local util = require 'lspconfig.util' local async = require 'lspconfig.async' local api, validate, lsp, uv, fn = vim.api, vim.validate, vim.lsp, vim.loop, vim.fn local tbl_deep_extend = vim.tbl_deep_extend local configs = {} --- @class lspconfig.Config : vim.lsp.ClientConfig --- @field enabled? boolean --- @field single_file_support? boolean --- @field filetypes? string[] --- @field filetype? string --- @field on_new_config? function --- @field autostart? boolean --- @field package _on_attach? fun(client: vim.lsp.Client, bufnr: integer) --- @param cmd any local function sanitize_cmd(cmd) if cmd and type(cmd) == 'table' and not vim.tbl_isempty(cmd) then local original = cmd[1] cmd[1] = vim.fn.exepath(cmd[1]) if #cmd[1] == 0 then cmd[1] = original end end end function configs.__newindex(t, config_name, config_def) validate { name = { config_name, 's' }, default_config = { config_def.default_config, 't' }, on_new_config = { config_def.on_new_config, 'f', true }, on_attach = { config_def.on_attach, 'f', true }, commands = { config_def.commands, 't', true }, } if config_def.default_config.deprecate then vim.deprecate( config_name, config_def.default_config.deprecate.to, config_def.default_config.deprecate.version, 'lspconfig', false ) end if config_def.commands then for k, v in pairs(config_def.commands) do validate { ['command.name'] = { k, 's' }, ['command.fn'] = { v[1], 'f' }, } end else config_def.commands = {} end local M = {} local default_config = tbl_deep_extend('keep', config_def.default_config, util.default_config) -- Force this part. default_config.name = config_name --- @param user_config lspconfig.Config function M.setup(user_config) local lsp_group = api.nvim_create_augroup('lspconfig', { clear = false }) validate { cmd = { user_config.cmd, { 'f', 't' }, true, }, root_dir = { user_config.root_dir, 'f', true }, filetypes = { user_config.filetype, 't', true }, on_new_config = { user_config.on_new_config, 'f', true }, on_attach = { user_config.on_attach, 'f', true }, commands = { user_config.commands, 't', true }, } if user_config.commands then for k, v in pairs(user_config.commands) do validate { ['command.name'] = { k, 's' }, ['command.fn'] = { v[1], 'f' }, } end end local config = tbl_deep_extend('keep', user_config, default_config) sanitize_cmd(config.cmd) if util.on_setup then pcall(util.on_setup, config, user_config) end if config.autostart == true then local event_conf = config.filetypes and { event = 'FileType', pattern = config.filetypes } or { event = 'BufReadPost' } api.nvim_create_autocmd(event_conf.event, { pattern = event_conf.pattern or '*', callback = function(opt) M.manager:try_add(opt.buf) end, group = lsp_group, desc = string.format( 'Checks whether server %s should start a new instance or attach to an existing one.', config.name ), }) end local get_root_dir = config.root_dir function M.launch(bufnr) bufnr = bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf() if not api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then return end local bufname = api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) if (#bufname == 0 and not config.single_file_support) or (#bufname ~= 0 and not util.bufname_valid(bufname)) then return end local pwd = uv.cwd() async.run(function() local root_dir if get_root_dir then root_dir = get_root_dir(util.path.sanitize(bufname), bufnr) async.reenter() if not api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then return end end if root_dir then api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufReadPost', { pattern = fn.fnameescape(root_dir) .. '/*', callback = function(arg) if #M.manager:clients() == 0 then return true end M.manager:try_add_wrapper(arg.buf, root_dir) end, group = lsp_group, desc = string.format( 'Checks whether server %s should attach to a newly opened buffer inside workspace %q.', config.name, root_dir ), }) for _, buf in ipairs(api.nvim_list_bufs()) do local buf_name = api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf) if util.bufname_valid(buf_name) then local buf_dir = util.path.sanitize(buf_name) if buf_dir:sub(1, root_dir:len()) == root_dir then M.manager:try_add_wrapper(buf, root_dir) end end end elseif config.single_file_support then -- This allows on_new_config to use the parent directory of the file -- Effectively this is the root from lspconfig's perspective, as we use -- this to attach additional files in the same parent folder to the same server. -- We just no longer send rootDirectory or workspaceFolders during initialization. if not api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) or (#bufname ~= 0 and not util.bufname_valid(bufname)) then return end local pseudo_root = #bufname == 0 and pwd or util.path.dirname(util.path.sanitize(bufname)) M.manager:add(pseudo_root, true, bufnr) end end) end -- Used by :LspInfo M.get_root_dir = get_root_dir M.filetypes = config.filetypes M.handlers = config.handlers M.cmd = config.cmd M.autostart = config.autostart -- In the case of a reload, close existing things. local reload = false if M.manager then for _, client in ipairs(M.manager:clients()) do client.stop(true) end reload = true M.manager = nil end local make_config = function(root_dir) local new_config = tbl_deep_extend('keep', vim.empty_dict(), config) --[[@as lspconfig.Config]] new_config.capabilities = tbl_deep_extend('keep', new_config.capabilities, { workspace = { configuration = true, }, }) if config_def.on_new_config then pcall(config_def.on_new_config, new_config, root_dir) end if config.on_new_config then pcall(config.on_new_config, new_config, root_dir) end new_config.on_init = util.add_hook_after(new_config.on_init, function(client, result) -- Handle offset encoding by default if result.offsetEncoding then client.offset_encoding = result.offsetEncoding end -- Send `settings` to server via workspace/didChangeConfiguration function client.workspace_did_change_configuration(settings) if not settings then return end if vim.tbl_isempty(settings) then settings = { [vim.type_idx] = vim.types.dictionary } end return client.notify('workspace/didChangeConfiguration', { settings = settings, }) end end) -- Save the old _on_attach so that we can reference it via the BufEnter. new_config._on_attach = new_config.on_attach new_config.on_attach = function(client, bufnr) if bufnr == api.nvim_get_current_buf() then M._setup_buffer(client.id, bufnr) else if api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', { callback = function() M._setup_buffer(client.id, bufnr) end, group = lsp_group, buffer = bufnr, once = true, desc = 'Reattaches the server with the updated configurations if changed.', }) end end end new_config.root_dir = root_dir new_config.workspace_folders = { { uri = vim.uri_from_fname(root_dir), name = string.format('%s', root_dir), }, } return new_config end local manager = require('lspconfig.manager').new(config, make_config) M.manager = manager M.make_config = make_config if reload and config.autostart ~= false then for _, bufnr in ipairs(api.nvim_list_bufs()) do manager:try_add_wrapper(bufnr) end end end function M._setup_buffer(client_id, bufnr) local client = lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id) if not client then return end local config = client.config --[[@as lspconfig.Config]] if config._on_attach then config._on_attach(client, bufnr) end if client.config.commands and not vim.tbl_isempty(client.config.commands) then M.commands = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', M.commands, client.config.commands) end if not M.commands_created and not vim.tbl_isempty(M.commands) then util.create_module_commands(config_name, M.commands) end end M.commands = config_def.commands M.name = config_name M.document_config = config_def rawset(t, config_name, M) end return setmetatable({}, configs)