return { default_config = { root_dir = function(fname, _) return require('lspconfig').util.root_pattern('.git', '.obsidian', '.moxide.toml')(fname) end, filetypes = { 'markdown' }, single_file_support = true, cmd = { 'markdown-oxide' }, }, docs = { description = [[ Editor Agnostic PKM: you bring the text editor and we bring the PKM. Inspired by and compatible with Obsidian. Check the readme to see how to properly setup. ]], }, commands = { Today = { function() vim.lsp.buf.execute_command { command = 'jump', arguments = { 'today' } } end, description = "Open today's daily note", }, Tomorrow = { function() vim.lsp.buf.execute_command { command = 'jump', arguments = { 'tomorrow' } } end, description = "Open tomorrow's daily note", }, Yesterday = { function() vim.lsp.buf.execute_command { command = 'jump', arguments = { 'yesterday' } } end, description = "Open yesterday's daily note", }, }, }