path: root/start/lspconfig-0.1.8/lua/lspconfig/ui
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'start/lspconfig-0.1.8/lua/lspconfig/ui')
2 files changed, 498 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/start/lspconfig-0.1.8/lua/lspconfig/ui/lspinfo.lua b/start/lspconfig-0.1.8/lua/lspconfig/ui/lspinfo.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..886014a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/start/lspconfig-0.1.8/lua/lspconfig/ui/lspinfo.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+local api, fn = vim.api, vim.fn
+local windows = require ''
+local util = require 'lspconfig.util'
+local error_messages = {
+ cmd_not_found = 'Unable to find executable. Please check your path and ensure the server is installed',
+ no_filetype_defined = 'No filetypes defined, Please define filetypes in setup()',
+ root_dir_not_found = 'Not found.',
+ async_root_dir_function = 'Asynchronous root_dir functions are not supported in :LspInfo',
+local helptags = {
+ [error_messages.no_filetype_defined] = { 'lspconfig-setup' },
+ [error_messages.root_dir_not_found] = { 'lspconfig-root-detection' },
+local function trim_blankspace(cmd)
+ local trimmed_cmd = {}
+ for _, str in ipairs(cmd) do
+ trimmed_cmd[#trimmed_cmd + 1] = str:match '^%s*(.*)'
+ end
+ return trimmed_cmd
+local function indent_lines(lines, offset)
+ return vim.tbl_map(function(val)
+ return offset .. val
+ end, lines)
+local function remove_newlines(cmd)
+ cmd = trim_blankspace(cmd)
+ cmd = table.concat(cmd, ' ')
+ cmd = vim.split(cmd, '\n')
+ cmd = trim_blankspace(cmd)
+ cmd = table.concat(cmd, ' ')
+ return cmd
+local cmd_type = {
+ ['function'] = function(_)
+ return '<function>', 'NA'
+ end,
+ ['table'] = function(config)
+ local cmd = remove_newlines(config.cmd)
+ if vim.fn.executable(config.cmd[1]) == 1 then
+ return cmd, 'true'
+ end
+ return cmd, error_messages.cmd_not_found
+ end,
+local function make_config_info(config, bufnr)
+ local config_info = {}
+ =
+ config_info.helptags = {}
+ if config.cmd then
+ config_info.cmd, config_info.cmd_is_executable = cmd_type[type(config.cmd)](config)
+ else
+ config_info.cmd = 'cmd not defined'
+ config_info.cmd_is_executable = 'NA'
+ end
+ local buffer_dir = api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function()
+ return vim.fn.expand '%:p:h'
+ end)
+ if config.get_root_dir then
+ local root_dir
+ local co = coroutine.create(function()
+ local status, err = pcall(function()
+ root_dir = config.get_root_dir(buffer_dir)
+ end)
+ if not status then
+ vim.notify(('[lspconfig] unhandled error: %s'):format(tostring(err), vim.log.levels.WARN))
+ end
+ end)
+ coroutine.resume(co)
+ if root_dir then
+ config_info.root_dir = root_dir
+ elseif coroutine.status(co) == 'suspended' then
+ config_info.root_dir = error_messages.async_root_dir_function
+ else
+ config_info.root_dir = error_messages.root_dir_not_found
+ end
+ else
+ config_info.root_dir = error_messages.root_dir_not_found
+ vim.list_extend(config_info.helptags, helptags[error_messages.root_dir_not_found])
+ end
+ config_info.autostart = (config.autostart and 'true') or 'false'
+ config_info.handlers = table.concat(vim.tbl_keys(config.handlers), ', ')
+ config_info.filetypes = table.concat(config.filetypes or {}, ', ')
+ local lines = {
+ 'Config: ' ..,
+ }
+ local info_lines = {
+ 'filetypes: ' .. config_info.filetypes,
+ 'root directory: ' .. config_info.root_dir,
+ 'cmd: ' .. config_info.cmd,
+ 'cmd is executable: ' .. config_info.cmd_is_executable,
+ 'autostart: ' .. config_info.autostart,
+ 'custom handlers: ' .. config_info.handlers,
+ }
+ if vim.tbl_count(config_info.helptags) > 0 then
+ local help = vim.tbl_map(function(helptag)
+ return string.format(':h %s', helptag)
+ end, config_info.helptags)
+ info_lines = vim.list_extend({
+ 'Refer to ' .. table.concat(help, ', ') .. ' for help.',
+ }, info_lines)
+ end
+ vim.list_extend(lines, indent_lines(info_lines, '\t'))
+ return lines
+---@param client vim.lsp.Client
+---@param fname string
+local function make_client_info(client, fname)
+ local client_info = {}
+ client_info.cmd = cmd_type[type(client.config.cmd)](client.config)
+ local workspace_folders = fn.has 'nvim-0.9' == 1 and client.workspace_folders or client.workspaceFolders
+ local uv = vim.loop
+ local is_windows = uv.os_uname().version:match 'Windows'
+ fname = uv.fs_realpath(fname) or fn.fnamemodify(fn.resolve(fname), ':p')
+ if is_windows then
+ fname:gsub('%/', '%\\')
+ end
+ if workspace_folders then
+ for _, schema in ipairs(workspace_folders) do
+ local matched = true
+ local root_dir = uv.fs_realpath(
+ if root_dir == nil or fname:sub(1, root_dir:len()) ~= root_dir then
+ matched = false
+ end
+ if matched then
+ client_info.root_dir =
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not client_info.root_dir then
+ client_info.root_dir = 'Running in single file mode.'
