local util = require 'lspconfig.util' return { default_config = { cmd = { 'smarty-language-server', '--stdio' }, filetypes = { 'smarty' }, root_dir = function(pattern) local cwd = vim.loop.cwd() local root = util.root_pattern('composer.json', '.git')(pattern) -- prefer cwd if root is a descendant return util.path.is_descendant(cwd, root) and cwd or root end, settings = { smarty = { pluginDirs = {}, }, css = { validate = true, }, }, init_options = { storageDir = nil, }, }, docs = { description = [[ https://github.com/landeaux/vscode-smarty-langserver-extracted Language server for Smarty. `smarty-language-server` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm i -g vscode-smarty-langserver-extracted ``` ]], }, }