local util = require 'lspconfig.util' local bin_name = 'remark-language-server' local cmd = { bin_name, '--stdio' } if vim.fn.has 'win32' == 1 then cmd = { 'cmd.exe', '/C', bin_name, '--stdio' } end return { default_config = { cmd = cmd, filetypes = { 'markdown' }, root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor, single_file_support = true, }, docs = { description = [[ https://github.com/remarkjs/remark-language-server `remark-language-server` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm install -g remark-language-server ``` `remark-language-server` uses the same [configuration files](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/tree/main/packages/remark-cli#example-config-files-json-yaml-js) as `remark-cli`. This uses a plugin based system. Each plugin needs to be installed locally using `npm` or `yarn`. For example, given the following `.remarkrc.json`: ```json { "presets": [ "remark-preset-lint-recommended" ] } ``` `remark-preset-lint-recommended` needs to be installed in the local project: ```sh npm install remark-preset-lint-recommended ``` ]], }, }