = name;
- return hs;
-static Hideset *hideset_union(Hideset *hs1, Hideset *hs2) {
- Hideset head = {};
- Hideset *cur = &head;
- for (; hs1; hs1 = hs1->next)
- cur = cur->next = new_hideset(hs1->name);
- cur->next = hs2;
- return;
-static bool hideset_contains(Hideset *hs, char *s, int len) {
- for (; hs; hs = hs->next)
- if (strlen(hs->name) == len && !strncmp(hs->name, s, len))
- return true;
- return false;
-static Hideset *hideset_intersection(Hideset *hs1, Hideset *hs2) {
- Hideset head = {};
- Hideset *cur = &head;
- for (; hs1; hs1 = hs1->next)
- if (hideset_contains(hs2, hs1->name, strlen(hs1->name)))
- cur = cur->next = new_hideset(hs1->name);
- return;
-static Token *add_hideset(Token *tok, Hideset *hs) {
- Token head = {};
- Token *cur = &head;
- for (; tok; tok = tok->next) {
- Token *t = copy_token(tok);
- t->hideset = hideset_union(t->hideset, hs);
- cur = cur->next = t;
- }
- return;
-// Append tok2 to the end of tok1.
-static Token *append(Token *tok1, Token *tok2) {
- if (tok1->kind == TK_EOF)
- return tok2;
- Token head = {};
- Token *cur = &head;
- for (; tok1->kind != TK_EOF; tok1 = tok1->next)
- cur = cur->next = copy_token(tok1);
- cur->next = tok2;
- return;
-static Token *skip_cond_incl2(Token *tok) {
- while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) {
- if (is_hash(tok) &&
- (equal(tok->next, "if") || equal(tok->next, "ifdef") ||
- equal(tok->next, "ifndef"))) {
- tok = skip_cond_incl2(tok->next->next);
- continue;
- }
- if (is_hash(tok) && equal(tok->next, "endif"))
- return tok->next->next;
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- return tok;
-// Skip until next `#else`, `#elif` or `#endif`.
-// Nested `#if` and `#endif` are skipped.
-static Token *skip_cond_incl(Token *tok) {
- while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) {
- if (is_hash(tok) &&
- (equal(tok->next, "if") || equal(tok->next, "ifdef") ||
- equal(tok->next, "ifndef"))) {
- tok = skip_cond_incl2(tok->next->next);
- continue;
- }
- if (is_hash(tok) &&
- (equal(tok->next, "elif") || equal(tok->next, "else") ||
- equal(tok->next, "endif")))
- break;
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- return tok;
-// Double-quote a given string and returns it.
-static char *quote_string(char *str) {
- int bufsize = 3;
- for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
- if (str[i] == '\\' || str[i] == '"')
- bufsize++;
- bufsize++;
- }
- char *buf = calloc(1, bufsize);
- char *p = buf;
- *p++ = '"';
- for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
- if (str[i] == '\\' || str[i] == '"')
- *p++ = '\\';
- *p++ = str[i];
- }
- *p++ = '"';
- *p++ = '\0';
- return buf;
-static Token *new_str_token(char *str, Token *tmpl) {
- char *buf = quote_string(str);
- return tokenize(new_file(tmpl->file->name, tmpl->file->file_no, buf));
-// Copy all tokens until the next newline, terminate them with
-// an EOF token and then returns them. This function is used to
-// create a new list of tokens for `#if` arguments.
-static Token *copy_line(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Token head = {};
- Token *cur = &head;
- for (; !tok->at_bol; tok = tok->next)
- cur = cur->next = copy_token(tok);
- cur->next = new_eof(tok);
- *rest = tok;
- return;
-static Token *new_num_token(int val, Token *tmpl) {
- char *buf = format("%d\n", val);
- return tokenize(new_file(tmpl->file->name, tmpl->file->file_no, buf));
-static Token *read_const_expr(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- tok = copy_line(rest, tok);
- Token head = {};
- Token *cur = &head;
- while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) {
- // "defined(foo)" or "defined foo" becomes "1" if macro "foo"
- // is defined. Otherwise "0".
- if (equal(tok, "defined")) {
- Token *start = tok;
- bool has_paren = consume(&tok, tok->next, "(");
- if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT)
- error_tok(start, "macro name must be an identifier");
- Macro *m = find_macro(tok);
- tok = tok->next;
- if (has_paren)
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- cur = cur->next = new_num_token(m ? 1 : 0, start);
- continue;
- }
- cur = cur->next = tok;
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- cur->next = tok;
- return;
-// Read and evaluate a constant expression.
-static long eval_const_expr(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Token *start = tok;
- Token *expr = read_const_expr(rest, tok->next);
- expr = preprocess2(expr);
- if (expr->kind == TK_EOF)
- error_tok(start, "no expression");
- // [] The standard requires
- // we replace remaining non-macro identifiers with "0" before
- // evaluating a constant expression. For example, `#if foo` is
- // equivalent to `#if 0` if foo is not defined.
