local util = require 'lspconfig.util' return { default_config = { filetypes = { 'nelua' }, root_dir = util.root_pattern('Makefile', '.git', '*.nelua'), single_file_support = true, }, docs = { description = [[ https://github.com/codehz/nelua-lsp nelua-lsp is an experimental nelua language server. You need [nelua.vim](https://github.com/stefanos82/nelua.vim/blob/main/ftdetect/nelua.vim) for nelua files to be recognized or add this to your config: in vimscript: ```vimscript au BufNewFile,BufRead *.nelua setf nelua ``` in lua: ```lua vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufNewFile", "BufRead" }, { pattern = { "*.nelua" }, command = "setf nelua"}) ``` **By default, nelua-lsp doesn't have a `cmd` set.** This is because nvim-lspconfig does not make assumptions about your path. You must add the following to your init.vim or init.lua to set `cmd` to the absolute path ($HOME and ~ are not expanded) of the unzipped run script or binary. ```lua require'lspconfig'.nelua_lsp.setup { cmd = { "nelua", "-L", "/path/to/nelua-lsp/", "--script", "/path/to/nelua-lsp/nelua-lsp.lua" }, } ``` ]], }, }