+ end
+ client_info.filetypes = table.concat(client.config.filetypes or {}, ', ')
+ client_info.autostart = (client.config.autostart and 'true') or 'false'
+ client_info.attached_buffers_list = table.concat(vim.lsp.get_buffers_by_client_id(, ', ')
+ local lines = {
+ '',
+ 'Client: '
+ ..
+ .. ' (id: '
+ .. tostring(
+ .. ', bufnr: ['
+ .. client_info.attached_buffers_list
+ .. '])',
+ }
+ local info_lines = {
+ 'filetypes: ' .. client_info.filetypes,
+ 'autostart: ' .. client_info.autostart,
+ 'root directory: ' .. client_info.root_dir,
+ 'cmd: ' .. client_info.cmd,
+ }
+ if client.config.lspinfo then
+ local server_specific_info = client.config.lspinfo(client.config)
+ info_lines = vim.list_extend(info_lines, server_specific_info)
+ end
+ vim.list_extend(lines, indent_lines(info_lines, '\t'))
+ return lines
+return function()
+ -- These options need to be cached before switching to the floating
+ -- buffer.
+ local original_bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
+ local buf_clients = util.get_lsp_clients { bufnr = original_bufnr }
+ local clients = util.get_lsp_clients()
+ local buffer_filetype =
+ local fname = api.nvim_buf_get_name(original_bufnr)
+ windows.default_options.wrap = true
+ windows.default_options.breakindent = true
+ windows.default_options.breakindentopt = 'shift:25'
+ windows.default_options.showbreak = 'NONE'
+ local win_info = windows.percentage_range_window(0.8, 0.7)
+ local bufnr, win_id = win_info.bufnr, win_info.win_id
+ = 'wipe'
+ local buf_lines = {}
+ local buf_client_ids = {}
+ for _, client in ipairs(buf_clients) do
+ buf_client_ids[#buf_client_ids + 1] =
+ end
+ local other_active_clients = {}
+ for _, client in ipairs(clients) do
+ if not vim.tbl_contains(buf_client_ids, then
+ other_active_clients[#other_active_clients + 1] = client
+ end
+ end
+ -- insert the tips at the top of window
+ buf_lines[#buf_lines + 1] = 'Press q or <Esc> to close this window. Press <Tab> to view server doc.'