- for (Token *t = expr; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) {
- if (t->kind == TK_IDENT) {
- Token *next = t->next;
- *t = *new_num_token(0, t);
- t->next = next;
- }
- }
- // Convert pp-numbers to regular numbers
- convert_pp_tokens(expr);
- Token *rest2;
- long val = const_expr(&rest2, expr);
- if (rest2->kind != TK_EOF)
- error_tok(rest2, "extra token");
- return val;
-static CondIncl *push_cond_incl(Token *tok, bool included) {
- CondIncl *ci = calloc(1, sizeof(CondIncl));
- ci->next = cond_incl;
- ci->ctx = IN_THEN;
- ci->tok = tok;
- ci->included = included;
- cond_incl = ci;
- return ci;
-static Macro *find_macro(Token *tok) {
- if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT)
- return NULL;
- return hashmap_get2(&macros, tok->loc, tok->len);
-static Macro *add_macro(char *name, bool is_objlike, Token *body) {
- Macro *m = calloc(1, sizeof(Macro));
- m->name = name;
- m->is_objlike = is_objlike;
- m->body = body;
- hashmap_put(&macros, name, m);
- return m;
-static MacroParam *read_macro_params(Token **rest, Token *tok, char **va_args_name) {
- MacroParam head = {};
- MacroParam *cur = &head;
- while (!equal(tok, ")")) {
- if (cur != &head)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- if (equal(tok, "...")) {
- *va_args_name = "__VA_ARGS__";
- *rest = skip(tok->next, ")");
- return;
- }
- if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT)
- error_tok(tok, "expected an identifier");
- if (equal(tok->next, "...")) {
- *va_args_name = strndup(tok->loc, tok->len);
- *rest = skip(tok->next->next, ")");
- return;
- }
- MacroParam *m = calloc(1, sizeof(MacroParam));
- m->name = strndup(tok->loc, tok->len);
- cur = cur->next = m;
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- *rest = tok->next;
- return;
-static void read_macro_definition(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT)
- error_tok(tok, "macro name must be an identifier");
- char *name = strndup(tok->loc, tok->len);
- tok = tok->next;
- if (!tok->has_space && equal(tok, "(")) {
- // Function-like macro
- char *va_args_name = NULL;
- MacroParam *params = read_macro_params(&tok, tok->next, &va_args_name);
- Macro *m = add_macro(name, false, copy_line(rest, tok));
- m->params = params;
- m->va_args_name = va_args_name;
- } else {
- // Object-like macro
- add_macro(name, true, copy_line(rest, tok));
- }
-static MacroArg *read_macro_arg_one(Token **rest, Token *tok, bool read_rest) {
- Token head = {};
- Token *cur = &head;
- int level = 0;
- for (;;) {
- if (level == 0 && equal(tok, ")"))
- break;
- if (level == 0 && !read_rest && equal(tok, ","))
- break;
- if (tok->kind == TK_EOF)
- error_tok(tok, "premature end of input");
- if (equal(tok, "("))
- level++;
- else if (equal(tok, ")"))
- level--;
- cur = cur->next = copy_token(tok);
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- cur->next = new_eof(tok);
- MacroArg *arg = calloc(1, sizeof(MacroArg));
- arg->tok =;
- *rest = tok;
- return arg;
-static MacroArg *
-read_macro_args(Token **rest, Token *tok, MacroParam *params, char *va_args_name) {
- Token *start = tok;
- tok = tok->next->next;
- MacroArg head = {};
- MacroArg *cur = &head;
- MacroParam *pp = params;
- for (; pp; pp = pp->next) {
- if (cur != &head)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- cur = cur->next = read_macro_arg_one(&tok, tok, false);
- cur->name = pp->name;
- }
- if (va_args_name) {
- MacroArg *arg;
- if (equal(tok, ")")) {
- arg = calloc(1, sizeof(MacroArg));
- arg->tok = new_eof(tok);
- } else {
- if (pp != params)
- tok = skip(tok, ",");
- arg = read_macro_arg_one(&tok, tok, true);
- }
- arg->name = va_args_name;;
- arg->is_va_args = true;
- cur = cur->next = arg;
- } else if (pp) {
- error_tok(start, "too many arguments");
- }
- skip(tok, ")");
- *rest = tok;
- return;
-static MacroArg *find_arg(MacroArg *args, Token *tok) {
- for (MacroArg *ap = args; ap; ap = ap->next)
- if (tok->len == strlen(ap->name) && !strncmp(tok->loc, ap->name, tok->len))
- return ap;
- return NULL;
-// Concatenates all tokens in `tok` and returns a new string.
-static char *join_tokens(Token *tok, Token *end) {
- // Compute the length of the resulting token.
- int len = 1;
- for (Token *t = tok; t != end && t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) {
- if (t != tok && t->has_space)
- len++;
- len += t->len;
- }
- char *buf = calloc(1, len);
- // Copy token texts.
- int pos = 0;
- for (Token *t = tok; t != end && t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next) {
- if (t != tok && t->has_space)
- buf[pos++] = ' ';
- strncpy(buf + pos, t->loc, t->len);
- pos += t->len;
- }
- buf[pos] = '\0';
- return buf;
-// Concatenates all tokens in `arg` and returns a new string token.
-// This function is used for the stringizing operator (#).
-static Token *stringize(Token *hash, Token *arg) {
- // Create a new string token. We need to set some value to its
- // source location for error reporting function, so we use a macro
- // name token as a template.
- char *s = join_tokens(arg, NULL);
- return new_str_token(s, hash);
-// Concatenate two tokens to create a new token.
