local util = require 'lspconfig.util' local bin_name = 'ds-pinyin-lsp' if vim.fn.has 'win32' == 1 then bin_name = bin_name .. '.exe' end local function ds_pinyin_lsp_off(bufnr) bufnr = util.validate_bufnr(bufnr) local ds_pinyin_lsp_client = util.get_active_client_by_name(bufnr, 'ds_pinyin_lsp') if ds_pinyin_lsp_client then ds_pinyin_lsp_client.notify('$/turn/completion', { ['completion_on'] = false, }) else vim.notify 'notification $/turn/completion is not supported by any servers active on the current buffer' end end local function ds_pinyin_lsp_on(bufnr) bufnr = util.validate_bufnr(bufnr) local ds_pinyin_lsp_client = util.get_active_client_by_name(bufnr, 'ds_pinyin_lsp') if ds_pinyin_lsp_client then ds_pinyin_lsp_client.notify('$/turn/completion', { ['completion_on'] = true, }) else vim.notify 'notification $/turn/completion is not supported by any servers active on the current buffer' end end return { default_config = { cmd = { bin_name }, filetypes = { 'markdown', 'org' }, root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor, single_file_support = true, init_options = { completion_on = true, show_symbols = true, show_symbols_only_follow_by_hanzi = false, show_symbols_by_n_times = 0, match_as_same_as_input = true, match_long_input = true, max_suggest = 15, }, }, commands = { DsPinyinCompletionOff = { function() ds_pinyin_lsp_off(0) end, description = 'Turn off the ds-pinyin-lsp completion', }, DsPinyinCompletionOn = { function() ds_pinyin_lsp_on(0) end, description = 'Turn on the ds-pinyin-lsp completion', }, }, docs = { description = [=[ https://github.com/iamcco/ds-pinyin-lsp Dead simple Pinyin language server for input Chinese without IME(input method). To install, download the latest [release](https://github.com/iamcco/ds-pinyin-lsp/releases) and ensure `ds-pinyin-lsp` is on your path. And make ensure the database file `dict.db3` is also downloaded. And put the path to `dict.dbs` in the following code. ```lua require('lspconfig').ds_pinyin_lsp.setup { init_options = { db_path = "your_path_to_database" } } ``` ]=], }, }