+ local header = {
+ '',
+ 'Language client log: ' .. (vim.lsp.get_log_path()),
+ 'Detected filetype: ' .. buffer_filetype,
+ }
+ vim.list_extend(buf_lines, header)
+ local buffer_clients_header = {
+ '',
+ tostring(#vim.tbl_keys(buf_clients)) .. ' client(s) attached to this buffer: ',
+ }
+ vim.list_extend(buf_lines, buffer_clients_header)
+ for _, client in ipairs(buf_clients) do
+ local client_info = make_client_info(client, fname)
+ vim.list_extend(buf_lines, client_info)
+ end
+ local other_active_section_header = {
+ '',
+ tostring(#other_active_clients) .. ' active client(s) not attached to this buffer: ',
+ }
+ if not vim.tbl_isempty(other_active_clients) then
+ vim.list_extend(buf_lines, other_active_section_header)
+ end
+ for _, client in ipairs(other_active_clients) do
+ local client_info = make_client_info(client, fname)
+ vim.list_extend(buf_lines, client_info)
+ end
+ local other_matching_configs_header = {
+ '',
+ 'Other clients that match the filetype: ' .. buffer_filetype,
+ '',
+ }
+ local other_matching_configs = util.get_other_matching_providers(buffer_filetype)
+ if not vim.tbl_isempty(other_matching_configs) then
+ vim.list_extend(buf_lines, other_matching_configs_header)
+ for _, config in ipairs(other_matching_configs) do
+ vim.list_extend(buf_lines, make_config_info(config, original_bufnr))
+ end
+ end
+ local matching_config_header = {
+ '',
+ 'Configured servers list: ' .. table.concat(util.available_servers(), ', '),
+ }
+ vim.list_extend(buf_lines, matching_config_header)
+ local fmt_buf_lines = indent_lines(buf_lines, ' ')
+ api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, true, fmt_buf_lines)
+ = false
+ = 'lspinfo'
+ local augroup = api.nvim_create_augroup('lspinfo', { clear = false })
+ local function close()
+ api.nvim_clear_autocmds { group = augroup, buffer = bufnr }
+ if api.nvim_win_is_valid(win_id) then
+ api.nvim_win_close(win_id, true)
+ end
+ end
+ vim.keymap.set('n', '<ESC>', close, { buffer = bufnr, nowait = true })
+ vim.keymap.set('n', 'q', close, { buffer = bufnr, nowait = true })
+ api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufDelete', 'BufHidden' }, {
+ once = true,
+ buffer = bufnr,
+ callback = close,
+ group = augroup,
+ })
+ vim.fn.matchadd(
+ 'Error',
+ error_messages.no_filetype_defined
+ .. '.\\|'
+ .. 'cmd not defined\\|'
+ .. error_messages.cmd_not_found
+ .. '\\|'
+ .. error_messages.root_dir_not_found
+ )
+ vim.cmd [[
+ syn keyword String true
+ syn keyword Error false
+ syn match LspInfoFiletypeList /\<filetypes\?:\s*\zs.*\ze/ contains=LspInfoFiletype
+ syn match LspInfoFiletype /\k\+/ contained
+ syn match LspInfoTitle /^\s*\%(Client\|Config\):\s*\zs\S\+\ze/
+ syn match LspInfoListList /^\s*Configured servers list:\s*\zs.*\ze/ contains=LspInfoList
+ syn match LspInfoList /\S\+/ contained
+ ]]
+ api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, 0, 'LspInfoTip', 0, 0, -1)
+ local function show_doc()
+ local lines = {}
+ local function append_lines(config)
+ if not config then
+ return
+ end
+ local desc = vim.tbl_get(config, 'document_config', 'docs', 'description')
+ if desc then
+ lines[#lines + 1] = string.format('# %s',
+ lines[#lines + 1] = ''
+ vim.list_extend(lines, vim.split(desc, '\n'))
+ lines[#lines + 1] = ''
+ end
+ end
+ lines[#lines + 1] = 'Press <Tab> to close server info.'