-static Token *paste(Token *lhs, Token *rhs) {
- // Paste the two tokens.
- char *buf = format("%.*s%.*s", lhs->len, lhs->loc, rhs->len, rhs->loc);
- // Tokenize the resulting string.
- Token *tok = tokenize(new_file(lhs->file->name, lhs->file->file_no, buf));
- if (tok->next->kind != TK_EOF)
- error_tok(lhs, "pasting forms '%s', an invalid token", buf);
- return tok;
-static bool has_varargs(MacroArg *args) {
- for (MacroArg *ap = args; ap; ap = ap->next)
- if (!strcmp(ap->name, "__VA_ARGS__"))
- return ap->tok->kind != TK_EOF;
- return false;
-// Replace func-like macro parameters with given arguments.
-static Token *subst(Token *tok, MacroArg *args) {
- Token head = {};
- Token *cur = &head;
- while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) {
- // "#" followed by a parameter is replaced with stringized actuals.
- if (equal(tok, "#")) {
- MacroArg *arg = find_arg(args, tok->next);
- if (!arg)
- error_tok(tok->next, "'#' is not followed by a macro parameter");
- cur = cur->next = stringize(tok, arg->tok);
- tok = tok->next->next;
- continue;
- }
- // [GNU] If __VA_ARG__ is empty, `,##__VA_ARGS__` is expanded
- // to the empty token list. Otherwise, its expaned to `,` and
- // __VA_ARGS__.
- if (equal(tok, ",") && equal(tok->next, "##")) {
- MacroArg *arg = find_arg(args, tok->next->next);
- if (arg && arg->is_va_args) {
- if (arg->tok->kind == TK_EOF) {
- tok = tok->next->next->next;
- } else {
- cur = cur->next = copy_token(tok);
- tok = tok->next->next;
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (equal(tok, "##")) {
- if (cur == &head)
- error_tok(tok, "'##' cannot appear at start of macro expansion");
- if (tok->next->kind == TK_EOF)
- error_tok(tok, "'##' cannot appear at end of macro expansion");
- MacroArg *arg = find_arg(args, tok->next);
- if (arg) {
- if (arg->tok->kind != TK_EOF) {
- *cur = *paste(cur, arg->tok);
- for (Token *t = arg->tok->next; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next)
- cur = cur->next = copy_token(t);
- }
- tok = tok->next->next;
- continue;
- }
- *cur = *paste(cur, tok->next);
- tok = tok->next->next;
- continue;
- }
- MacroArg *arg = find_arg(args, tok);
- if (arg && equal(tok->next, "##")) {
- Token *rhs = tok->next->next;
- if (arg->tok->kind == TK_EOF) {
- MacroArg *arg2 = find_arg(args, rhs);
- if (arg2) {
- for (Token *t = arg2->tok; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next)
- cur = cur->next = copy_token(t);
- } else {
- cur = cur->next = copy_token(rhs);
- }
- tok = rhs->next;
- continue;
- }
- for (Token *t = arg->tok; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next)
- cur = cur->next = copy_token(t);
- tok = tok->next;
- continue;
- }
- // If __VA_ARG__ is empty, __VA_OPT__(x) is expanded to the
- // empty token list. Otherwise, __VA_OPT__(x) is expanded to x.
- if (equal(tok, "__VA_OPT__") && equal(tok->next, "(")) {
- MacroArg *arg = read_macro_arg_one(&tok, tok->next->next, true);
- if (has_varargs(args))
- for (Token *t = arg->tok; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next)
- cur = cur->next = t;
- tok = skip(tok, ")");
- continue;
- }
- // Handle a macro token. Macro arguments are completely macro-expanded
- // before they are substituted into a macro body.
- if (arg) {
- Token *t = preprocess2(arg->tok);
- t->at_bol = tok->at_bol;
- t->has_space = tok->has_space;
- for (; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next)
- cur = cur->next = copy_token(t);
- tok = tok->next;
- continue;
- }
- // Handle a non-macro token.
- cur = cur->next = copy_token(tok);
- tok = tok->next;
- continue;
- }
- cur->next = tok;
- return;
-// If tok is a macro, expand it and return true.
-// Otherwise, do nothing and return false.
-static bool expand_macro(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- if (hideset_contains(tok->hideset, tok->loc, tok->len))
- return false;
- Macro *m = find_macro(tok);
- if (!m)
- return false;
- // Built-in dynamic macro application such as __LINE__
- if (m->handler) {
- *rest = m->handler(tok);
- (*rest)->next = tok->next;
- return true;
- }
- // Object-like macro application
- if (m->is_objlike) {
- Hideset *hs = hideset_union(tok->hideset, new_hideset(m->name));
- Token *body = add_hideset(m->body, hs);
- for (Token *t = body; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next)
- t->origin = tok;
- *rest = append(body, tok->next);
- (*rest)->at_bol = tok->at_bol;
- (*rest)->has_space = tok->has_space;
- return true;
- }
- // If a funclike macro token is not followed by an argument list,
- // treat it as a normal identifier.
- if (!equal(tok->next, "("))
- return false;
- // Function-like macro application
- Token *macro_token = tok;
- MacroArg *args = read_macro_args(&tok, tok, m->params, m->va_args_name);
- Token *rparen = tok;
- // Tokens that consist a func-like macro invocation may have different
- // hidesets, and if that's the case, it's not clear what the hideset
- // for the new tokens should be. We take the interesection of the
- // macro token and the closing parenthesis and use it as a new hideset
- // as explained in the Dave Prossor's algorithm.
- Hideset *hs = hideset_intersection(macro_token->hideset, rparen->hideset);
- hs = hideset_union(hs, new_hideset(m->name));
- Token *body = subst(m->body, args);
- body = add_hideset(body, hs);
- for (Token *t = body; t->kind != TK_EOF; t = t->next)
- t->origin = macro_token;
- *rest = append(body, tok->next);
- (*rest)->at_bol = macro_token->at_bol;
- (*rest)->has_space = macro_token->has_space;
- return true;
-char *search_include_paths(char *filename) {
- if (filename[0] == '/')
- return filename;
- static HashMap cache;
- char *cached = hashmap_get(&cache, filename);
- if (cached)
- return cached;
- // Search a file from the include paths.
- for (int i = 0; i < include_paths.len; i++) {
- char *path = format("%s/%s",[i], filename);
- if (!file_exists(path))
- continue;
- hashmap_put(&cache, filename, path);
- include_next_idx = i + 1;
- return path;
- }
- return NULL;
-static char *search_include_next(char *filename) {
- for (; include_next_idx < include_paths.len; include_next_idx++) {
- char *path = format("%s/%s",[include_next_idx], filename);
- if (file_exists(path))
- return path;
- }
- return NULL;
-// Read an #include argument.
-static char *read_include_filename(Token **rest, Token *tok, bool *is_dquote) {
- // Pattern 1: #include "foo.h"
- if (tok->kind == TK_STR) {
- // A double-quoted filename for #include is a special kind of
- // token, and we don't want to interpret any escape sequences in it.
- // For example, "\f" in "C:\foo" is not a formfeed character but
- // just two non-control characters, backslash and f.
- // So we don't want to use token->str.
- *is_dquote = true;
- *rest = skip_line(tok->next);
- return strndup(tok->loc + 1, tok->len - 2);
- }
- // Pattern 2: #include <foo.h>
- if (equal(tok, "<")) {
- // Reconstruct a filename from a sequence of tokens between
- // "<" and ">".
- Token *start = tok;
- // Find closing ">".
- for (; !equal(tok, ">"); tok = tok->next)
- if (tok->at_bol || tok->kind == TK_EOF)
- error_tok(tok, "expected '>'");
- *is_dquote = false;
- *rest = skip_line(tok->next);
- return join_tokens(start->next, tok);
- }
- // Pattern 3: #include FOO
- // In this case FOO must be macro-expanded to either
- // a single string token or a sequence of "<" ... ">".
- if (tok->kind == TK_IDENT) {
- Token *tok2 = preprocess2(copy_line(rest, tok));
- return read_include_filename(&tok2, tok2, is_dquote);
- }
- error_tok(tok, "expected a filename");
-// Detect the following "include guard" pattern.
-// #ifndef FOO_H
-// #define FOO_H
-// ...
-// #endif
-static char *detect_include_guard(Token *tok) {
- // Detect the first two lines.
- if (!is_hash(tok) || !equal(tok->next, "ifndef"))
- return NULL;
- tok = tok->next->next;
- if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT)
- return NULL;
- char *macro = strndup(tok->loc, tok->len);
- tok = tok->next;
- if (!is_hash(tok) || !equal(tok->next, "define") || !equal(tok->next->next, macro))
- return NULL;
- // Read until the end of the file.
- while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) {
- if (!is_hash(tok)) {
- tok = tok->next;
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok->next, "endif") && tok->next->next->kind == TK_EOF)
- return macro;
- if (equal(tok, "if") || equal(tok, "ifdef") || equal(tok, "ifndef"))
- tok = skip_cond_incl(tok->next);
- else
- tok = tok->next;
- }
- return NULL;
-static Token *include_file(Token *tok, char *path, Token *filename_tok) {
- // Check for "#pragma once"
- if (hashmap_get(&pragma_once, path))
- return tok;
- // If we read the same file before, and if the file was guarded
- // by the usual #ifndef ... #endif pattern, we may be able to
- // skip the file without opening it.
- static HashMap include_guards;
- char *guard_name = hashmap_get(&include_guards, path);
- if (guard_name && hashmap_get(&macros, guard_name))
- return tok;
- Token *tok2 = tokenize_file(path);
- if (!tok2)
- error_tok(filename_tok, "%s: cannot open file: %s", path, strerror(errno));
- guard_name = detect_include_guard(tok2);
- if (guard_name)
- hashmap_put(&include_guards, path, guard_name);
- return append(tok2, tok);
-// Read #line arguments
-static void read_line_marker(Token **rest, Token *tok) {
- Token *start = tok;
- tok = preprocess(copy_line(rest, tok));
- if (tok->kind != TK_NUM || tok->ty->kind != TY_INT)
- error_tok(tok, "invalid line marker");
- start->file->line_delta = tok->val - start->line_no;
- tok = tok->next;
- if (tok->kind == TK_EOF)
- return;
- if (tok->kind != TK_STR)
- error_tok(tok, "filename expected");
- start->file->display_name = tok->str;
-// Visit all tokens in `tok` while evaluating preprocessing
-// macros and directives.