+ lines[#lines + 1] = ''
+ for _, client in ipairs(buf_clients) do
+ local config = require('lspconfig.configs')[]
+ append_lines(config)
+ end
+ for _, config in ipairs(other_matching_configs) do
+ append_lines(config)
+ end
+ local info = windows.percentage_range_window(0.8, 0.7)
+ lines = indent_lines(lines, ' ')
+ api.nvim_buf_set_lines(info.bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines)
+ api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(info.bufnr, 0, 'LspInfoTip', 0, 0, -1)
+[info.bufnr].filetype = 'markdown'
+[info.bufnr].syntax = 'on'
+ vim.wo[info.win_id].concealcursor = 'niv'
+ vim.wo[info.win_id].conceallevel = 2
+ vim.wo[info.win_id].breakindent = false
+ vim.wo[info.win_id].breakindentopt = ''
+ local function close_doc_win()
+ if api.nvim_win_is_valid(info.win_id) then
+ api.nvim_win_close(info.win_id, true)
+ end
+ end
+ vim.keymap.set('n', '<TAB>', close_doc_win, { buffer = info.bufnr })
+ end
+ vim.keymap.set('n', '<TAB>', show_doc, { buffer = true, nowait = true })
diff --git a/start/lspconfig-0.1.8/lua/lspconfig/ui/windows.lua b/start/lspconfig-0.1.8/lua/lspconfig/ui/windows.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc02c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/start/lspconfig-0.1.8/lua/lspconfig/ui/windows.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+-- The following is extracted and modified from plenary.vnim by
+-- TJ Devries. It is not a stable API, and is expected to change
+local api = vim.api
+local function apply_defaults(original, defaults)
+ if original == nil then
+ original = {}
+ end
+ original = vim.deepcopy(original)
+ for k, v in pairs(defaults) do
+ if original[k] == nil then
+ original[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return original
+local win_float = {}
+win_float.default_options = {}
+function win_float.default_opts(options)
+ options = apply_defaults(options, { percentage = 0.9 })
+ local width = math.floor(vim.o.columns * options.percentage)
+ local height = math.floor(vim.o.lines * options.percentage)
+ local top = math.floor(((vim.o.lines - height) / 2))
+ local left = math.floor((vim.o.columns - width) / 2)
+ local opts = {
+ relative = 'editor',
+ row = top,
+ col = left,
+ width = width,
+ height = height,
+ style = 'minimal',
+ border = {
+ { ' ', 'NormalFloat' },
+ { ' ', 'NormalFloat' },
+ { ' ', 'NormalFloat' },
+ { ' ', 'NormalFloat' },
+ { ' ', 'NormalFloat' },
+ { ' ', 'NormalFloat' },
+ { ' ', 'NormalFloat' },
+ { ' ', 'NormalFloat' },
+ },
+ }
+ opts.border = options.border and options.border
+ return opts
+--- Create window that takes up certain percentags of the current screen.
+--- Works regardless of current buffers, tabs, splits, etc.
+--@param col_range number | Table:
+-- If number, then center the window taking up this percentage of the screen.
+-- If table, first index should be start, second_index should be end
+--@param row_range number | Table:
+-- If number, then center the window taking up this percentage of the screen.
+-- If table, first index should be start, second_index should be end
+function win_float.percentage_range_window(col_range, row_range, options)
+ options = apply_defaults(options, win_float.default_options)
+ local win_opts = win_float.default_opts(options)
+ win_opts.relative = 'editor'
+ local height_percentage, row_start_percentage
+ if type(row_range) == 'number' then
+ assert(row_range <= 1)
+ assert(row_range > 0)
+ height_percentage = row_range
+ row_start_percentage = (1 - height_percentage) / 3
+ elseif type(row_range) == 'table' then
+ height_percentage = row_range[2] - row_range[1]
+ row_start_percentage = row_range[1]
+ else
+ error(string.format("Invalid type for 'row_range': %p", row_range))
+ end
+ win_opts.height = math.ceil(vim.o.lines * height_percentage)
+ win_opts.row = math.ceil(vim.o.lines * row_start_percentage)
+ win_opts.border = options.border or 'none'
+ local width_percentage, col_start_percentage
+ if type(col_range) == 'number' then
+ assert(col_range <= 1)
+ assert(col_range > 0)
+ width_percentage = col_range
+ col_start_percentage = (1 - width_percentage) / 2
+ elseif type(col_range) == 'table' then
+ width_percentage = col_range[2] - col_range[1]
+ col_start_percentage = col_range[1]
+ else
+ error(string.format("Invalid type for 'col_range': %p", col_range))
+ end
+ win_opts.col = math.floor(vim.o.columns * col_start_percentage)
+ win_opts.width = math.floor(vim.o.columns * width_percentage)
+ local bufnr = options.bufnr or api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
+ local win_id = api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, win_opts)
+ api.nvim_win_set_option(win_id, 'winhl', 'FloatBorder:LspInfoBorder')
+ for k, v in pairs(win_float.default_options) do
+ if k ~= 'border' then
+ vim.opt_local[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ api.nvim_win_set_buf(win_id, bufnr)
+ api.nvim_win_set_option(win_id, 'cursorcolumn', false)
+ api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'tabstop', 2)
+ api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'shiftwidth', 2)
+ return {
+ bufnr = bufnr,
+ win_id = win_id,
+ }
+return win_float