-static Token *preprocess2(Token *tok) {
- Token head = {};
- Token *cur = &head;
- while (tok->kind != TK_EOF) {
- // If it is a macro, expand it.
- if (expand_macro(&tok, tok))
- continue;
- // Pass through if it is not a "#".
- if (!is_hash(tok)) {
- tok->line_delta = tok->file->line_delta;
- tok->filename = tok->file->display_name;
- cur = cur->next = tok;
- tok = tok->next;
- continue;
- }
- Token *start = tok;
- tok = tok->next;
- if (equal(tok, "include")) {
- bool is_dquote;
- char *filename = read_include_filename(&tok, tok->next, &is_dquote);
- if (filename[0] != '/' && is_dquote) {
- char *path = format("%s/%s", dirname(strdup(start->file->name)), filename);
- if (file_exists(path)) {
- tok = include_file(tok, path, start->next->next);
- continue;
- }
- }
- char *path = search_include_paths(filename);
- tok = include_file(tok, path ? path : filename, start->next->next);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "include_next")) {
- bool ignore;
- char *filename = read_include_filename(&tok, tok->next, &ignore);
- char *path = search_include_next(filename);
- tok = include_file(tok, path ? path : filename, start->next->next);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "define")) {
- read_macro_definition(&tok, tok->next);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "undef")) {
- tok = tok->next;
- if (tok->kind != TK_IDENT)
- error_tok(tok, "macro name must be an identifier");
- undef_macro(strndup(tok->loc, tok->len));
- tok = skip_line(tok->next);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "if")) {
- long val = eval_const_expr(&tok, tok);
- push_cond_incl(start, val);
- if (!val)
- tok = skip_cond_incl(tok);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "ifdef")) {
- bool defined = find_macro(tok->next);
- push_cond_incl(tok, defined);
- tok = skip_line(tok->next->next);
- if (!defined)
- tok = skip_cond_incl(tok);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "ifndef")) {
- bool defined = find_macro(tok->next);
- push_cond_incl(tok, !defined);
- tok = skip_line(tok->next->next);
- if (defined)
- tok = skip_cond_incl(tok);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "elif")) {
- if (!cond_incl || cond_incl->ctx == IN_ELSE)
- error_tok(start, "stray #elif");
- cond_incl->ctx = IN_ELIF;
- if (!cond_incl->included && eval_const_expr(&tok, tok))
- cond_incl->included = true;
- else
- tok = skip_cond_incl(tok);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "else")) {
- if (!cond_incl || cond_incl->ctx == IN_ELSE)
- error_tok(start, "stray #else");
- cond_incl->ctx = IN_ELSE;
- tok = skip_line(tok->next);
- if (cond_incl->included)
- tok = skip_cond_incl(tok);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "endif")) {
- if (!cond_incl)
- error_tok(start, "stray #endif");
- cond_incl = cond_incl->next;
- tok = skip_line(tok->next);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "line")) {
- read_line_marker(&tok, tok->next);
- continue;
- }
- if (tok->kind == TK_PP_NUM) {
- read_line_marker(&tok, tok);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "pragma") && equal(tok->next, "once")) {
- hashmap_put(&pragma_once, tok->file->name, (void *)1);
- tok = skip_line(tok->next->next);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "pragma")) {
- do {
- tok = tok->next;
- } while (!tok->at_bol);
- continue;
- }
- if (equal(tok, "error"))
- error_tok(tok, "error");
- // `#`-only line is legal. It's called a null directive.
- if (tok->at_bol)
- continue;
- error_tok(tok, "invalid preprocessor directive");
- }
- cur->next = tok;
- return;
-void define_macro(char *name, char *buf) {
- Token *tok = tokenize(new_file("<built-in>", 1, buf));
- add_macro(name, true, tok);
-void undef_macro(char *name) {
- hashmap_delete(&macros, name);
-static Macro *add_builtin(char *name, macro_handler_fn *fn) {
- Macro *m = add_macro(name, true, NULL);
- m->handler = fn;
- return m;
-static Token *file_macro(Token *tmpl) {
- while (tmpl->origin)
- tmpl = tmpl->origin;
- return new_str_token(tmpl->file->display_name, tmpl);
-static Token *line_macro(Token *tmpl) {
- while (tmpl->origin)
- tmpl = tmpl->origin;
- int i = tmpl->line_no + tmpl->file->line_delta;
- return new_num_token(i, tmpl);
-// __COUNTER__ is expanded to serial values starting from 0.
-static Token *counter_macro(Token *tmpl) {
- static int i = 0;
- return new_num_token(i++, tmpl);
-// __TIMESTAMP__ is expanded to a string describing the last
-// modification time of the current file. E.g.
-// "Fri Jul 24 01:32:50 2020"
-static Token *timestamp_macro(Token *tmpl) {
- struct stat st;
- if (stat(tmpl->file->name, &st) != 0)
- return new_str_token("??? ??? ?? ??:??:?? ????", tmpl);
- char buf[30];
- ctime_r(&st.st_mtime, buf);
- buf[24] = '\0';
- return new_str_token(buf, tmpl);
-static Token *base_file_macro(Token *tmpl) {
- return new_str_token(base_file, tmpl);
-// __DATE__ is expanded to the current date, e.g. "May 17 2020".
-static char *format_date(struct tm *tm) {
- static char mon[][4] = {
- "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
- "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec",
- };
- return format("\"%s %2d %d\"", mon[tm->tm_mon], tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_year + 1900);
-// __TIME__ is expanded to the current time, e.g. "13:34:03".
-static char *format_time(struct tm *tm) {
- return format("\"%02d:%02d:%02d\"", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
-void init_macros(void) {
- // Define predefined macros
- define_macro("_LP64", "1");
- define_macro("__C99_MACRO_WITH_VA_ARGS", "1");
- define_macro("__ELF__", "1");
- define_macro("__LP64__", "1");
- define_macro("__SIZEOF_DOUBLE__", "8");
- define_macro("__SIZEOF_FLOAT__", "4");
- define_macro("__SIZEOF_INT__", "4");
- define_macro("__SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__", "8");
- define_macro("__SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__", "8");
- define_macro("__SIZEOF_LONG__", "8");
- define_macro("__SIZEOF_POINTER__", "8");
- define_macro("__SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__", "8");
- define_macro("__SIZEOF_SHORT__", "2");
- define_macro("__SIZEOF_SIZE_T__", "8");
- define_macro("__SIZE_TYPE__", "unsigned long");
- define_macro("__STDC_HOSTED__", "1");
- define_macro("__STDC_NO_COMPLEX__", "1");
- define_macro("__STDC_UTF_16__", "1");
- define_macro("__STDC_UTF_32__", "1");
- define_macro("__STDC_VERSION__", "201112L");
- define_macro("__STDC__", "1");
- define_macro("__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__", "");
- define_macro("__alignof__", "_Alignof");
- define_macro("__amd64", "1");
- define_macro("__amd64__", "1");
- define_macro("__chibicc__", "1");
- define_macro("__const__", "const");
- define_macro("__gnu_linux__", "1");
- define_macro("__inline__", "inline");
- define_macro("__linux", "1");
- define_macro("__linux__", "1");
- define_macro("__signed__", "signed");
- define_macro("__typeof__", "typeof");
- define_macro("__unix", "1");
- define_macro("__unix__", "1");
- define_macro("__volatile__", "volatile");
- define_macro("__x86_64", "1");
- define_macro("__x86_64__", "1");
- define_macro("linux", "1");
- define_macro("unix", "1");
- add_builtin("__FILE__", file_macro);
- add_builtin("__LINE__", line_macro);
- add_builtin("__COUNTER__", counter_macro);
- add_builtin("__TIMESTAMP__", timestamp_macro);
- add_builtin("__BASE_FILE__", base_file_macro);
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- struct tm *tm = localtime(&now);
- define_macro("__DATE__", format_date(tm));
- define_macro("__TIME__", format_time(tm));
-typedef enum {
-} StringKind;
-static StringKind getStringKind(Token *tok) {
- if (!strcmp(tok->loc, "u8"))
- return STR_UTF8;
- switch (tok->loc[0]) {
- case '"': return STR_NONE;
- case 'u': return STR_UTF16;
- case 'U': return STR_UTF32;
- case 'L': return STR_WIDE;
- }
- unreachable();
-// Concatenate adjacent string literals into a single string literal
-// as per the C spec.
-static void join_adjacent_string_literals(Token *tok) {
- // First pass: If regular string literals are adjacent to wide
- // string literals, regular string literals are converted to a wide
- // type before concatenation. In this pass, we do the conversion.
- for (Token *tok1 = tok; tok1->kind != TK_EOF;) {
- if (tok1->kind != TK_STR || tok1->next->kind != TK_STR) {
- tok1 = tok1->next;
- continue;
- }
- StringKind kind = getStringKind(tok1);
- Type *basety = tok1->ty->base;
- for (Token *t = tok1->next; t->kind == TK_STR; t = t->next) {
- StringKind k = getStringKind(t);
- if (kind == STR_NONE) {
- kind = k;
- basety = t->ty->base;
- } else if (k != STR_NONE && kind != k) {
- error_tok(t, "unsupported non-standard concatenation of string literals");
- }
- }
- if (basety->size > 1)
- for (Token *t = tok1; t->kind == TK_STR; t = t->next)
- if (t->ty->base->size == 1)
- *t = *tokenize_string_literal(t, basety);
- while (tok1->kind == TK_STR)
- tok1 = tok1->next;
- }
- // Second pass: concatenate adjacent string literals.
- for (Token *tok1 = tok; tok1->kind != TK_EOF;) {
- if (tok1->kind != TK_STR || tok1->next->kind != TK_STR) {
- tok1 = tok1->next;
- continue;
- }
- Token *tok2 = tok1->next;
- while (tok2->kind == TK_STR)
- tok2 = tok2->next;
- int len = tok1->ty->array_len;
- for (Token *t = tok1->next; t != tok2; t = t->next)
- len = len + t->ty->array_len - 1;
- char *buf = calloc(tok1->ty->base->size, len);
- int i = 0;
- for (Token *t = tok1; t != tok2; t = t->next) {
- memcpy(buf + i, t->str, t->ty->size);
- i = i + t->ty->size - t->ty->base->size;
- }
- *tok1 = *copy_token(tok1);
- tok1->ty = array_of(tok1->ty->base, len);
- tok1->str = buf;
- tok1->next = tok2;
- tok1 = tok2;
- }
-// Entry point function of the preprocessor.
-Token *preprocess(Token *tok) {
- tok = preprocess2(tok);
- if (cond_incl)
- error_tok(cond_incl->tok, "unterminated conditional directive");
- convert_pp_tokens(tok);
- join_adjacent_string_literals(tok);
- for (Token *t = tok; t; t = t->next)
- t->line_no += t->line_delta;
- return tok;
diff --git a/src/3p/chibicc/type.c b/src/3p/chibicc/type.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 02ade59..0000000
--- a/src/3p/chibicc/type.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-#include "chibicc.h"
-Type *ty_void = &(Type){TY_VOID, 1, 1};
-Type *ty_bool = &(Type){TY_BOOL, 1, 1};
-Type *ty_char = &(Type){TY_CHAR, 1, 1};
-Type *ty_short = &(Type){TY_SHORT, 2, 2};
-Type *ty_int = &(Type){TY_INT, 4, 4};
-Type *ty_long = &(Type){TY_LONG, 8, 8};
-Type *ty_uchar = &(Type){TY_CHAR, 1, 1, true};
-Type *ty_ushort = &(Type){TY_SHORT, 2, 2, true};
-Type *ty_uint = &(Type){TY_INT, 4, 4, true};
-Type *ty_ulong = &(Type){TY_LONG, 8, 8, true};
-Type *ty_float = &(Type){TY_FLOAT, 4, 4};
-Type *ty_double = &(Type){TY_DOUBLE, 8, 8};
-Type *ty_ldouble = &(Type){TY_LDOUBLE, 16, 16};
-static Type *new_type(TypeKind kind, int size, int align) {
- Type *ty = calloc(1, sizeof(Type));
- ty->kind = kind;
- ty->size = size;
- ty->align = align;
- return ty;
-bool is_integer(Type *ty) {
- TypeKind k = ty->kind;
- return k == TY_BOOL || k == TY_CHAR || k == TY_SHORT ||
- k == TY_INT || k == TY_LONG || k == TY_ENUM;
-bool is_flonum(Type *ty) {
- return ty->kind == TY_FLOAT || ty->kind == TY_DOUBLE ||
- ty->kind == TY_LDOUBLE;
-bool is_numeric(Type *ty) {
- return is_integer(ty) || is_flonum(ty);
-bool is_compatible(Type *t1, Type *t2) {
- if (t1 == t2)
- return true;
- if (t1->origin)
- return is_compatible(t1->origin, t2);
- if (t2->origin)
- return is_compatible(t1, t2->origin);
- if (t1->kind != t2->kind)
- return false;
- switch (t1->kind) {
- case TY_CHAR:
- case TY_SHORT:
- case TY_INT:
- case TY_LONG:
- return t1->is_unsigned == t2->is_unsigned;
- case TY_FLOAT:
- case TY_DOUBLE:
- case TY_LDOUBLE:
- return true;
- case TY_PTR:
- return is_compatible(t1->base, t2->base);
- case TY_FUNC: {
- if (!is_compatible(t1->return_ty, t2->return_ty))
- return false;
- if (t1->is_variadic != t2->is_variadic)
- return false;
- Type *p1 = t1->params;
- Type *p2 = t2->params;
- for (; p1 && p2; p1 = p1->next, p2 = p2->next)
- if (!is_compatible(p1, p2))
- return false;
- return p1 == NULL && p2 == NULL;
- }
- case TY_ARRAY:
- if (!is_compatible(t1->base, t2->base))
- return false;
- return t1->array_len < 0 && t2->array_len < 0 &&
- t1->array_len == t2->array_len;
- }
- return false;
-Type *copy_type(Type *ty) {
- Type *ret = calloc(1, sizeof(Type));
- *ret = *ty;
- ret->origin = ty;
- return ret;
-Type *pointer_to(Type *base) {
- Type *ty = new_type(TY_PTR, 8, 8);
- ty->base = base;
- ty->is_unsigned = true;
- return ty;
-Type *func_type(Type *return_ty) {
- // The C spec disallows sizeof(<function type>), but
- // GCC allows that and the expression is evaluated to 1.
- Type *ty = new_type(TY_FUNC, 1, 1);
- ty->return_ty = return_ty;
- return ty;
-Type *array_of(Type *base, int len) {
- Type *ty = new_type(TY_ARRAY, base->size * len, base->align);
- ty->base = base;
- ty->array_len = len;
- return ty;
-Type *vla_of(Type *base, Node *len) {
- Type *ty = new_type(TY_VLA, 8, 8);
- ty->base = base;
- ty->vla_len = len;
- return ty;
-Type *enum_type(void) {
- return new_type(TY_ENUM, 4, 4);
-Type *struct_type(void) {
- return new_type(TY_STRUCT, 0, 1);
-static Type *get_common_type(Type *ty1, Type *ty2) {
- if (ty1->base)
- return pointer_to(ty1->base);
- if (ty1->kind == TY_FUNC)
- return pointer_to(ty1);
- if (ty2->kind == TY_FUNC)
- return pointer_to(ty2);
- if (ty1->kind == TY_LDOUBLE || ty2->kind == TY_LDOUBLE)
- return ty_ldouble;
- if (ty1->kind == TY_DOUBLE || ty2->kind == TY_DOUBLE)
- return ty_double;
- if (ty1->kind == TY_FLOAT || ty2->kind == TY_FLOAT)
- return ty_float;
- if (ty1->size < 4)
- ty1 = ty_int;
- if (ty2->size < 4)
- ty2 = ty_int;
- if (ty1->size != ty2->size)
- return (ty1->size < ty2->size) ? ty2 : ty1;
- if (ty2->is_unsigned)
- return ty2;
- return ty1;
-// For many binary operators, we implicitly promote operands so that
-// both operands have the same type. Any integral type smaller than
-// int is always promoted to int. If the type of one operand is larger
-// than the other's (e.g. "long" vs. "int"), the smaller operand will
-// be promoted to match with the other.
-// This operation is called the "usual arithmetic conversion".
-static void usual_arith_conv(Node **lhs, Node **rhs) {
- Type *ty = get_common_type((*lhs)->ty, (*rhs)->ty);
- *lhs = new_cast(*lhs, ty);
- *rhs = new_cast(*rhs, ty);
-void add_type(Node *node) {
- if (!node || node->ty)
- return;
- add_type(node->lhs);
- add_type(node->rhs);
- add_type(node->cond);
- add_type(node->then);
- add_type(node->els);
- add_type(node->init);
- add_type(node->inc);
- for (Node *n = node->body; n; n = n->next)
- add_type(n);
- for (Node *n = node->args; n; n = n->next)
- add_type(n);
- switch (node->kind) {
- case ND_NUM:
- node->ty = ty_int;
- return;
- case ND_ADD:
- case ND_SUB:
- case ND_MUL:
- case ND_DIV:
- case ND_MOD:
- case ND_BITAND:
- case ND_BITOR:
- case ND_BITXOR:
- usual_arith_conv(&node->lhs, &node->rhs);
- node->ty = node->lhs->ty;
- return;
- case ND_NEG: {
- Type *ty = get_common_type(ty_int, node->lhs->ty);
- node->lhs = new_cast(node->lhs, ty);
- node->ty = ty;
- return;
- }
- case ND_ASSIGN:
- if (node->lhs->ty->kind == TY_ARRAY)
- error_tok(node->lhs->tok, "not an lvalue");
- if (node->lhs->ty->kind != TY_STRUCT)
- node->rhs = new_cast(node->rhs, node->lhs->ty);
- node->ty = node->lhs->ty;
- return;
- case ND_EQ:
- case ND_NE:
- case ND_LT:
- case ND_LE:
- usual_arith_conv(&node->lhs, &node->rhs);
- node->ty = ty_int;
- return;
- case ND_FUNCALL:
- node->ty = node->func_ty->return_ty;
- return;
- case ND_NOT:
- case ND_LOGOR:
- case ND_LOGAND:
- node->ty = ty_int;
- return;
- case ND_BITNOT:
- case ND_SHL:
- case ND_SHR:
- node->ty = node->lhs->ty;
- return;
- case ND_VAR:
- case ND_VLA_PTR:
- node->ty = node->var->ty;
- return;
- case ND_COND:
- if (node->then->ty->kind == TY_VOID || node->els->ty->kind == TY_VOID) {
- node->ty = ty_void;
- } else {
- usual_arith_conv(&node->then, &node->els);
- node->ty = node->then->ty;
- }
- return;
- case ND_COMMA:
- node->ty = node->rhs->ty;
- return;
- case ND_MEMBER:
- node->ty = node->member->ty;
- return;
- case ND_ADDR: {
- Type *ty = node->lhs->ty;
- if (ty->kind == TY_ARRAY)
- node->ty = pointer_to(ty->base);
- else
- node->ty = pointer_to(ty);
- return;
- }
- case ND_DEREF:
- if (!node->lhs->ty->base)
- error_tok(node->tok, "invalid pointer dereference");
- if (node->lhs->ty->base->kind == TY_VOID)
- error_tok(node->tok, "dereferencing a void pointer");
- node->ty = node->lhs->ty->base;
- return;
- case ND_STMT_EXPR:
- if (node->body) {
- Node *stmt = node->body;
- while (stmt->next)
- stmt = stmt->next;
- if (stmt->kind == ND_EXPR_STMT) {
- node->ty = stmt->lhs->ty;
- return;
- }
- }
- error_tok(node->tok, "statement expression returning void is not supported");
- return;
- case ND_LABEL_VAL:
- node->ty = pointer_to(ty_void);
- return;
- case ND_CAS:
- add_type(node->cas_addr);
- add_type(node->cas_old);
- add_type(node->cas_new);
- node->ty = ty_bool;
- if (node->cas_addr->ty->kind != TY_PTR)
- error_tok(node->cas_addr->tok, "pointer expected");
- if (node->cas_old->ty->kind != TY_PTR)
- error_tok(node->cas_old->tok, "pointer expected");
- return;
- case ND_EXCH:
- if (node->lhs->ty->kind != TY_PTR)
- error_tok(node->cas_addr->tok, "pointer expected");
- node->ty = node->lhs->ty->base;
- return;
- }